Chapter 24: Short Hair

Dave can't sleep. He can't get over the thought that Rica was going on a date with another man. Who is this man anyway? What's good about him? Is he her boyfriend or something?

Dave got up and went out. He has to see Rica.

Dave reached Rica's house but the light in her room was still closed. He waited for an hour and then saw a car pull over by Rica's gate. A tall man went out. From afar, the man looked like a model. And that means trouble.

The man opened the other door and helped Rica out. But the instant Rica stepped out, the man hugged her. Dave is going crazy! Why is that man touching Rica? But just when he's about to get out of the car to pull the man away from Rica, Rica pushed the man. It was a gentle push but the man looked taken aback. That's good. It's right not to entertain a man like that.

In just a few minutes, the man left Rica by the gate. Rica sat down, not entering her house. She looked so tired. And then Dave saw her hide her face on her palms, her shoulders shaking.

She's crying.

That man made her cry!


Rica's heart was breaking for Robbie. Robbie is her best friend. When they were young, they will play together almost every day. When her Mom left and she had to go to New York, Robbie followed her there. Whenever she was bullied, he will protect her. He was always around. And even when she got back to San Francisco, he will always keep in touch and take care of her. She cannot ask for more. If only life was simpler. If only FlyAir was not falling… If only her heart beats for Robbie, then it would be perfect.

Rica felt warm hands on her shoulders. When she looked up, she saw Dave standing in front of her. He sat beside her. Dave's presence startled Rica.

"Why…Why are you here?" said Rica breathless

"I wanted to see if your date was able to take you home safe." said Dave

For some reason, Dave looked really concerned.

"Is that because you need to ensure your future wife is safe?" asked Rica

Dave nodded.

"Of course. I told you… I take being a husband seriously. I don't know what happened. But if you need to cry, just let it all out. I just want to be here to make sure nobody disturbs you." said Dave

"You are disturbing me. My tears just went back up." said Rica

Dave laughed. The memory in the elevator eight years ago played on this mind.

"Remember the law of gravity?" asked Dave

"Gravity has no hold on my tears." said Rica, her face expressionless which made Dave laugh more.

"Stop laughing at me." Said Rica "Seriously, stop!"

But Dave continued to laugh.

"Stop. Stop. Stop." That drove Rica to cry hysterically. She cried like a child. Dave patted Rica's back.

"That's right just let it out." Dave's heart was breaking seeing Rica like this. But if she needs a shoulder to cry on, he will be that shoulder.

When Rica's crying subsided, she looked at Dave with her swollen eyes.

"What if Belle falls in love with you? And she tells you her feelings? How will you handle that?" asked Rica

Dave had to stop and think. Belle? He had never thought of Belle in that manner.

"Hmmm…that's kind of weird. Belle is my buddy. We've been buddies since high school. I just never thought of her that way." said Dave. "But if she does that. I would be shocked and will be taken aback. I mean, Belle is pretty and she's very attractive. But the heart is hard to dictate. If it does not race on the sight of someone, you can't dictate it to."

Rica sighed as she continued to listen to Dave.

"Same as you can't tell your heart to stop racing at the sight of the person you like." continued Dave looking far away.

"But Belle will be hurt if you reject her, right?" said Rica

"Yes, she will. But Belle is a strong person. She had been through a lot. She will make it out stronger." said Dave. "Besides, I don't think our friendship will end just because of that."

Rica thought that the friendship Dave has with Belle and Carl was just beautiful. And Dave is right, Robbie is also a strong person. He had made it this far in life despite all the challenges. He survived her rejection twice already and he still came out strong. She has to trust Robbie more.

"That man who took me home is my best friend." said Rica.

Dave did not expect Rica to tell him anything. So he was surprised to hear her tell him about the man earlier.

"He's my best friend since childhood. Earlier, he confessed his feelings for me for the third time." said Rica.

Dave felt like a knife just stabbed his heart.

"And what did you tell him?" asked Dave. His throat moving in sudden fear and nervousness.

"I had to reject him" said Rica

Dave's heart started to normalize.

"Because I can't let FlyAir fall." said Rica

Dave felt a pang of pain. This was exactly what happened to him years back. He wanted to save SkyRock and had to let go of Di.

"Do you…do you like him?" asked Dave.

If Rica likes the man, he doesn't know what to do anymore. He doesn't want Rica to feel the pain he felt before. But he also can't let her go.

"I don't know. I've always seen him as my best friend. Even when he confessed to me before, I had never looked at him as a man. But Robbie is a nice guy. And my heart is breaking now that I know I've hurt him again." said Rica.

So she's not sure what she feels for him. That means she might not like him romantically.

Rica sighed.

"Thank you for going here and listening to me, Dave." said Rica

Dave's heart was fluttering. His mind was blank, His eyes were getting wetter. Rica just called him with his name again. Dave took Rica's hand and placed it on his cheek.

"I missed that." Dave had to stop and placed Rica's hand on his eyes to hide them from her.

