
Qise can't leave, he could just offer a solution.

After some time, Butler Yul managed to persuade the young master by suggesting playtime outside with his friends. This time, Serin quickly remembered Xanric and expressed his desire to visit Xanric's house and play. Butler Yul proceeded to call the landline of the Strauss family to inquire if they were open to having guests.

Fortuitously, the call was answered by the secretary of the old man. Upon hearing the purpose of the call, the patriarch was suddenly flooded with memories of the friend his beloved grandson had been talking about. Without hesitation, he agreed to the visit and promptly instructed the kitchen to prepare some delectable snacks that would delight the children.

Xanric was overjoyed upon learning of his friend's impending arrival. He hurriedly rushed to embrace his grandfather, thanking him with genuine sweetness.

Old man Strauss loves his grandson the most.

Xanric's affectionate gesture tugged at his grandfather's heartstrings once more, filling him with delight. He enthusiastically clapped his hands and showered his little grandson with praise. He couldn't resist boasting to his son once more about how adorable and endearing his young grandson was compared to the father who always looks grumpy.

President Strauss massages his forehead with his father's childishness.

After ending the call, he attempted to return to his paperwork, but the image of his son's adorable face kept flashing in his mind. Unable to contain his frustration, he clenched his teeth and muttered curses, resenting his father all over again.

His son. Why did his son never say "I love you" to his own father?

Old man Strauss laughs after hearing frustration in his son's voice. The secretary and nurse beside him just sigh, seemingly used to the patriarch's childishness of showing off.

Soon, Serin arrived at the Strauss family.

Butler Yul, deeply concerned due to the past kidnapping incident, took precautionary measures by dispatching four bodyguards to ensure the young master's safety. Fortunately, within the expansive Strauss family, the presence of four bodyguards did not raise any eyebrows. After all, It was customary for their masters to be accompanied by a retinue of guards, given the prevailing prevalence of kidnappings.

"This is little Serin?"

Old man Strauss looked at the child who entered the door and was satisfied.

Serin who was raising his chin glanced around and said, "Where is my father-in-law? I'm here to grace him my presence and pay respect for allowing me to visit my future wife."

The servants around choked and faked a cough, wondering if they heard it wrong.

Old man Strauss was also caught off guard but soon laughed.

"Peterson, did you hear that? Hahahaha."

Old man Strauss claps his hand and the secretary beside him just smiles looking at Serin softly and gesturing the patriarch not to scare the child. The patriarch appreciated the confidence displayed by the child, standing there with impeccable poise and elegance, just as his grandson had vividly described the little prince who had proposed marriage to him.

Really, it's not bad at all.

"Child, I'm Xanric's grandfather, you can also call me grandpa."

Serin was taken by surprise and found himself at a loss for words. His face flushed with embarrassment as he stuttered, eager to please Xanric's grandfather and momentarily forgetting the term "father-in-law" that had slipped from his lips.

President Strauss: "..."

What a child.

"You said future wife, do you want to marry my grandson?"

Serin nodded his head with a red face and said, "I-I'm qualified, I own multiple properties, I own a mansion. Do you know the Dhallian Group of Companies? That's mine, the business has already been under my name since I was born. I'm also handsome and smart..."

Old man Strauss watched the child count everything with his tiny fingers.

After a while, Serin pulled out multiple cards and put them on the table surprising everyone who was watching. In the end, the old man couldn't bear it and was almost blinded because the bodyguard pulled out a tablet and even showed pictures of the property and how many servants were there in the palace. Serin is like doing a presentation and didn't forget to emphasize how handsome and smart he is, enough for Xanric to like him.

The old man held his head, he didn't expect that before he started he was defeated.

It's the first time in his history to be this helpless.

"How is it? Am I good enough?"

"Too perfect." The old man blurts out unconsciously.

Serin was satisfied and made his way to the couch, sitting across from the old man while waiting for Xanric to go downstairs. This time he didn't let the opportunity be missed and discussed all the achievements he made, and how all his servants praised him for his greatness.

Old man Strauss was overwhelmed and immediately excused himself when Xanric arrived.

What a terrible child.

Peterson thinks so too as he helps the old man walk upstairs.

Unbeknownst to him, Serin had unwittingly won over another potential trouble. He joyfully embraced Xanric and relayed how Grandpa had indicated his willingness to approve of their marriage in the future. Though somewhat bewildered, Xanric couldn't help but share in Serin's happiness, content as long as Serin was joyful.

"Xanric, let's play a house!"

Serin grabbed Xanric's hand and said, "You will be my wife and I will be your husband."

"Ok. Ok."

The two set up their house in the living room and started to play. There are servants around to watch out for the safety of the children, they are just standing aside with the bodyguards, watching the children play husband and wife with a helpless expression.

Serin pretended to knock on the door.

Xanric who is pretending to be cooking stands up and welcomes Serin but is surprised when Serin pounces on him and kisses him on the lips.

"Wife, I'm back!"

Servants-Bodyguards: "!!!"

Xanric's face turns red and shyly looks at Serin, holding his hands and saying, "Welcome back husband, I'm cooking the food you like."

Serin hummed, so satisfied.

The servants were uncertain about whether to intervene or let it be, and even the bodyguards found themselves at a loss. After all, these were just children, and unlike adults, they lacked a comprehensive understanding of the world and its complexities.

