Chapter 15: Realization

Rica had never felt so miserable before. She left her phone and wallet, her legs are aching from walking too far. And her house is still a mile or so away. But she can't stop walking, whenever she stops to rest, tears fall from her eyes.

"Arrrgg! How can I be so stupid to leave my things there!" said Rica, angry with herself.

Carl looked all over the surrounding area of the hotel and the nearby park and establishments but could not find Rica. It's making him frustrated not knowing if she's safe or not. For some reason, Carl wanted to find Rica before Dave does. Something happened for sure. Whatever it is, He's sure Rica is suffering now.

Carl told Dave that he won't let Rica go anymore once Carl finds her. Is that why he's this determined to find her?

"I must be going crazy! Do I really want to compete with Dave?"


Dave drove to the nearby streets. She couldn't have gotten too far without money. He went back to the restaurant and drove on all the street he can go through. He even tried to walk the narrow streets to check but to no luck. Just then, Dave thought of looking for Rica on the streets leading to her house. In one of the streets which was blocks away from Rica's house, Dave saw someone who resembled Rica.

He followed the woman and when he got closer, he saw that familiar face. He immediately stopped his car and run to catch her.

Rica is really tired. And so when someone grabbed her arm, she fell on the person's chest like a bag of vegetables. Rica's ankle got twisted on the fall.

"Awwww….Ouch…" Rica tried to stand on one foot.

"Who are…" The words died on Rica's lips when she saw Dave holding her arm. He furious.

"You stupid woman! How can you leave without your phone and wallet! Why do you keep making people worried?" shouted Dave.

Rica tried to get her arm away from Dave but he won't let her go.

"I forgot them. I didn't mean to leave them. I just want to get home." said Rica. "Let me go."

"So what do you plan to do? You'll just keep on walking home when it's already this late?" asked Dave angrily.

"That was my plan, Yes! But now that my ankle got twisted, how can I do that?" said Rica now angrier than Dave, her voice almost crying.

"Get in my car." said Dave

"No! I won't. I don't want to. I don't want to get in your car. I don't want to be near you. I don't want to see you." said Rica, pulling herself away from Dave with all her might.

Dave felt knives stab his heart when he saw the anger in Rica's eyes. Dave slowly let go of Rica.

"I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore. That will give everybody peace of mind." said Rica.

Peace of mind? Did she just say peace of mind? How can he ever have peace of mind when he keeps worrying when she's not around.

Rica tried to take a few steps away from Dave but she stumbled.

That's it. Dave had enough.

Dave carried Rica on his shoulders like a sack of rice and put her on the passenger seat beside the driver.

"No, I don't want to be here! Let me out!" said Rica shouting with anger

"Just sit still. Do you think you can fight me? Just sit still and rest." said Dave.

Rica looked at Dave with all the anger she's feeling inside. How can he show up in front of her when he just kissed someone else?

Rica noticed that they just passed the street going to her house.

"Wait a minute…Where are we going? You should have turned left there!"

But Dave just continued driving.

"Stop! You need to stop the car! I need to go home. You're not taking me home, are you? Where are you taking me?" asked Rica. But Dave was just quietly driving.

"This is kidnapping! You are taking advantage of what happened to my ankle. Stop this car now!" shouted Rica but Dave was ignoring her.

Rica's heart was racing. Where was Dave taking her?

Rica saw Dave's hand holding the steering wheel too hard. His veins The veins on his hand are popping out. He is obviously enraged. Rica was getting nervous. Where can two mad people go?


Dave had been staring at the sleeping woman beside him. She had the cutest sleeping face he had ever seen. How he wish he can give her the peace she wants.

Dave did not wake Rica up. He went out of his car and walked a bit farther. He sat on the grass looking at the sky.

"How can I give her peace when I don't have it?" asked Dave.

Rica woke up and was disoriented for a while. Where was she? Ahhh…this is Dave's car. But where is he? Rica went outside and noticed that her foot was not hurting that much anymore. Though she still felt a bit of pain, it seems it did not get twisted after all.

She walked a few steps and saw Dave sitting on the grass looking at the sky smiling at the stars. She bet the magazines will pay her big time if she ever gets a picture of Dave like this. He looked like a fallen Angel. But he's not her angel.

Dave noticed Rica standing near the car. He immediately stood up and walked towards her.

"I didn't wake you up. You were sleeping soundly." said Dave.

"Where are we? What is this place?" asked Rica.

Dave tried not to chuckle. Rica did not see what was behind the car.

"That behind you is the Villa my Mom passed down to me." said Dave

Rica turned around and saw a beautiful white villa.

"Wow…it's beautiful…"

"It is, isn't it? My mom loved it when my Dad gave it to her."

"I can see why…" said Rica.

Dave noticed Rica chilling a bit and took his coat off to put on Rica's shoulders, but Rica moved away when Dave was about to touch her.

"You…should use this coat. It's getting colder." said Dave.

Rica took the coat from Dave's hand and covered herself.

Dave felt something wrong in his gut, something like fear. He doesn't know what that fear was, but whenever Rica moves away from him, whenever she pushes him away, it makes his heart squeeze in pain and makes that fear arise.


The Villa was warm and cosy inside.

"You better call your Uncle. So that he knows you're safe." said Dave.