"I missed you, Rica."

Dave pulled Rica close and enveloped her into a tight embrace.

Rica felt Dave's warm hands when he touched her hand. When he placed it on his cheek, Rica's heart started to beat really fast. When Dave placed her hand on his eyes, her heart felt pain, warmth, a melting feeling …things she could not describe. And then she felt his tears. And her heart just felt like it's going to explode.

She heard him say "I missed you…" Rica can't help but let her own tears flow too but this time the tears were not flowing from pain alone. There was a little bit of…joy?

When Dave pulled her into his arms, Rica's mind went blank and she could only feel Dave's heart beating on her chest. His heart…is beating so fast. It's like their hearts were competing which can beat faster.

Until their heart started to beat in unison…

As one.


Robbie went home tired and heartbroken. His heart was shattered into pieces. He went to his father's library and did not realize his father was there. Robbie just sat on a sofa and closed his eyes.

His Dad saw Robbie enter the room and he knows something was wrong.

"Are you going to share what happened or do you want me to call your Mom?" asked Robbie's Dad

"No Dad. Why do the two of you need to travel back here with me?" asked Robbie

"Because we miss San Francisco of course. What's with you?" asked Robbie's Dad walking to sit beside Robbie.

"Hmm…You know that I like her, right?" asked Robbie

"Rica? Of course, you follow her around every day. You even followed her to New York when her father sent her there."

"Well, I just confessed to her for the third time." said Robbie. "And got rejected for the third time too."

"And you're giving up?"

"Have I ever given up, Dad? But this time, even if I don't want to, I might end up doing just that." said Robbie.

"What does that mean?" asked his Dad

"FlyAir seems to have problems. And in order to solve it, FlyAir needs to go on a contract with SkyRock." said Robbie "Rica she has to marry SkyRock's CEO."

"SkyRock is almost the same size as FlyAir if not bigger. And the CEO? That's just weird."


"Why do they need to go through that again?" asked his Dad "Do you know why Rica went back to New York three years ago?"

"Because her Fiance broke her heart." Answered Robbie

"Have you ever asked her who that person is?" asked his Dad

"No. Wait. You don't mean…Her Ex-Fiance is her current Fiancé?" Robbie was getting confused.

"That's why I said it's weird." said his Dad. "Three years ago, they broke the engagement. But now, they want it again? And again for a business deal? What's up with those two? They're playing in circles."

"Dad, Rica really loved that man. She was really hurt when she got back to New York. But she had already moved on. She had already decided to not let that man break her heart anymore. How can this happen? How will she fight her old feelings if she's engaged with the same man again?"

Robbie's mind was going to explode.

"I won't let her be hurt by that man again. I will take care of her. I will love her. That man doesn't deserve her." said Robbie. "But can I really do something about it?"


Rica was sitting on a chair in front of Dave in his office. She can't help but smile the whole time Dave was reviewing her results the past four days. His brows were moving and she can feel his attention.

"Umm. The result had improved tremendously." said Dave

Luis can sing to the angels!

"The three international deals are outstanding with the very limited time I gave you. Keep it up." said Dave.

Dave asked Luis to leave and he was left with Rica alone in the office.

"I have a lot of proposals to review, Boss. So I need to get back to work ASAP. Is there anything else you need?" asked Rica

"Umm… I just wanted to apologize for last night." said Dave

Last night. Rica can't recall if it was all a dream. She was in Dave's arm. He was crying while holding her. And she too was crying her heart out. It was for Robbie in the beginning, but when he touched her, her tears became for this man…the man she wanted to be with three years ago. But the man whose heart she may never have.

Wait did he say he wanted to apologize? For embracing her?

"I apologize for disturbing you and not minding my own business." said Dave "But I was happy that we've got a chance to talk. I mean…really talk."

Rica, stop your heart from fluttering. He doesn't mean he wants to be with you, he just wanted you both to be all right because of the upcoming marriage.

"Right. We should probably talk more in the future." said Rica smiling faintly if not a bit coldly. Dave's heart was confused, one day she's softening to him, and then she goes putting up the wall again.

"But Rica, let me tell you something really important." said Dave, his voice more formal now.

"I am a very possessive person. I make sure people know what's mine."

Dave went closer to Rica and touched Rica's cheek.

Rica's heart was beginning to race. She can feel Dave's breath, she can smell his faint perfume. She can't think straight.

"And you're mine." said Dave "I can't have you date someone else."


Rica closed her eyes as she fought the conflicting feelings swirling inside her chest.

"Robbie is my best friend." said Rica

"I will send notice to the news agencies about our engagement. There is no reason to delay it any further." said Dave.

"Are you talking about an engagement party?" asked Rica

"That too." said Dave ."I want to declare to the world that you are my Fiancée."

Rica gulped. Why is he saying things that make her melt inside?

"Do what you have to." said Rica.


Carl arrived at his destination. Photography? Of course he likes photography, but he never thought to take it on a professional level.

