Chapter 14: Turnaround

Carl saw Rica in the park, sitting alone on a bench. It was exactly at the place Dave instructed him. She looked so pretty sitting there with all the beautiful scenery of the park around her. She looks like an angel looking into the sky while wind was blowing on her hair.

"You're alone, Angel?" asked Carl

Rica was surprised to see Carl. Why would this person be here?

"I was surprised to see you. I couldn't help but let my presence be known." said Carl.

Rica tried to smile. But Carl can see her swollen eyes and her smile did not reach her cheeks.

"Can I sit here beside you?" asked Carl.

Rica moved a bit so that Carl can sit.

Carl looked at the sky.

"Oh…so this was what you saw earlier." said Carl.

"Huh?" asked Rica "The Sky? The Stars?"

"Yes, I was wondering why you looked so beautiful looking above." said Carl

Rica chuckled a bit. Beautiful?

"I don't look beautiful at all. I bet I look like an owl right now." said Rica.

"Beautiful women normally say they aren't. And yes, you somehow resemble an owl right now." said Carl.

"You're a rude man, a gentleman is supposed to say 'No, you don't look like an owl at all'" said Rica pouting.

"But with those swollen eyes, I can't help but agree." said Carl. "It's like your eyes are just waiting to fall off your face."

"Hmmm…That means I can't meet with Amy and Victoria…I don't want them to see me like this." said Rica.

"Do you want me to take you home?" asked Carl. "It's pretty late now."

"I want to have a drink." said Rica.

"You drink?" asked Carl, surprised.

From what Dave mentioned to him before, Rica was the very conservative good girl type.

"No, this is going to be my first time drinking out." said Rica.

"No way. Didn't anybody warn you that if it's your first time drinking, you should at least drink with someone you trust?" asked Carl. And certainly not with a man. It's dangerous.

"I trust you." said Rica.

She does?

"You're serious?" asked Carl

Rica is very vulnerable right now. A dog may comfort her and offer to drink with her and she'll immediately trust it. Carl sighed. It's better him accompanying Rica that some guy who may take advantage of her.

"I will go drinking on my own if you don't accompany me so it doesn't matter if you believe me or not." said Rica.

That sealed the deal.


Dave saw Rica and Carl leave the park. He still felt a sting in his chest upon seeing them together, which is still weird. Though he did not hear what they were talking about, he felt at ease that Rica was no longer alone. He then bought some food from the supermarket before returning to the hospital.

When Dave reached Di's room, she was sitting up watching the television.

"Where did you go? You were out so long." said Di.

"I bought something to eat." said Dave.

"You shouldn't have bothered. You bought too many. The doctor said I can go out tomorrow." said Di.

"Really? That's good then."

"Belle went here earlier." said Di. "She was really happy when she heard we're back together."

"I'm sure she is." said Dave while fixing the things he bought.

"I don't see Carl though. He has not visited me."

"You know he's busy." answered Dave.

Di can't help but look at Dave. She felt something wrong. He just answers all her questions and doesn't talk much. He's been like this even before he left to buy food earlier.

"Are you all right?" asked Di.


Di shook her head.

"Nothing. What did you buy?" asked Di


Carl can't believe he's drinking with Rica. And Rica was on her second bottle of beer. The girl was a pro. She's not yet drunk…Or is she?

"I guess I need another one." said Rica. "I don't get why people like this…it has the weirdest taste!"

"So you don't like it?" asked Carl

"I don't." said Rica

"Then that's your last bottle." said Carl

"Noooo! I want to get drunk! I want another one!"

"No. Listen to someone who has been drinking since he was eleven. You are going to ride my car. I don't want you to throw up inside." said Carl. "And don't tell me you'll get a taxi home. I can't let that happen. I need to take you home, all right?"

"I didn't even get drunk on my first try. This is so boring." said Rica.


When Dave felt Di was already sleeping, he went out. But Di knew when he left.

Dave drove away from the hospital to Rica's house. He saw the closed light on Rica's room.

"Is she already sleeping?" Dave looked at his watch and saw that it's already past twelve midnight.

Just then he saw a car stopping in front of Rica's house. He recognized the car. It's Carl's. He saw Carl assisting Rica to get out of the car and led her to the door.

"I'm not drunk, Carl. So just leave now, ok?�� said Rica smiling foolishly at Carl.

"You might not say you are drunk. But you are definitely tipsy." said Carl.

Rica tried to laugh but she stopped herself when she saw a familiar car across the street. That car…Can it be? No, of course not. But when Rica looked intently, she saw Dave on the driver's seat.

No way.

"I am seeing things…Yes…I am only seeing things." thought Rica.

Dave won't be there… He doesn't care about her. He is with his girlfriend for sure.

