Chapter 23: Robbie

Luis' mind was scattered. One day Carl was just in the office preparing for the presentation, the next day he's gone on a vacation. Dave took over the project which got everyone crazy with stress. And then after that, here is the CEO making an announcement that Carl will be replaced temporarily by none other than RICA SPENCER!

Why is this world so… round?

Luis feels like the team was in the middle of a war. This will surely be battle and SkyRock was going to be a battlefield. These two creatures, whenever they were together, they make everything around them complicated. Why does this need to happen on the year he's hoping to finally get promoted to manager? Why?

Luis tried to smile. Rica was more beautiful than ever. But she's no longer the cutie sweet Rica she used to be. She's now a very refined woman.

"I'm glad to see everyone again. Most are familiar faces. I will be your manager for a while. I will make sure to contribute to continuously increase this team's result. And in the process, I will rely on you to give your best." said Rica confidently.

She has really changed. Luis looked at Dave who was standing behind Rica. Dave's eyes had never left Rica from the time she stepped out to greet everyone.

That look…That was the same look Dave had on Rica that day he saw her in the café that fateful day when he kissed her for everyone to see. That's the look on a man's eyes when he is only trying his hardest to not pull the woman beside him. Luis shook his head. He doesn't want to get involved on this anymore, the last time was really chaotic. How will this one end?

"You're shaking your head. You don't like my presence, Luis?" asked Rica

"Haha! Of course not. I was just thinking of the report earlier. But I am so happy to see you again, Rica. It's been a long time. And I am sure everyone here is excited to work with you again."

"I am happy to hear that. Rest assured that I will do my best to learn from this role." said Rica.


Rica had been in roller coaster rides this week. She started to work for SkyRock again. The team was as capable as before. Everyone had really stepped up their game. A lot of them had already been promoted to the next level. Even Luis was already an assistant manager who only used to be a senior analyst. She's glad everyone was doing well. There were two members who already resigned due to personal matters, but the new two members are also experts even if they haven't been in the company for very long. That was the Upside.

The downside?

Rica had to be around Dave…a lot.

Rica just learned on her second day that it was Carl she was temporarily replacing. It was a shock to her. But she tried to look cool about it. Inside, she's confused. What she can't take was the need to be Dave's companion on a lot of things. Why does she have to join him whenever he had lunch meetings? And why does he have lunch meetings almost every day? How can she ever have peace?


Rica learned really fast. She was already able to lead the team on several presentations in just two days. It might be because her work for New York FlyAir was similar with what she needs to do for SkyRock, but these projects are bigger yet she does it flawlessly. Luis can only say good words about how Rica performed and how she effortlessly closed deals. Rica had really changed. She really is a "Boss" now.

Let's just hope Dave thinks the same way that's the only way to prevent a battle.

Luis and Rica went to Dave's office to present the result of the last four days. Dave read through the pages.

"Good..." said Dave

"I can say that the contracts that we've closed the past four days are record breaking. Rica did a terrific job leading the team. In just two days, she was done learning and she was already able to join presentations and close deals." said Luis

Rica was happy hearing that praise from Luis. She did her best. She can't fail this.

"Hmm…the fast learning is commendable." said Dave

Luis can now breathe…it seems his premonition of a war was not going to happen. World peace is the best!

"But the result is not above expectation"


No way.

Did Dave just say that?

Is this the start of a war?

Luis started to hate himself. Why is his premonitions coming true?

"Miss Spencer, you had experience in New York. But on the past 4 days, everything was geared towards San Francisco based companies. I was expecting that you would use your experience to step up the game." said Dave. "Not just improve Carl's numbers by one or two contracts."

Rica took a deep breath. She can't be provoked. She has to be in control of herself.

"Can you give me the next three days to impress you?" asked Rica

Luis was stunned. Three days? She's crazy! She can't say that just because she's already infuriated with Dave. She can't commit something that's impossible!

"All right then, after three days, come back here. And we'll see if you can impress me." said Dave, with that irritating smirk on his face.


Game On!

Rica was dead tired the last four days but she's not going to give up anytime soon. She challenged Dave and she will not lose.

Rica went to hospital and checked on her Uncle's treatments. After she had dinner with her Uncle and had a chat on how everything was doing with FlyAir, she went ahead with her research. Uncle does not know anything about the marriage talks…She doesn't want Uncle Sam to get stressed over it.

If Dave wants international contracts, he should've said so in the first place. When she reviewed the team vision, it was said there that the team wants to get the most contracts in San Francisco. It was nowhere there that the team will go into other states or even international. But if Dave would use that against her, she will definitely not let her name be tarnished.

Rica went through her files on international contacts and made sure she can get the right names.

Rica's phone rang.


"Hey, Rica. It's Carl."

"Carl…Carl?! I thought you're out of the country vacationing?" asked Rica

"Wow…so that's the rumor huh? Are you free to get some drink?" asked Carl


Carl was surprised to know that Rica replaced him while he's on vacation. It even surprised him that Dave might've planned all these. He's wondering how Rica will cope up with everything…especially now that she's going to be working closely with Dave.