But a man has to fulfil a promise.

"So let's do this."


Dave would've already talked to the news companies by now. Rica is anxious, are they going through this again? Really?

Rica opened the television in her room. The show was about fashion and what bachelors think of women's hairstyles. An actor said he likes long wavy hair on women. A singer said he likes a woman's hair very short. And the third man surprised Rica, it's Dave!

Rica almost forgot that Dave is one of the most sought after bachelor of his generation. Well he was that guy three years ago. And it seems like, he still is!

"I originally like girls with long straight hair. But recently, shoulder level hair is also cute." said Dave.

Shoulder level? Rica touched her hair and realized that it's reaching her shoulders. Her eyed widened in realization. It made her heart skip a beat. No…she can't let this distract her.

"What do you think of short hair?" asked the reporter.

"I don't know. I've never been attracted to short hair girls." said Dave

Really now? He doesn't like short hair girls?

That made Rica smile.


Rica went to Dave's office the next day, they need to go on a pictorial to submit to the new companies for the engagement announcement.

When she got there, Dave was surprised. Just as she was expecting.

"You…cut your hair?" asked Dave

"Yeah, I like short hair, it's easy to manage." said Rica smiling mischievously.

"Really?" asked Dave

Rica can see Dave's brows close together. Haha! Rica's hair only reaches below her ears now. This will definitely turn Dave off. This will make him stop trying to confuse her with all his flirting.

Dave moved closer to Rica and whispered on Rica's ear.

"You know what? I just realized short hair is sexy." said Dave

Rica can't believe what she just heard!

Dave chuckled when he saw Rica's eyes widening in shock.

"I like it. It suits you really well. I'm beginning to find short hair…really cute." said Dave. "Ah! I just remembered a recent interview, I should probably call the reporter to edit my part. I should tell her that I also like short hair. I can't remember what program that was supposed to be shown…Hmm…"

"That was shown last night." said Rica, sounding really irritated.

"Really? You've seen it?"

"Yes…You said you like long hair and shoulder level hair. You said you don't really like short hair." said Rica, bitterly.

"Oh…I did?" Dave laughed again.

So that's why Rica cut her hair! She didn't need to do that. Whatever length her hair was, whatever she wears, it will do little to change his heart.

Rica was irritated. Why can't he just move away from her so that she can have peace?

Dave touched the gap between Rica's eyebrow and massaged it.

"Don't look so irritated like that. I really liked long hair in women. But when you came back and cut your hair to your shoulder, I felt that shoulder level hair had its charms too. And now looking at you…I can't remember why I have never liked short hair." said Dave, touching the ends of Rica's hair.

Rica's heart was racing. She can't always feel this way. She moved back a bit but went off balance. Dave was able to catch her mid-air. Rica was stunned. Dave…has very strong arms. When Dave put Rica back up to stand, the photographer clapped his hand.

"That was quite a show,. .You made me a happy person.��� said the photographer. "We can wrap up now."

"What?! Wait, how about the photos?" asked Rica

"I already took photos of you two when you were talking earlier. It was very natural just as Mr.Lopez instructed." said the photographer.

Rica looked at the photos and saw one where Dave was laughing while her face looked irritated. She also saw a photo of Dave massaging her eyebrows with that gentle look on his face while she looked dumbfounded. Then there's a photo of Dave catching her on her fall. In all the photos, she looked confused or shocked. Nothing showed her good angle at all.

"This can't be…" said Rica

"I like them. I will get copies of all of them." said Dave smiling

"But for newspapers? These photos?" Rica can't believe it.

"I think these photos will create a buzz around…" said the photographer

"Just like it did three years ago right?" said Dave

Oh no…Rica can only sit down and pray that nobody sees her pictures looking like that.


But everyone saw it, and she wanted to hide every time someone asked her about it. One time when she was in the café, she had to wear shades so that no one knew who she was. She heard people talking about the photos.

"I really like David Lopez. That girl is so lucky!" said one woman.

"But she's also pretty isn't she?" said another

"She's the same Fiancee he had three years ago." said someone else.

"Wow. They are meant to be! This is definitely a love match." said the first woman.

"Look at how they look at each other. You can see tension, Love tension!" said another girl

Love tension?!

Rica went immediately out of the café. Should she have her hair shaved so that no one would find out she's the girl in the picture?

How can that man subject her to this!


Robbie browsed through his mail and found a mail coming from Rica

"Hi Robbie, How are you? I've been calling you but you didn't pick up. Everything is going really fast these days. My engagement party is scheduled on Saturday. And the announcement just came out yesterday. I don't know the right thing to do. I want you to be there as my best friend knowing it's a special day for me. But I also don't want to hurt you. So whatever your decision will be, whether you will come or not, know that I will not take anything against you and I will understand. I hope you can contact me when you're feeling better. Regards, Rica."

Robbie took a deep breath.

"I will be there Rica. I will make it a surprising party for you."