Prince's Birthday [1]

When Rachelle brought the little master out of the bathroom, she immediately dried the little one and put on temporary clothes.

Serin was ushered to the vanity.

The hairstylist dried the little master's hair and the makeup artist didn't do much on the face of the child and just added a little color that would make the little one cuter and stand out among the crowd. After that, the dress coordinator they hired, after choosing from the twenty sets of clothes from G-cosmic chooses a dark blue color, a prince-like suit that already comes, and partners with a pair of clothes jewelry like a brooch and cufflinks.

Serin who is being dressed up slowly falls asleep.

It made everyone helpless.

When putting the pieces of jewelry on the little prince's clothes, Rachelle called the little prince to wake up for fear that the little master's hairstyle would be ruined.

Serin who is so sleepy frown and pushes himself to open his eyes.

"Little master needs to wake up now. At any time you will need to present yourself in front of everyone and show your mighty aura."

Serin immediately woke up when he heard the word 'show off'.

This time a knock on the door was heard and it was pushed open by Qise, who enter with Conrad behind him. Seeing such two fine men made the man and woman inside blush.

What to do, they're so handsome.

Rich people are really blessed, not only with money but also with good looks.


"Our little prince is done?"

Qise squat down and hugged Serin who dashed towards him while grinning. Seeing his host's cute appearance, Qise feels like this retirement is really worth it as he was given a chance to witness his host's innocent age.

"Since it's done let's go and start the program."

Qise turn to look at Rachelle and said: "The hairstylist, makeup artist, and dress coordinator will be guided downstairs to join the fun. Please help yourself and enjoy."

Conrad follows Qise out of the room.

Putting down the little master, Qise held Serin's little hand and started to walk.

Serin raise his two hands, the other grab Qise's hand, and the other grabbed air so he couldn't help but turn his head, looking at Conrad aggressively. This man, are you hating this prince? Conrad seems to notice what Serin mean so he chuckled and held the little brat's hand, walking side by side, feeling like he was celebrating his son's birthday with his wife.

So wonderful. If only that could come true.

When the host on the stage was informed of the arrival of the birthday boy, he immediately started the announcement, and the two huge doors opened.

Serin comes out with two adults.

They each held hands looking like a sweet family.

While walking down the stairs under the sweet and lively music, everyone claps their hands and looks in front with wide eyes. They saw someone who is rarely shown even in the news, are they hallucinating? How come a big and popular figure like Doctor Nikriel is here? What is his connection with the Dhallian family? And...

What with this couple's atmosphere? Are they seeing what they shouldn't know?

Everyone blinks.

President Strauss on the other hand just sigh.

He knew it, the way Conrad spread his pheromones on someone is like marking his own territory. If Qise is an omega he's afraid that Conrad is like a peacock now, spreading his beautiful feather to attract the opposite sex to mate.

Serin happily steps on the stage upon arriving downstairs.

He raises his chin but when his sight landed on Xanric, his arrogance disappeared and like a mischievous cat that finally saw its favorite owner, he wags his beautiful fluffy tail, as if at any minute he will jump on the arms of his owner and ask for petting.

The host squatted and asked Serin a question.

Serin who solely focus on acting cute since Xanric is watching answer very honestly but his mind is drifting away, only with the thought of showing off in front of his future wife. In the end, when the host thought that Conrad and Qise are his parents, he asked if he will have a message to his father and daddy for his special day.

Serin tilted his head.

The host thought he couldn't understand so he motioned to Qise and Conrad who is standing not too far away. Qise was surprised and even the servants who heard the host gasped. Serin look at the two men behind him and nodded at the host obediently.

"Dad and Daddy, I'm very thankful..."

Qise was about to step forward to cut it off but Conrad grab his arm and shook his head: "Let him, it's the child's special day. He will be lonely if you tell him we are not parents."

Qise's face turn red.

"B-But in front of many people, they will misunderstand that--"

Conrad held Qise's hand and whisper softly: "It's fine. No one would dare to spread rumors seeing your family and knowing mines."

Qise purse his lips and listen to Conrad.

In the end, after the speech, Conrad smile widely and carried Serin who was also confused with the development. But even so, because his future wife is watching, he keeps his temperament cool and didn't make trouble. He wrapped his little hands around Conrad's neck and look below at the guest who is clapping their hands.

Qise stood beside the two and patted Serin's body with a smile.

The three really look like a family.

No wonder the host misunderstood but no one wanted to explain the matter and everyone who knows just enjoy the show of force business.

Grandpa Yul and Rachelle laugh.

After the introduction, a game was hosted for children with their parents. Everyone is competitive because the prize is just too good.

Xanric drag his father to play games with him, Serin who saw Xanric coming forward jumps and pulls Qise to play the game but Qise is not good at playing such a game so he was in distress. Fortunately, Conrad offered himself and Serin agreed without much thought because his future wife is also playing! He must show off!

With his domineering dad, he wouldn't be afraid to lose!

That's right, Serin career a family of three and started to regard Conrad as his big dad and Qise as his daddy. After all, he had no parents, in such an event like this, seeing others with their father or mother made Serin envious so he refuse the reality of having no parents and adopt one! So from now on Conrad Nikriel will be his father! And his system will be his male mother!