"I bet he's hard on you. He was even hard on me." said Carl

"There's no need to bet. He's hard on me as always." said Rica "And I don't get how you can last three years working for him. He's just too hard to please." said Rica

"Wow, only four days and you had already concluded that. It took me a year before I realized that he had too high standards." said Carl.

Rica laughed.

"I tend to over analyze things." said Rica.

"You are looking OK even if you have to work with him closely the past days." said Carl "Perhaps you're right. Perhaps everything really is in the past and everyone is moving on quite well."

"Yes." Rica drank another glass of beer. "It should all be in the past, should just be locked there forever."

"But is it locked?" asked Carl "Or is it just closed, door swinging open from time to time?" asked Carl

"I won't make the same mistakes anymore." said Rica

Carl's heart was aching. This woman whom he had admired and loved, the woman who can still make his heart race, the woman whom he already given up and promised to give his best friend…The woman who he wants to be finally happy is far from happy.

"Not making the mistakes and avoiding the pain, does that make you happy? Because from what I am seeing…"

"I wonder why Di and Dave never got married the past years." asked Rica

She's getting drunk thought Carl. She would not open up the past if she were sensible.

"I mean...I gave them three years. Three long years. They should've gotten married and be happy already. That would've made everything simpler wouldn't it? I can go back here without worrying that my heart might soften again and be torn into pieces." said Rica. "Plus, marriage being part of the condition for Dave to sign the contract would be impossible if he's already married."

This was definitely the drunk Rica.

"No Rica. Dave and Di…They broke up even before you and Di got into an accident remember? They never got back together."

But Rica seemed to not be listening and continued talking.

Alcohol was clogging her ears.

Carl knows there's no other way. He had to fulfil his promise. He needs to do something.


Dave was surprised to get a call from Carl at eleven in the evening to grab a drink. Does Carl have a problem? Did anything happen?

Dave was tired, but Carl had always been with him whenever he had problems. And if there was something bothering Carl now, he can't use his exhaustion as an excuse.

Dave saw Carl in the usual bar.

"Don't drink too much on your own." said Dave

"I had a few drinks. But not near my limit yet." said Carl

"What's troubling you, Man. You don't suddenly call out of the blue to drink out. I am the one who does that, right?" said Dave

"I...I wanted to ask you a favor." said Carl. "I know I need to send you a formal request, but I wanted to tell you first as a friend."

Dave was anxious. What is this about?

"What is it?"

"I…want to take a leave of absence indefinitely." Said Carl

"What? Wait…" Dave had to take a deep breath. "Did you learn that your substitute was Rica/ Are you upset that I didn't tell you?"

"No…no bad feeling at all. I was surprised but I like the idea that Rica is taking care of the team." said Carl. "But then, I really want to take a long break. I want to go out of the country for a while. I want to take a short course in New York about photography. That will take around a month. But of course I'd like to explore around before coming back." said Carl

"Are you saying this because you want me and Rica to have more time together?"

Dave had to sit down and get a drink.

"You should not sacrifice your career for my personal matters, Man. You've already sacrificed a lot for me and I truly appreciated that. But more than that, this is my problem. I will resolve this." said Dave.

"I know that you will do all that you can to get her back. That's why I wanted to leave," said Carl.

Dave had to stop drinking.

"I…had been in love with your Fiancée. And I can't be here while you are fighting the battle to get her heart." said Carl.

Carl's confession did not even surprise Dave. But Carl admitting it to him finally did.

"I thought you'd never confess." said Dave. "I knew it from way before. But you never admitted it to me. And you stayed by my side as my buddy. "

"You should've said something. Man, it was hard to hide my feelings." said Carl laughing. "Let me take a Leave of Absence, Dave. Make Rica stay longer in SkyRock. Teach her everything she needs to know to support FlyAir's operations. And win her heart. I will not be here to drink with you every night, but I will keep supporting you wherever I am."

Dave nodded.

"I want Rica to be happy." said Carl.

"So do I." said Dave.


It was a shocking and sad news that Carl was taking a long term leave of Absence. Rica just had a drink with him the other day and now, he's out of the country. He did not even say goodbye. But who was she to complain about not saying goodbye, right?

But that just means one thing. Rica has to stay working for SkyRock a bit longer.

Yesterday Rica was able to compile all the companies she's targeting. She drove people to madness when she asked them to come up with contract proposals within the day for the companies she sent them. Today, nothing passed her review and she asked them all to re-do the proposals. Everyone was stressed and Luis was now feeling trapped between two bumping stones.

"Why can't they just admit that they like each other and be happy?" thought Luis.

That night, Rica went to the hospital and even fell asleep before Uncle Sam could.

"She's really tired." said Uncle Sam "I'm giving her too much burden."

"Don't say that." said Gene. "Rica's doing her best to protect FlyAir. She wants you to get well soon. So just focus on your recovery and everything will be fine."

"I wish I am stronger…I wish I could've done something more."

