Get Married!

Serin awakens as if emerging from a pleasant dream. He sits up, scanning his surroundings with wide, clear, teary eyes, and lets out a heartfelt yawn. To his surprise, he finds Qise and Conrad sleeping beside him. Puzzled, he tilts his head and carefully crawls down from the bed, standing there, gazing at the two large figures.

He wonders if they don't have their own bed.

Serin scratches his head and tiptoes toward the door, grasping the doorknob.

As the door opens, Grand Yul, who had been waiting outside, immediately steps back as a rush of strong pheromones fills the air. Although Serin is just a child and doesn't know what pheromones are, he finds the scent reminiscent of air perfume.

It smells wonderful. He really likes it.

Excitedly, Serin leaps forward, embracing Butler Yul. "Grandpa Butler, good morning!"

Butler Yul feigns a cough, delicately grasps his young master's shoulder, and extends his hand to shut the door. The overwhelming pheromones hinder his entry into the room, compelling him to opt for transporting the young master to a guest room, where he can access the restroom.

"Did the young master sleep well?" Butler Yul inquires.

Serin nods, "Yes!"

Balancing on tiptoes to reach the sink, the young one would clutch the rim with his diminutive hands, peering into the mirror where their reflection stared back with drowsy intrigue. Butler Yul lent a hand to assist the young master and provided steady support. A gentle splash of water onto the child's rosy cheeks marked the initiation of the little master's morning routine.

He'd take hold of the disposable toothbrush, squeezing a small dollop of minty toothpaste onto its bristles, and give it to the little master. The room would come alive with the gentle hum of the electric toothbrush as Serin diligently brushed away, mimicking Butler Yul's guidance. Foam bubbles would form at the corners of Serin's mouth, and he'd giggle as he tried to avoid them, his bright eyes sparkling with delight. After rinsing his mouth and patting his face dry with a soft towel handed by Grandpa Butler, he'd proudly flash his freshly cleaned teeth to his reflection, knowing that he had successfully mastered this essential morning routine all by himself.

"Young master is good." Butler Yul claps.

Serin raised his chin and said, "It's normal. I'm great after all."

Butler Yul followed closely behind the young master, leaving the guest room behind after discarding the disposable toothbrush and towel in the trash bin. He had presumed that the little master would head straight downstairs, but to his surprise, the youngster retraced his steps and implored him to unlock the door. The reason was, that he wished to wake up his parents and share a morning meal together.

"Grandpa Butler, hurry up."

Butler Yul feels complicated but still opens the door and steps back.

"In that case, young master, please close the door, and I shall wait outside."

Serin nodded in agreement and stepped inside, gently closing the door behind him. With youthful exuberance, he dashed to his bed and swiftly clambered onto it. For a brief moment, he sat there, fixating on the two imposing figures, before crawling towards the center and perching himself there, humming softly.

With the kind of innocence and curiosity exclusive to children, Serin inched closer to the sleeping giant before him.

A mischievous glint danced in the child's eyes as he observed the contours of Conrad's face. His tiny hand reached out, gingerly tracing the lines of Conrad's forehead, as if trying to decipher the secrets that lay there. Serin's fingers lightly danced across Conrad's cheeks, feeling the roughness of a day's stubble and the smoothness of the skin beneath.

Conrad was awakened by the child's touch but still kept his eyes closed.

The child's small fingers brushed across Conrad's eyebrows and eyelids, Serin's touch was gentle, filled with awe and tenderness.

Isn't this the kind of his ideal face when he grows up?

Serin retracted his hand and stared at the man's face and called out, "Dad!"

With this kind of face, it can only be his father!

Serin officially forgot his grievance with Conrad and crawled towards the man and slapped his face, calling out, "Dad!"

Conrad was taken aback, his heart racing, upon hearing the young one refer to him as "father." A sudden rush of warmth and delight coursed through him, as though he truly had a child of his own. It was an unexpected sensation, one that he found difficult to resist, particularly considering the child's connection to Qise, the man he held in high regard. How should he respond? Conrad lacked any experience in childcare, and he harbored doubts about his ability to fulfill the role of a father figure. Nonetheless, the ecstasy he felt ignited a newfound craving within him.


Conrad slowly opened his eyes and patted Serin's head.

"Don't shout, Daddy is still sleeping."

Serin's watery round eyes widen and glance at his system, Qise. This time, he looked at the two on the bed and held his chin in contemplation.

Well, if he had a dad, wouldn't he need a daddy too? His system does nothing but work, isn't it good to marry? He glanced at Conrad's face and then at the peacefully slumbering Qise. Serin gently patted his chest, firming his resolve. He decided that he would create this family, so he wouldn't have to endure the taunts of being a "wild child" like other children had often said when he told them he didn't have parents.


Conrad was startled by Serin's shout as the little brat plunged on the sleeping Qise: "Wake up!"

Qise was suddenly pressed by weight and frowned.

Knowing that it was his naughty host, he slowly opened his eyes but paused when he saw Conrad sitting on the bed, holding Serin aloft and wearing an expression of helplessness.

What happens?

Serin pointed his finger at his system and commanded, "You sleep together, you two get married this instant!"

Qise jolted upright in bed, "What?!"

He just sleeps and when he wakes up his host orders him to get married?!

Conrad was equally taken aback by the child's words, yet his heart raced with anticipation as if he'd secretly yearned for this moment. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt, but he was also mindful of not pressuring Qise. So, he'd been holding back his desires, reluctant to impose his feelings on the situation.