Isn't that a good idea? Hehehe.

The host who made a mistake: "..." My job, can I still keep it in the future?

Qise suddenly feels cold and shivers.

Why does he have this ominous feeling? His host is not planning some trouble, is he?

Qise squinted his eyes and look at one big small figure. Seeing the two being compatible he sighs. He is probably being paranoid again. Today is his host's birthday how can he think badly now? With Xanric present around, he is assured that his host won't be a bear child.

The game is fun and everyone cheers.

When Conrad and Serin, President Strauss, and Xanric remain in the middle, everyone made more noise and bet in their hearts who will win. At last, after so much trouble and unpredictable outcome, Conrad who wanted to build a good fatherly image of the little brat won. President Strauss chuckled and shook hands with Conrad while Serin used this opportunity to hold Xanric's hand while blushing.

Conrad glance at the little brat's move and his lips twitch.

President Strauss on the other hand turns a blind eye, thinking that it's just a child's attraction.

"Doctor Nikriel, I didn't expect you to scheme too much and even manage to enter the house of your object. I guess I will wait for the wedding then?"

Conrad grinned.

"President Strauss, I won't disappoint you then?"

The two talk to each other and laugh playfully. Men who had desires are too attractive so Conrad who won the game become the center of the attention of single men and women. But seeing Conrad walk towards Qise, they throw away their thoughts. They can't afford to fight someone who owns a castle. They're afraid they'll be buried six feet on the ground in secret.

Qise sneezed.

He already wears a layered suit, why does he always feel cold?

Conrad frowned and remove his coat, putting it on Qise with a frown and asked: "I heard you stay up late at night, did you catch a cold?"

Qise held Conrad's arm for support and shook his head.

"Someone is just probably thinking bad of me."

Conrad looks at Qise helplessly: "Who would talk bad about you?"

"My ancestor."

Conrad is not assured so he excuses himself with Qise and asks a favor from the head butler to watch over the little brat. Grandpa Yul nodded and told them to take their time. Conrad just smile and led Qise upstairs under the gossiping eyes of others.

Serin is busy playing with his friends.

The hall was divided and small playgrounds are set up so the kids can play to their heart content while the adults socialize.

"Xanric, I'll give you my prize."

Xanric tilted his head and said: "But you won this, why did you give it to me?"

Serin snorted and said arrogantly: "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. In the future, I'll give you anything you want as long as you marry me!"

President Strauss who happen to hear Serin's arrogance almost spit out his wine.

Did he hear it right?

Or he also started to hallucinate?

President Miller beside him laugh and said, "President Strauss, you have a good future. Seems like the little prince fell in love with your son. What do you think of the future's marriage?"

President Strauss force a smile and reply, "A child's word, don't take it seriously. Besides, there is a gender awakening. We can't tell the future."

President Dion: "Well, President Strauss is right but if your son differentiates as an omega, he's the treasure of your family. It's hard to let go."

"You're right. The old man will be in control."

President Lorenz: "Being just friends in the future is good too."

The bosses clink their glasses and watch their son play while talking about business. It's a rare time to relax like this. It's also good because they were able to spend time with their son.

——On upstairs, Qise pushed Conrad away with a red face.

"There's no need, I can take my own temperature." he really doesn't have a fever but Conrad insist on taking his temperature to make sure he's really not sick so he had no choice but to comply. If it weren't for Conrad's face he wouldn't be so embarrassed like this.

It's really hard to be a face-control.

Conrad looks at him with a serious expression and watches him take his temperature.

After that, he gave Conrad the thermometer and look at him with an 'I-told-you-so' expression. Conrad sighed and put down the thermometer, helping Qise fix his suit to go back downstairs. The awkwardness already disappears as Qise slowly adapts to Conrad's presence. Being helped with his clothes, Qise held Conrad's arm and walk out of the room.

When they reach downstairs they started to socialize.

Qise was approached by many parents and almost all of them want to get in touch.

Express their desire for cooperation.

Qise is aware that this will happen and handled it well. He accepts their business card and will review their company's background later, to see if they are worth cooperating with.

Afterward, Qise with Conrad approached President Strauss.

"Is everything alright?"

Qise smile: "Thank you President Strauss but I'm fine. Conrad is just worried I'm sick so he drag me upstairs to get my temperature."

President Strauss throws a meaningful look at Conrad.

——On Serin's side, he sticks beside Xanric and plays together.

Mittel, Eins, and Sion become too naughty so Serin reprimands them in case they hit Xanric. Knowing that they're wrong, they immediately apologize to the two and continue their play very carefully. Serin wanted to hug Xanric, but Xanric feel a little stuffy because of his formal clothes and avoided Serin's approach causing Serin to feel wronged.

"Y-You, you don't like me anymore?"

Xanric looked at Serin in confusion. Did he say he don't like Serin?

He obviously likes Serin.

So why Serin looks so sad?

"You avoided me, you don't like me anymore."

Xanric's mouth opened and saw Serin look at him with teary eyes, looking so pitiful. He panics and hugs Serin, coaxing his doll to be happy.