Preparations [3]


When Conrad enters the garden, he immediately grabs a seat in front of Qise and smiles: "Long time no see. I hope I'm not a bother that I came too early."

"No need to feel guilty. How's your isolation?"

"It's good, my rut ended up the same." then sigh "If only I could find a partner then I won't deal with such a painful rut. I guess I'm not attractive enough to be approached."

Qise almost got choked from what he heard.

How could should a public figure be unattractive? I'm afraid you push people too much that's why you're still single. It's pointless to complain when the problem is in you! With such rumors circulating around no omegas will want to marry you, afraid that they'll just be a trophy wife with no emotional entanglement after marriage.


Qise put down the book and said: "Don't rush, you'll probably meet someone soon."

Though it's impossible.

Because according to the trajectory of this world. Conrad, who is part of the story, gets old without getting married. This made many omegas heartbroken because such a fine man is too strict when it comes to finding a spouse.

They believe that Conrad is waiting for his destined partner.

And that fated partner is probably dead so the two had no chance to meet.

In the end, the famous public figure, Conrad Nekriel died alone of old age leaving all the glory and achievement he made throughout history. Turning only as a memory to be remembered and acknowledged by the next generations who wanted to walk in the same path as him.

Thinking twice...

"...Or find a partner soon? You know it's lonely to be single forever."

Conrad raises an eyebrow, "Are you worried I'll die alone?"

Well, he is reluctant.

How could such a man die a virgin and single?

Conrad saw Qise's regretful expression and grinned playfully, saying "Are you recommending yourself to me?" with a blinding wide smile, looking so soft without his previous look of aggression which made Qise hallucinate wondering what was real and fake.

"Stop it."

Qise picks up the book and opens it to cover his blushing face.

This man is so handsome, it's a pity he had no interest to be in a relationship because even when he was already given a human body, he is still a system, he still has a function of a system. He and his host can grow old but they won't weaken, they could only watch the people around them pass away before being summoned back to the system world to consider if they would apply again and travel together to fix some destroyed worlds.

It's just too much.

"Well, I never expect that you will have such a cute expression."

Serin stops playing and glances at the two adults who are flirting with each other and couldn't help but kick the building blocks he's been trying hard to build in anger.

What to do, he's pissed off.

Not only does someone more domineering than him is existing but also clings around his system, being openly shameless. The maids who delivered some snacks blushed while openly observing the two fine men before leaving in a hurry and hiding not too far, screaming their hearts out. The two are just too perfect sitting before each other making their couple visuals unparallel. They never expect a time like this would come and they're so excited.

"Doctor Nikeriel, I didn't expect you to like to tease people so much."

Conrad's lip twitched.

"Not really. I only tease you."

Qise's face turn red again and he couldn't help but glare at the other party.

Serin looks at Qise confusedly, wondering why Qise's face is red and why the man he had a grudge with is so happy. In the end Serin snort and crawl away, leaving the two-person world. Go flirt with each other! The baby will have his own little adventure!

Standing up, Serin patted his dirty hands and run towards the exclusive zone.

His two black panthers greeted him differently and the huge black python hanging on the tree just glance at the human cub before hissing and going back to sleep.

Serin happily mounts Vlasta and raises his hand.

"Come, play!"

Vlasta roared and run around carefully with the human cub.

Serin squeal happily and wave at the other animals, enjoying the play. The keepers around saw the little master so they put down their works and observed from afar, in case the little prince encountered an accident.

Vermont seeing his brother running around join and chase them.

Serin laugh.

"Slow down, slow down. I'll fall."

Vlasta minimize his speed and Vermont who catch up with them raises his big paw and slaps his brother's face, seemingly to scold him for endangering the human cub who had the same breath as them. Vlasta let out a low roar, so wronged that he slumps down, purring.

Serin expresses his disappointment and crawls down.


When Qise realizes that Serin is nowhere to be found, instead of panicking, he immediately opens his wristwatch and apologizes to Conrad, saying that he'll just go and fetch the little one in minutes. However, Conrad dislikes wasting his time to be with Qise so he offered to accompany him to speed up the search.

Thinking that it will take time, Conrad was disappointed when Qise immediately found the little brat. Even so, he is also surprised to see that there is such a place within the palace walls and couldn't help but get amazed while looking around.


"Come back here and go with Rachelle to take a bath."

Serin who is sitting on the sandy ground stood up and patted his butt but the dirt couldn't be rubbed clean so he trotted towards Qise with a red face, raising his hand, saying: "Dirty."

Qise sighed and receive the wipes that the keeper handed over.

Fortunately, some cleaning materials are stocked up for tor the little prince to use so they would not need to go back and forth inside the castle just to get things.

"Ancestor, why did you go here?"

"Because I'm bored!"

Qise shook his head: "Well, your friends will arrive soon, you better take a bath."

