
Serin had a hard time finding his black panther.

There are so many trees so his neck hurts whenever he raises his head. Fortunately, a loud purr sounded when he called again for the fifth time.


The black panther lazily stares down.

Serin knew that Vlasta is having a good rest so he pouted and said, "Forget it, I will find Vermont!"

Letting out a hump, he turned around and called out his other panther.

Vlasta watches the human cub walk away, not in the mood to coax. He let out another purr and close his eyes to continue his interrupted sleep.

Serin who walked away came across to Vermont.

"Hey! Vermont come with me my wife wanted to see you!"

Unlike Vlasta, Vermont happily rubs his head when he saw the human cub. Vermont liked Serin's breath so much that he treated the human cub as his own. So when Serin reaches his body, Vermont lowered down to let Serin climb on him.

"Let's go!"

Sitting firmly on the back of the huge panther.

Serin happily patted it and the black panther ran at a moderate speed.

It didn't take long for Serin to go back so when he took a glimpse of Xanric he also saw the black python around, wrapping Xanric. The black panther growled and put Serin down five meters away, refusing the existence of the black python.

However, the black python who heard the black panther's growl raise his head and his sharp eyes lock the black panther.

Seeing that it was the annoying black panther, he hissed and ignore Vermont.

Serin had no idea about the interactions between the two animals. Because his focus is Xanric who is happily looking at the black panther and praising his favorite pet. Serin feels proud because his pet is as cool as him!

"Wow, it's beautiful!"

Xanric left the black python and circled around the proud black panther.

"This is my pet! His name is Vermont, I have another one and he is Vlasta! But Vlasta is too lazy and would sometimes just ignore me! Hmp."

"Can I touch Vermont?"

Serin raises his chin, "Of course! You can touch him wherever you want."

The black panther looks at Xanric in disgust when he senses a familiar cunning aura. The human cub's touch seems to burn his skin and couldn't help but step back.

He doesn't like this cub!

He doesn't like that snake!

"Ah?" Xanric shows a disappointed look when the black panther started to avoid his hand.

Serin is confused because Vermont is more friendly than Vlasta but why does he refuse to be touched now? It's making his future wife sad!

"Xanric forget it, Vermont is hunting when I disturb him, he probably wanted to leave after sending me back."


Xanric feels sad and looks back at the black python who is more friendly to him.

The black python seems to feel his sadness and the original calm eyes turn sharp. He hissed and used his body to wrap the black panther in anger, wanting to suffocate it.

The black panther is surprised and threatened.

Serin: "!!!"

Xanric: "!!!"

Servants who are watching: "!!!"

"No! don't kill my pet!"

Serin screamed and started to cry. He runs towards the bad black snake and hit it, wanting to save his pet. The caretaker almost collapses when he witnesses what happened. The scream of the servants attracted the attention of other people outside the exclusive zone and hurriedly run in the direction where the noise came from.

They saw a shocking scene.

The usual quiet black python actually preyed on the black panther that their little master cherished the most!

Sion stopped playing with the tiger, the same as Eins and Mittel when they heard various exclamations.

Seeing that their friend is crying, they want to go there too but the animals beside them let out a loud roar and suppressed them from stepping away.

The white tiger though hated the human cub in front of him, still protected Sion.

His big paw wrapped Sion's small body and keep near him while watching the black snake and panther.

Mittel wanted to help Serin beat the bad snake but the lion bit his clothes and carry him away, wanting to go back to his nest with the human cub to avoid danger. After all, animals here have their own territory and no other animals would dare to enter that area.

This human cub is safer there.

Eins on the other hand already step forward but was dragged back by the wolf.

The human cub with the same breath is too weak, it's dangerous to face the black snake who preyed on every animal they find to their taste.

Both three children are dumbfounded.

They tried to get away but the wild animals are strong and they were just a baby.

Inside the castle, Butler Yul who got the report almost fainted in fright. Both Qise and Serin could tame all animals but only this black python refuse to recognize people. The good thing is that this black python won't attack other animals or people as long as he is fed with the right amount that prevented him from being hungry.

But now?

It's attacking his little master's favorite pet!

If the black panther died wouldn't his little master feel sad?!

That can't happen!

There is more than one animal caretaker in the exclusive zone so when he arrived at the area he immediately orders the keepers to get the children back and started plan how to save the black panther.

Serin is still crying and Xanric feels bad.


Before the keepers took action in panic, the black snake loosen his body when Xanric shouted the name given to him.

To their surprise, the snake let go of the black panther and crawl towards Xanric, wrapping himself to the human cub gently, seemingly happy when he was called.

Serin who is crying is confused.

"Idris? Xanric did you give that bad snake a name?"

Xanric patted the big black snake and nodded.

"Yeah, Serin don't cry, Idris is just angry for me because the black panther hated me."


Serin stopped crying and look at the big black snake who tried to kill his beloved black panther. The black python also stares at Serin with an eye like a hunter and moves his tail to wrap Serin together with Xanric.