"Well…You are right, I might be drunk, Carl." said Rica.

"You finally admitted it." said Carl.

Rica went immediately inside the house to her room. When she entered her room, she took a peek at her window and saw Carl's car leave. But Dave's car was still there.

"Beer's effect is too strong for me." said Rica, her chest squeezing hard while tears were falling from her eyes.


Dave's mind and heart was in chaos upon seeing Carl and Rica together. He asked Carl to take Rica home but why did it take them this late?! Where did they go? What did they do?

When Rica looked at him, Dave's heart started to beat really fast. But she just turned around and went inside the house as if she did not see him.

In just a minute, Dave saw Rica by her room window looking outside. But as soon as Rica opened the window, she immediately closed it. That made Dave feel like his heart was bring pierced.

Why was the world so complicated?


Rica decided that life should go on normally, that she should not look like the world had just fallen on her. Her head was aching. Was this what they call hangover?

When Rica went out of the house, Carl was waiting for her.

"Carl, why are you here?" asked Rica.

Carl took a small sealed bowl from the car. "Isn't your head aching?"

"Umm…How did you know?" asked Rica.

"That's normally the next thing that happens. I told you I had been drinking since I was eleven, right? Here, drink this. This should help you lessen the hangover." said Carl.

"Really? Thank you. But you shouldn't have bothered going here. I've already bothered you enough yesterday." said Rica.

"Just drink it." said Carl.

Rica opened the bowl and drank the soup

"And Rica…From now on, If you ever need to talk with someone, if you ever need to go drinking again, you can bother me anytime." said Carl.

Rica stopped drinking the soup.

"What I mean is, I want you to know that I'll be there. Because I want to be a good big brother to you." said Carl

"Ohhhh…" Rica was relieved to hear that. She thought Carl was going to say something crazy.

"Thank you, Carl."

Carl took a deep breath. Big brother? He had to suppress a chuckle. Good thing he was able to say those words before he let himself jump on a cliff.

Rica received a message on her phone. She saw that it was coming from an unknown number.

"Hi Rica, this is Diana, Dave's girlfriend. Can we meet please? I just need to tell you something really important."

"What is it?" asked Carl

"Oh…It's Amy, my friend. They were worried that I didn't show up yesterday."

"Oh." said Carl.


Rica arrived at the café and saw that Di was already there. Rica sat across Di.

"You look pale." said Rica.

"Oh really? I just got released from the hospital this morning." said Di.

"Are you all right now?"

"Physically, I might be fine now. But my hear is still worried." said Di.

"About what?" asked Rica.

"It's Dave…He's acting strangely since we got back together. He seems to be guilty. He feels like he hurt you so much and feels really guilty about it."


Rica felt like something was stuck in her throat. She had already cried so much and yet it seems like she was about to cry again.

"I think he is fond of you like a little sister. And he didn't really want to hurt you." said Di.

A little sister. Just like how Carl was treating her.

"I am fine, Diana. Please tell Dave that he has nothing to be sorry about." said Rica.

"That's good to hear. You look fine. But that's not the only thing that is bothering him." said Di.

She looks fine? What is this conversation really for? Aside from her swollen eyes and her deep dark eye bags which Rica no longer bothered to hide, she completely looked like a zombie in the mirror this morning.

"What is it?" asked Rica

"He was worried about SkyRock. Now that you know we're together again, he was worried that you will tell your Uncle that..."

"Diana…I don't know what Dave said about me. If I look like a kid, I'm sorry. But I am not a kid. Do you think I care about SkyRock? If it falls, it's not my problem anymore. I tried to help. My Uncle gave Dave an opportunity to save his father's company. But Dave chose you. The decision is not mine to make." said Rica. "FlyAir is a business institution. Our people do not work their butt off to just give away our hard earned money to charity."

Rica does not know where the words came from. But her chest was just boiling in anger that she could not stop her mouth. How can Diana play this guilt game on her?

Di tried to control her anger. Dave will surely not forgive her if this conversation falls apart.

"You might not care about SkyRock, but I am sure you care about Dave." said Di.

Rica's heart was getting numb. She's been in too much pain already.

"I know how you feel about Dave. And even if it's unfair, I need to ask you to help him." said Di "I want you to talk to your Uncle. I need you to convince him to sign the contract even if there's no wedding. You can tell him that Dave really liked you but you feel bad that you don't feel the same. So you want to cancel the engagement but you want to help SkyRock. Can you do that… for Dave?" said Di.

Di suddenly sounded like she's about to cry. She even looked like she's about to cry.

Rica almost laughed. Uncle Sam will never believe that.

"Uncle Sam and I are close. He knows almost everything that happens to me. Diana, I've been in love with Dave for a long time. How can Uncle not know that?" asked Rica.