Serin held hands with Qise and walk out of the exclusive zone. Rachelle who was informed to bathe the little master hurriedly meet them in the garden. She carries the little prince inside the castle and walks upstairs, signaling the dress coordinator, make-up artist, and hair stylist who was waiting for her and is standing on the side to come with her.

"Is this the little prince?"

"So cute!"

Rachelle feel helpless when she saw her little master getting pampered and praised by people. They even help her bathe the little master even if it was not in their job to do so.

Now, the hall is ready and the cooks who had arrived earlier also started to set up the tables. The coordinators who are also in charge of the program test every electronic and even rehearse what they will do later upon starting the party.

When everything is done, some guests also arrived.

Some servants are outside to help the guest locate the castle and some are responsible for calls in case some guests got lost in their way. From the castle to the outside of Seinara Forest, a bunch of servants line up which surprise some family, wondering how many workers are there in the Dhallian family.

Nevertheless, seeing the huge castle almost baffles them, and finally realize something.

"Dad, are we near?"

Xanric held his father's arm and tug his father's sleeve, wondering if they already arrived because the car stopped. President Strauss who is talking with the driver lowered the car window beside him and the servants switch places and talk to him.

The servants who stop them wear an expensive uniform and he is holding a tablet, asking their name. This is the first time President Strauss encounter something like this and wondered what was with the trouble. Giving the invitation card he receives, the servants bow his head after confirming their identity and motion that they can now drive further.

"Dad did we arrive now?!"

President Strauss patted the head of Xanric and said: "We just entered Seinara."


President Strauss turn his head and watch the view outside from the car window and realize that there would be servants around, pointing in the direction of their destination.

This made him doubt the place even more so he turn to ask his son.

"Tell Dad, how is your friend's house?"

Xanric round eyes look at his father and said excitedly, "It's fun, I want to live there because they have panthers and the castle is so huge and beautiful!"

President Strauss touches his ears.


Xanric nodded: "It's a sparkly castle just like in movies!"

President Strauss's heart beat fast and suddenly feel a bit complicated. He didn't believe his son but when they arrived, a huge golden gate welcomes them and it opened so grandly. Even the driver exclaimed and couldn't help but tell his boss about his surprise, so President Strauss open the car window and look outside, astonishingly.

It's really a castle.

His son didn't tell a lie.

When the car passed the gate and drives towards the palace's entrance, servants bow and open the door for them, greeting them warmly and asking in a polite way if they can get their car keys to park their car in a parking space. The driver looks at his boss worriedly and the servants seem to notice their worries so he smiles and explains slowly that the servants they brought can also enter the palace to join the party which startle them.

"I-Is it fine?"

The driver couldn't believe it.

"Please don't worry, because, after the party, the servants assigned to you will be the ones to drive the car back to the entrance for you."

President Strauss waves his hand.

"Then, I'll leave it to your care."

The servants bow and smile: "Thank you for your trust. Please enjoy this day."

Xanric crawl out of the car and grab the gift he brought with the help of his grandfather. President Strauss helps his son and walks towards the entrance with the driver who is nervously looking around. Some guests already arrived earlier than them and the hall is full of children's noise. Xanric dragged his father hurriedly while looking around.


Sion run towards his friend and Mittel, Eins, also do the same.

Xanric pursed his lips and asked, "Sion where is Serin?"

"Uncle Qise said that Serin is still changing clothes upstairs."

When the children get together, the adults also stick around and gossip about the Dhallian family. President Strauss greeted President Lorenz, President Miller, and President Dion who immediately open their mouth to talk about the happening upon arriving.

They immediately express their surprise.

Even point out a certain space for their drivers who come in with them.

"Dhallian family had no status in wealthy circles but looking at this now, I'm afraid people will swarm around if they know their wealth is nothing but the net worth of one company."

"Though not popular, Dhallian Group had many subsidiaries."

"Yes, I cooperate with one of them."

"Hey, It's too lowkey that it's so scary. When we arrived I panic into thinking that we got teleported into another world! Fortunately, my son shouted that it was his friend's house."

President Strauss glances at his son.

He knew that despite Dhallian's emergence, the family is a wealthy one too but he just didn't expect that the wealth of the Strauss family when combined is just the wealth of one Dhallian. If so then the Qise Dhallian is really not someone to offend. Thankfully, his son created a chance for him to be with the Dhallian's good side, knowing that the young master of this huge castle is fond of his son. It's good, cooperation can be talked with the Dhallian Group.

President Miller patted his chest.

"Fortunately, my son befriends the young master of Dhallian."

President Dion also sighs: "Seems like, our sons help us a lot this time. With such a relationship with children, business with the Dhallian Group is not impossible."

President Lorenz thought so too.

"Somehow, I think my son is my lucky charm."

Everyone glances at their sons who are playing with each other. No one knows than them that only their sons are invited at that time to play with the little prince of this castle. Really, is the children's fight at that time luck in disguise? Think about it, if their sons didn't fight each other and become friends right after then they would have no chance to stand in this place.

Good god.