Who would have thought the little brat would be a help?

Looking at Qise who is dazed, Conrad pursed his lips and put down the child who quickly crawled away, grabbing Qise's clothes.

"Marry him, marry him."

Qise watches the little master point at Conrad and him.

He was speechless and blinked, wondering if he was dreaming.

"Qise you are so bad!" Serin scolded. "You slept with someone but didn't want to marry! Grandpa Butler said that if two people sleep together, they're husband and wife. But if they sleep together without getting married, then one of them must be a scumbag!"

Qise's pupils dilated, and he cast a quick, trembling glance at Conrad upon being accused of such a derogatory term. As a system, he understood the importance of maintaining a virtuous and exemplary image, especially for his growing host.

Now, what did just happen?

"Qise are you listening to me?! You only know how to work it's time to get married!"

Conrad couldn't bear to see Qise in such a dazed state any longer.

"Little one, marriage is not simple."

Serin pursues his lips and looks at Conrad aggrievedly, "It's not 'little one,' it's 'son'!"

Conrad choked, casting an awkward glance at Qise.

Qise, who had met Conrad's pleading gaze, lowered his head. His eyelashes fluttered as his face turned a deep shade of red, wondering how the situation had taken such an unexpected turn.

Conrad cleared his throat and stammered, "Then, son... a wedding is not simple."

Serin snorted and fired back, "Well then, make it grand! You can use my money and have a big, fancy wedding!" It didn't matter; he was wealthy and more than willing to sponsor his system's wedding! What's more? He can have parents! Isn't that a great investment?!

Serin raises his chin, feeling proud of himself.

Butler Yul had been waiting outside for a few minutes, and when the door finally swung open, he was taken aback by the sight of Qise and Mister Conrad standing side by side, with Serin in the middle, wearing a broad smile and holding their hands together.

Butler Yul took a deep breath and blinked, momentarily questioning if he might be experiencing a hallucination. The sight before him indeed resembled that of a family. Yet, the complexity lay in the fact that Qise was a beta while Mister Conrad was an Alpha, seemingly making it an insurmountable hurdle for them to embrace romantic feelings unless a mutual attraction blossomed, and a shared disinterest in having children.

"Grandpa Butler!"

Butler Yul cleared his throat and addressed them, "Qise, Mister Conrad, breakfast is ready."

Serin laughed happily and raised his hand at Conrad saying, "Hold me, hold me. Hug!"

Conrad's heart fluttered, and he swiftly lifted Serin into his arms.

The meals on the table are quite rich for breakfast because there's a guest.

Upon seeing the little master, one of the maids immediately put the milk bottle in Serin's hand which Serin clutched tightly as he was put down on the chair by Conrad. Upon observing the soft baby food on his plate, Serin grasped his small spoon and began to eat.

Qise remained silent on the side, occasionally glancing at his host.

An uncomfortable atmosphere settled over the dining hall, prompting the servants to quickly disperse and feign busywork, all the while discreetly observing the trio from a distance.

"It's real!"

"They sleep together?!"

"They haven't left their room, and when the servants went to tidy up the guest room, they found the bed perfectly made. It seems Mister Conrad didn't sleep there!" a servant whispered to another, their hushed conversation filled with intrigue.

"No way!"

In the kitchen, a huddle of servants had congregated, engaged in a hushed gossip session, their voices tinged with curiosity and speculation.

"But aren't they look perfect to each other?"


The servants couldn't contain their excitement and began to fanboy and fangirl, their hushed conversations filled with giddy enthusiasm.

After breakfast, Conrad offered to head home, explaining that he had some experiments and studies to attend to. Qise felt a tinge of reluctance but ultimately agreed. Little did they know, the biggest challenge lay ahead. Serin, returning to the castle after a play session in the exclusive zone, was met with a distressing discovery: his dad was nowhere to be found!

Serin slumped to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Butler Yul, feeling deeply concerned, tried to comfort the distressed child. He offered toys, but Serin refused them, his sobs growing louder as he repeatedly asked for his father.

Butler Yul, thinking Serin was looking for Qise, gently explained, "Father is working. When he returns, he'll play with you again."

But Serin shook his head vigorously, curling up on the furry carpet, and sobbed, "No, no. Why did they leave without bringing the baby? Grandpa Butler, why did they leave me behind?"

Butler Yul couldn't help but feel utterly helpless in this situation.

It was a recurring pattern.

Qise was frequently caught in this emotional tug-of-war. There were moments when Serin treated him as a father, but more often than not, Qise was relegated to the roles of guardian and personal servant to Serin. Now, as Serin once again sought Qise's presence, Butler Yul couldn't fathom the reason behind it. He feared that it might be the initial signs of differentiation, a condition where a child began to long for parental affection.

"Don't cry, Granpa will call them."

Serin sniffed and hummed, looking at his grandpa butler expectantly.

Butler Yul dialed Qise through the landline and recounted the situation. Qise, seated in the conference room, was hit with a wave of complex emotions. He expressed his apologies to Butler Yul for not being able to return immediately. He filed for a two-day leave, but an unexpected company emergency arose, leaving him with no option but to head to work and address the issues surrounding the upcoming launch event.

"T-This, what to do? Little master won't stop crying."

Qise frowns and massages his forehead.

The board of directors who is listening to the report glance at President Qise in confusion wondering what happened for taking such an emergency call.