Di's eyes sharpened as if she's now letting go of the dramatics she's been using earlier.

"So what do you want to happen now?" asked Di "You will allow SkyRock to fall? Do you think Dave can survive living knowing that SkyRock fell because of his decisions? You will crush him. You will make his life a miserable hell."

"I don't think it's right to blame me for anything. Like I said, I gave him all the chance I could. Everything was going well for SkyRock until you came and you got back together. Diana SkyRock was on it's way to be saved before you came."

Diana is fuming in anger now. Rica did not want the conversation to end up this way. But she will not allow this woman to step on her further.

"Besides Diana, I am nothing to him… but you're his girlfriend. You should be the one helping him save SkyRock, not me." said Rica


Di was shaking with anger. That girl… she's tough! And Di hate tough people, people who will not yield to her. Rica needs to see that there's no other way than to let Dave go.

But Di can't let Dave's SkyRock fall.


Carl entered the bar and saw Dave already on his second glass.

"You did not wait for me." said Carl.

"I don't want to. I always thought we were the drinking buddies. But it seems you went to drink out with someone else." said Dave "A cute young lady."

Oh…so this was about Rica. Dave learned about it, huh?

Dave grabbed Carl's collar. It was so sudden that Carl almost lost balance.

"What did you do with her?" asked Dave, his face and voice full of anger.

"Cool down man. We went out for a drink because she was heartbroken. I just watched her drink the entire time and then took her home like what you asked me to do." said Carl.

Dave took deep breaths. He slowly let Carl's collar go.

Carl was still stunned when Dave got back on his seat.

"She's a very pretty woman, Dave. I know now why you can't let her be alone." said Carl.

Dave's eyes narrowed upon hearing Carl's admiration for Rica.

"But I did not do anything to her because I pity her more than want her." said Carl. "She doesn't deserve to be hurt like this, Man. So make sure that was the last time you'd ask me to take care of her."

Carl took a glass of wine and drank it.

"Because the next time you do, I will surely take care of her the way I want to. And when I do, I don't think I can return her to you anymore."


Rica felt a little sense of happiness that Di wasn't able to bully her three days ago. But if there's one thing she learned from that conversation, it's that Di was really fighting for Dave.

"I wish I can also fight for Dave like that." said Rica. "But how can I fight for someone who's not willing to fight with me?"

Rica saw someone calling her phone. Unknown number again? Recently, messages and calls from unknown numbers mean trouble.

Rica answered the call.

"Hi, this is Belle. You do remember me right? I am Dave's friend. It's Dave's birthday today and we're planning for a dinner celebration. Can you come?" asked Belle


Rica doesn't know why she was standing in front of the restaurant. Why was she invited in the first place? Was Belle not aware of what had been happening the past days? But Rica wasn't able to control herself. She immediately went to the mall to look for a gift for Dave after the call from Belle. And now, she even went to this place all dressed up.

"I'll just give my gift, greet him a happy birthday and leave." said Rica. "That should be really quick."

Rica went inside the restaurant and saw Carl, Dave and Belle. She hesitated at first but she gathered her courage.


Everyone's attention went to her.

"Rica" said Dave. He stood up in surprise.

"Dave, Happy Birthday." said Rica.

Dave can't believe his eyes. Rica…here? Dave's heart was beating like crazy. He went towards Rica but Rica took a step back.

"I just went here to give you this gift." said Rica. She put her gift on the table.

"You're leaving?" asked Carl.

"Umm...Yes." said Rica. "I wasn't able to tell Uncle about this dinner so I need to go home early."

"Stay, Rica. The food is being served. It's a waste if you leave." said a voice from behind.

"It's Di. I should've guessed she'll be here." thought Rica.

"Di is right, Rica. I think Dave will be happy to celebrate his birthday if you're here." said Belle.

Dave can't help but stare. Rica was wearing a dress. She's showing her collarbone again. How he wants to put something to cover it so that others won't get to look at it.

As usual, she's so… beautiful.

Di noticed Dave staring at Rica. She went to hug him.

"Happy Birthday, My Love. This is your ninth birthday with me, I hope that we can spend all our birthdays together forever." said Di.

Carl quickly went beside Rica.

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay. You should probably leave." whispered Carl.

"No Carl. This has to end today." said Rica. "The pain has to end today."


Rica sat beside Carl while Dave was sitting beside Di. Belle was sitting as the head of the family on the rectangular table.

"How did it end up this way? Am I the one who is celebrating my birthday?" asked Belle.

"You organized this so you deserve that seat." said Dave

"All right. Let's give our wishes for Daves' birthday." said Belle.

"Let me go first." said Di. "For the only man I love and will ever love. I wish that we'll have more and more years together."