"No Samuel. You did everything you could. Now it's time for the next generation to learn." said Gene.


Rica woke up at the middle of the night seeing her Mom sleeping while sitting. She gently moved her Mom into a laying position.

Rica went out of the room and started to work again. She needs to close three deals the day after tomorrow.

Just then, her phone rang. Who can this be?


"Hello, can I speak to Rica please." said a Man's voice.

"Robbie? That's you, right?"

"I thought I could prank you. You didn't even give me a chance." said Robbie laughing

"I know your voice since we were kids." said Rica smiling

"Well then, are you free tomorrow dinner?" asked Robbie

"Why were you asking?" asked Rica

"Did you ever read your mails? Do you remember the last mail I sent?" asked Robbie

"Oh right. Wait a minute! Are you saying you're now in San Francisco?" asked Rica

Robbie was smiling as he walked at the Airport holding his phone on his ears.

"Just landed. And I know it's very late so I'll just see you tomorrow." said Robbie

"Hmm, I need to visit my Uncle first before dinner. Is late dinner OK?" asked Rica

"Yes, don't worry, I know you're very busy with FlyAir and stuff. So let me google a good restaurant for us, OK?" said Robbie

"All right, see you tomorrow!"


Rica pulled her best men and went to an international company who had a base in San Francisco. She went there because she heard that one of the London based Vice President of a popular Airline company was in the country today. Rica has made her name known in New York for her contracts and so when the Vice President heard it was her who wanted t meet with him, he gave her thirty minutes to present. After the meeting, the Vice President immediately signed the contract.

"SkyRock is a solid company. And the proposal is bulletproof, it's just really good and it really showed all the risks and the mitigations. Good job, Rica." said the VP

Luis can only stare at Rica. How does she do these things? It seems they can make the impossible possible.


That afternoon, Dave saw Rica running towards the elevator.

"Why are you in a hurry? Did anything happen to Samuel? " asked Dave

"Umm No. I just need to see Uncle early today since I have dinner with someone." said Rica

"Oh really? Dinner?" Dave wanted to break the elevator all of a sudden. "A date?"

"I am not sure if it is, I'll know later. Anyway, goodbye Mr. Lopez" said Rica and then she got inside the elevator.

Dave's mind and heart was troubled. Who is she meeting with? Why is she in a hurry? Dave is getting really angry. He can feel his blood in his head.


Rica made sure her Uncle was sleeping. She asked the driver to make sure her Mom got home well before she went to meet with Robbie.

It had been a few minutes after nine and the restaurant Robbie chose was not an easy one to find. Good thing people knew the place and it was easy once you ask people.

It was beautiful. It's an elegant formal restaurant. She was led to a private room.

Why a private room? There's no special occasion and It's just the two of them.

Rica's heart was starting to beat fast. When she opened the door, she saw rose petals everywhere and then, she saw Robbie, the ever elegant Robbie. Even Amy said he was hot, her classmates back in her Masters school also wanted to get his number. He had really become attractive all right.

When Robbie took her hand and led her to a seat, he went down on one knee and gave her flowers.

"Why are you doing this? This is too much for a dinner." said Rica looking embarrassed.

Robbie loves it when Rica is blushing like this.

"Rica…I" Robbie took a deep breath "I want to confess my feelings to you for the third time."


This was what Rica was afraid of.

Please don't do this Robbie.

Robbie had always had bad timings when he confess. He confessed his feelings the first time just a day before Rica learned of her father's death. She had to go back to San Francisco and left Robbie broken hearted in New York. Robbie confessed again two years ago, but she was still healing from her heartbreak from Dave then. And so she had to say no to Robbie.

And Now? His timing is the worst.

Knowing Rica since they were young, Robbie knows the meaning of each movement on Rica's face.

"You are going to reject me, right? But you're trying to find the best words to not hurt my feelings." said Robbie

"Robbie, how can you have the worst timing! I mean…I've already told you to stop waiting for me right?" said Rica "I don't want to keep hurting you like this."

"But did you ever see me give up? Even when you rejected me, I still stayed by your side and if I have to confess again four more times, I will, until the timing is right." said Robbie

"No Robbie." Rica shook her head.

"This time, there's no next time."

"I can always try…"

"No. You can't try anymore after this." said Rica. "FlyAir is going down. And we need help, big help. SkyRock is the only company that can help us. And as part of a business agreement, I will need to marry SkyRock's CEO." said Rica

Robbie lost his energy and fell sitting on the floor

"That is not a sensible solution, Rica. Marriage for business rarely happens these days? How can you agree to such a thing? I don't think that's the only solution, Rica. We'll find another way." said Robbie

"That's the only option still remaining. Some of FlyAir and SkyRock's stockholders are Asian. They are very conservative. And marriage is usually a means to secure a partnership. That is the best solution they could think of." said Rica "FlyAir had been rejected by all the other companies we've reached out to."

Robbie tried to stand up. "No. I won't let you marry that man just to save FlyAir." said Robbie.