They often mimicked what they saw from grown-ups. Yet, the question lingered: How could adults engage in such behavior in front of children? It was detrimental for young minds to be exposed to such actions at such an early age.

Qise: "..."

President Strauss: "..."

Qise touches his nose after sneezing and wonders why he always feels like being scolded by someone. Sames goes with President Strauss who always thought that his father was cursing him again, accusing him of being unfilial and hating the old.

Science and Technology Institute

"Dean, this is the report that the intern researchers submitted."

Conrad glanced at the folder and said, "Is that for the approval of their research? Which group? I heard there are two talented groups competing right now."

Doctor Cilen nodded.

"This is from Group A, the one in the Astronomy Department."

Conrad put down the test tube in his hand and received the folder, opening it to scan the content and said, "This should be sent to my brother, he's the most knowledgeable in this part but I could say that this proposal is good. This group would be undoubtedly welcomed by my brother once you send the copy of the content."

Doctor Cilen nodded, "I think so too but the leader of Group A wanted your acknowledgment first before passing it to Doctor Corsiel."

Conrad didn't think much because he knew how busy his brother. The leader of group A is smart to think of passing it to him before Corsiel so as to not waste the time of waiting, knowing how busy the Astronomy Department is right now.

"Leave it to my office, I'll take a look at it and forward it to my brother if good."

"I understand."

Conrad removed his gloves started to sterilize and went out of his lab room. This time he goes out of the institute and visits a nearby cafe to buy a coffee. While taking a break he open his social media account and stalk Qise, wondering what he's doing.

Unfortunately, Qise doesn't like posting so he can't see any pictures but Qise is currently online so he tried his luck and started to chat with the other party.

[Cnrd]: Busy?

Conrad waited patiently until Qise saw the message and replied.

[QIce]: Lunch Break. Did you eat?

Conrad's heart started to beat fast, as if he was experiencing a youth love which is a fact that couldn't be denied because he had never been in a relationship his entire teenage life.

Sometimes, he wonders what if he met Qise earlier than now. Maybe they'd been married now because he knew that once he had seen the teenager Qise, he would definitely fall in love just like how he was now attracted in an instant.

[Cnrd]: Just coffee. Do you mind inviting me?

[QIce]: Come. I'll wait for you.

Conrad immediately stood up which surprised the nearby customers as they watched Conrad's running figure, wondering what just happened for the man to have such a reaction.

In the Strauss Mansion, Serin and Xanric sat on the dining table.

Old Man Strauss sat in the middle and watched the two children eat with gusto. He was surprised earlier so he called his son and asked for information about the family of Serin knowing that his son had once accompanied his grandson to attend a birthday party. However, he didn't expect his son to warn him of not offending someone.

After all, they've been used to warning people and this is the first time they were warned.

President Strauss told his father about the enigmatic nature of the Dhallian family and how they owned the Seinara Forest that the government had been long coveting after finding out that it was rich with resources. Just by a glance, President Strauss can tell that Dhallian is not a family that others nor they can offend.

The old man couldn't really take several blows.

After talking to his son he couldn't help but feel a headache, wondering if it was a good thing that such a figure like his grandson. He is worried about the future and just hopes what he fears won't happen. If his grandson becomes an omega then surely, Serin is the best candidate.

"Grandpa, what is this? This is delicious!"

Serin looks at the food with sparkling eyes.

Old man Strauss looks at the child with complicated eyes, "That candied strawberries, children who eat this must brush their teeth after because it's too sweet."

"Candied Strawberries? such a thing exists?!"

Xanric looks at his friend confusedly and asks, "Serin did you not eat this even once?"

Serin shook his head with a tinge of sadness and replied, "No, my servants don't prepare sweets like this. They only make me small cakes that aren't overly sweet. And if I wish for something else, it has to be reported to a nutritionist to ensure it's a healthy choice."

Xanric's expression twisted with sympathy as he exclaimed, "That sounds so miserable!"

Serin tilted his head, "No, not miserable."

"But you can't eat candies, isn't that a sad thing?"

Serin shook his head, "No, I eat candies. My servants would make candies for me but only every two weeks and if I ate candy I couldn't eat cakes. I love cakes so I choose cakes."

Xanric nodded, "I understand, Serin when we get married I'll give you everything!"

Serin was about to complain but when he heard marriage, his ears perked up, and he nodded enthusiastically, saying, "Then, then you should hurry and marry me when we grow up!"

Peterson and Old Man Strauss kept silent.

'It's really a prince', Old Man Strauss thought.

When afternoon came, Serin was fetched by Qise and Conrad. Seeing the two makes Serin excited and introduces his new father saying that this is what he caught for Qise to marry.

Xanric was envious upon seeing Serin's hand holding the two adults.

That night, Xanric knocks on his father's office and asks him when he would give him a daddy because Serin's daddy already gave him a dad. In the end, Xanric was beaten and cried, burying his head in his grandfather's lap and telling his grievance. The old man who loves his grandson so much becomes stern and reprimands his son saying, "If you don't want to marry then don't marry, why beat my grandson?!"

President Strauss sneers.

"You spoiled him so much, sooner or later he will suffer!"