There was a landline phone and Rica called her Uncle up to say she's staying at a hotel nearby since it's already late. When Rica was done talking, she saw Dave's questioning look.

"He can't know we're here together alone. You know my family well, right? They have tendencies of overreacting when it comes to morality. I know my family isn't the most morally upright people… but my Uncle is. If he learn I am with you tonight, the wedding will be scheduled tomorrow." said Rica. "Of course we can't let that happen."

Dave sighed.

"Is your ankle better?" asked Dave.

"Yes…I thought I got it twisted. But I can walk now, so it's probably fine." said Rica

"Good. Are you hungry? It's been five hours since we last ate." said Dave. "And you did not even eat much in the hotel."

"I had no appetite."

Dave tried to look like he ignored what Rica said and opened the fridge.

"Good thing I asked this to be replenished yesterday." said Dave.

Rica tried not to be bitter, but her heart had a mind of its own. Did he ask the fridge to be replenished because he was planning on taking Diana here? Base on that kiss she just witness a few hours ago, it seems they would have a great time here alone together.

"I have a pancake mix, eggs, milk…mostly breakfast stuff." said Dave.

Breakfast stuff…just the things you need after an exciting night together.

"Oh and I have some beans here too…Hmm…there should be some rice somewhere." said Dave


Dave noticed the crease between Rica's brows.

"Have you ever wondered why my surname is Lopez?" asked Dave

Hmm…Rica knows everything that the internet could provide about Dave.

Rica sigh as she spoke.

"Because your grandfather was from Costa Rica?" asked Rica

"Yes, wow, you knew about that?"

"You've been in magazines hundreds of times." said Rica still with a cold edge on her voice.

"Right." said Dave. "Well. Talking about having Costa Rican blood, the love for rice and bean had been passed on to me. Do you want to try it?"

Rica just stared at Dave without answering.

Dave poured rice into a large bowl.

"It'll take a while so you can watch TV." said Dave.

"I don't want to eat. I want to sleep." said Rica.

Dave slowly lowered the bowl onto the table.

"Umm…well…if you aren't hungry…" Dave tried to control himself. But Rica's rejection of his efforts to make her feel better had been making his chest ache.

"Well…There's only one room in this Villa." said Dave.

"What?" asked Rica.


"This was supposed to be a love nest between a man and a woman. Remember that this was my Dad's gift for my Mom. This was where they spent their honeymoon." said Dave. "Why will my parents need more than one room?"

Rica closed her eyes.

"Can you please don't say those awkward things about this place when it's just you and me who's in here?" asked Rica, irritated.

Rica's irritated face somehow lightened up the atmosphere. Dave can't help but laugh.

"I was just stating a fact."

Dave looked around the house.

"I'll sleep here in the living room. You can sleep in the room."

It was better this way, as long as Dave knows she's near, he can relax.

Dave could not sleep that night though. He needs to stop the confusion that's happening in his life.

"Don't…Don't Go!"

Dave heard Rica screaming from the room. He immediately stood up and ran to get to her.

When he reached the room, he saw Rica sleeping, but she seems to be having a nightmare.

"Mom, please…don't go" said Rica in her sleep while crying like a child

"Don't leave me, Mom…please stay…" said Rica

Dave sat beside Rica and tried to wake her up.

"Rica, please wake up…C'mon Rica, Wake up. You're not alone. I'm here."

Rica opened her eyes still confused.

"My mom….she…left…" said Rica crying.

Dave hugged Rica while tapping her back

"Hush …. She might be gone but you're not alone. I am here. Uncle Sam has always been there for you right?" said Dave.

Rica was scared. In her dream, she remembered that time when her mother left her. She cried and cried, begged and begged but her mother still left. The memory was just too painful.

After several minutes of crying, Rica had finally calmed down.

"You're OK now?" asked Dave.

Rica nodded.

Dave let go of Rica and laid her on the bed.

"Just go to sleep again, ok?" Dave stood up to leave but Rica held on his arm

"Once I get these dreams, they normally don't stop until morning. Can you stay here just until I get to really sleep?" asked Rica.

Dave felt like a heavy load was lifted from his shoulders. Rica needs him by her side.

He sat beside Rica.

"Can you move a bit?" asked Dave.

Rica moved to the other side of the bed. Dave lay beside Rica and held her in his arms. Rica automatically tried to push Dave away.

"Hush. Just relax…I will hold you like this until you fall asleep. I'll make sure the dream will not return." said Dave.

Rica tried to relax. She leaned her head on Dave's arm. And then in just a few minutes…Rica was already pulled into a sweet dream.

After a while, when Dave felt like Rica's breathing was already even. He lifted Rica's face.

This beautiful face…How can he have ignored it for five years?

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen…" whispered Dave.

He did not fight himself anymore. He touched Rica's lips with his. And all the memory of when he first saw her at that party five years ago, the moment they were trapped in the elevator, the moment when she confessed to him…All those moments flashed back on him like a river of memories.

When Dave opened his eyes, his lips was still touching Rica's.

"Is this why I've been feeling confused and crazy the past months?" thought Dave.

Dave could not believe his realization. Staring at Rica's beautiful face, Dave can feel tears falling from his eyes.

"Why? After all these years? Why did I fall in love with you?" whispered Dave as he pulled Rica even closer to him.