Everyone is surprised.

"This? Butler Yul, I think there's no need for rescue?"

Butler Yul is in dazed, "I think so too."

The black panther had already run away when he was freed.

Serin who accidentally touch the bad snake tremble in fear. He never like this big snake and this is the first time he had contact. If it weren't for Xanric beside him he will cry again and ask for help.

But no! His image was destroyed again!

I don't like this bad snake!

Pursing his lips, he leaned near Xanric, refusing to make contact with the black snake's body. But his action only made the black python more satisfied, after all, the human cub who had the same breath as him like this other human cub that looks so weak, so it was not bad to take this one as an offering.

"Idris, don't do that again. Vermont is Serin's pet and Serin is mine, I don't want him to be sad."

The black python hissed.

Xanric told the black snake that he will leave and would visit him again another time.

The black snake is reluctant but still let go and watches the two human cubs walk away before going back to his nest.

When Serin and Xanric came back with Rachelle and Butler Yul, they saw Sion, Ens, and Mittel playing in the main hall.


The three children stop what they're doing and greeted Serin, asking if he's okay or if his pet is injured. Serin didn't know too so he asked grandpa butler and was told that uncle caretaker would handle it.

Before Butler Yul leaves, he glances at Xanric probingly.

This child, being able to get along with a dangerous and aloof snake is something.

Sighing, he prevented himself from asking questions and left to report what happened to Qise.

Rachelle together with the other four maids held the children and told them to take a bad before eating. The children have the same body size and height so the newly arrived clothes were given away in an instant. It's a customized G-cosmic product and it has a mini-tracking device but giving one or four clothes is not a concern because the Dhallian could afford to lose a million.

While bathing, the children demand to swim in a pool.

Rachelle told them to finish washing up first before going and asked Butler Yul if the children could swim.

Butler Yul agrees but only for one hour to avoid the child from getting a cold.

"Serin, tomorrow we should play ball!"

Mittel throws the yellow duck.

"If we play ball then Xanric won't be able to join!"

Mittel paused and suddenly realize what Sion said, "It doesn't matter we can play with sand, let's create a castle!"

Eins nodded, "Yeah, let's make Serin's castle!"

Xanric let a sigh of relief and look at Serin who is busy playing with water.

"Then it's settled!"

Five kids play in the pool and after that Rachelle and others carry back the children and dressed them up before guiding them into the dining hall.

The seats are too tall for the children so they are lifted one by one.

Serin happily eat and would sometimes feed Xanric. Mittel looks envious so he drags Eins and feeds him too. Sion, this careless child eats by himself, swallowing the entire food on his plate before asking for another one.

And after the meal, the children entered the playroom.

In the afternoon, everyone is reluctant to go back and cry while saying that they will live in the castle forever.

Serin cries too and doesn't want his friends to go.

The servants are helpless.

A friendship that starts with a fight ended up having a strong bond than others.

Butler Yul is also coaxing the children.

Thankfully, Qise arrived early and order the servants to put the children inside the car and call each of one's parents.

When the children are gone, Qise scolded Serin.

"From now on you're not allowed to go in the exclusive zone without my permission!"

If it is back then, even if the animals are tame they still have tendencies to hurt others but now because of alpha and omegas pheromone, the animals would get the wrong idea that the human whom they sense had the same aura as them came from their race so they will get friendly.

Still, there are still dangers like that python.

Python is not like other animals who can get along with each other because, in the eyes of that snake, everyone is prey.

When they're hungry they will hunt animals and even humans.

So the best they can do is to feed the big python until full to avoid a bloodbath.

He allowed Serin to the exclusive zone because there are also a lot of herbivorous animals he can play with but he has forgotten that some wild animals mark Serin's smell and would come near Serin whenever they notice his existence to play.

Especially the black panthers.

"Qise I want to ask if we had dragons?"

Qise: "???"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because Sion and others said that if I have a castle then I should have dragons too!"

Qise: "!!!" Host calm down, you're not in a fantasy world!

"Dragons only exist in fairytales."

"But aren't my castle too?"

"Castle can exist in contemporary."

Serin frowns and fell into deep thought.

Qise said that he is the owner of the forest so basically he owned everything in the forest including the huge castle. The servants also said that he is a prince and princes also exist in fairy tails, why do dragons not?

Qise glanced at his host and said, "Give it up."

Serin pouted and let out a humph.

Qise didn't bother to coax his host this time and continue to read the report of the current findings of the R&D Department about holographic technology.

While reading he became solemn and thought that people in this era are really talented. As someone from the future, witnessing the world enter the interstellar era is fascinating and intriguing so in all research, he will let the engineers and developers study the product they planned to invent and block the loopholes right after.

Now the holographic technology is nearly finished.

Once the holographic technology is announced to the public, he's sure that the black organization would start to keep an eye on the Dhallian company.

Looking at his host, he sighs.

"Qise are you pitying me?!"

Qise: "..."

He actually pities himself because his host would be a great use to blackmail him.