"Di, you need to give a birthday wish and not an anniversary wish." said Carl.

Rica's heart, that she thought was now numb, was starting to hurt again.

"How about you Rica? Any wish for your Boss?" asked Belle

Daves' heart was racing.

"Hmm…Umm. Success and many more birthdays to come." Rica managed to say.

"That's the most impersonal-cliché birthday wish I heard" said Carl.

Dave laughed.

"What's funny?" Belle asked.

"That's cute, Rica. That's also my wish for myself." said Dave smiling. "Success for SkyRock and more years to experience it."

Rica felt like crying. Dave…why is he trying to be so kind? Rica can't even smile and just looked away.

Dave's heart was tearing apart. Why can't Rica look at him? She's been avoiding his eyes.

Does she hate him?

Rica went to the wash room for a while. When she cam back, she did not find Dave, Carl and Di anymore.

"I think I need to leave as well." said Rica.

"Huh? But it's still early." said Belle. "I'll take you home so don't worry."

"It's fine, Belle. I didn't intend on staying for dinner. Uncle might be worried now that I haven't gone home yet." said Rica.

"Is that so? OK, well, thank you for coming tonight. I am sure Dave was really happy you celebrated his birthday with him." said Belle

"Thank you for inviting me." said Rica.


Rica arrived at the ground floor. She should probably call home to ask the driver to pick her up. Or she can take a bus. But then Rica saw Di and Dave talking by the door.

"So they were still here? I'm already leaving, why do I still need to see them?" thought Rica. She can only hope things don't go any worse than this.

But it usually gets worse.

Just when Rica was about to reach the door to leave, she saw Di touching Dave's arms. And then Di reached for Dave's face and kissed Dave very passionately.

Rica's world stood still. It's like her heart which she thought was already healing burst out open again.

"How did I end up here?" Rica said to herself.

Di saw Rica approaching the door of the. She had been frustrated. Since the time Rica arrived at dinner, Dave had been staring at Rica alone. And Di can't even get his attention for longer than a minute. So now that she had the chance to finally make everything clear to Rica, she'll take her chance.

Di pulled Dave closer to her. She reached for Dave's face and kissed him hard, with all the passion she can give. When she saw Rica turning her back, Di let go of Dave.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?" asked Dave.

"Rica? Is that you?" called Di.

Dave felt his blood drained from his head. Was Rica standing behind him? Did she see…everything?

Rica can't stop the tears falling. But when she heard Di's call, she had to dry them fast. They can't see her like this. She faced them with her pretend smile.

"You're going home?" asked Di.

"Umm, Yes. But I wanted to go to the washroom first." said Rica. "See you around."

Rica walked away from them as fast as she could.

Dave immediately turned around and when he saw Rica's back, he immediately tried to run towards her, but Di stopped him.

"If you follow her like this, it will never end. She will continue to have hope that there can still be something between the two of you. You have to help her move on. You have to let her go." said Di.


Dave called Carl but Carl did not pick up his phone on his first try.

Carl just came back to the restaurant and saw that Belle was alone.

"Where's everyone?"

"Everyone went home. Oh…And Princess left her phone and wallet." said Belle.

"Rica?" asked Carl. "Did Dave take her home?"

"I don't think so. She left just like that. I tried to catch up with her when I found her wallet and phone, but I can't find her anywhere anymore." said Belle.

Carl noticed his phone vibrating.

"Hello, Man." said Carl.

"Is Rica there?" asked Dave from the other line.

"No, she left." said Carl.

The next time that you ask me to take care of her, I might not return her to you anymore.

Dave closed his eyes as he remembered Carl's words.

"Can you look for her? I don't think it's good for her to be alone right now." said Dave.

"Did something happen?" asked Carl "Because I don't think it will be easy looking for her. She left her phone and wallet here." said Carl.

"What? That woman!" Dave is getting really worried. He doesn't know what to do anymore.


Dave had never driven that fast before. He needs to take Di home immediately so that he can look for Rica. When he saw Di's house, he immediately parked his car.

"Wow…I can't believe we're still alive." said Di

"Please go inside, Di. I'm going back." said Dave

"To the restaurant? Which part of what I said did you not get, Dave?" said Di frustrated.

"Earlier, before you kissed me, did you see Rica there?" asked Dave

"Dave I just…"

"I will go back and I will look for her. And here..." Dave put his phone inside Di's bag.

"You have my phone. And I am not going back to my house tonight. So I won't know if something happens to you. I won't come rushing to find you if ever you do anything to hurt yourself again." said Dave.

Di was left by her gate. She leaned on it for support. She felt like every bone in her body just lost strength to hold her up.

What is happening with Dave? Why is he this rough on her? Is he even in love with that girl?

Is he...