Who fainted?

(this book is intended for a more mature audience as it includes many trigger warnings such as murder, dismembering of parts,gore and etc if the audience does not feel comfortable with any of the topics i recommend you to exit this book,the gore will start at chapter 6 though)

I wanted to go inside my house but then Sugawara kept standing in front of me so I ended up accidentally punching him.What I forgot was that my punches were really strong and fatal to the normal person.I punched him too hard this making him fall into the ground,the friction between his body and the ground made his head hit the ground and bleed."Please don't leave me again" after saying that he fainted.Those words made me felt bad even after I did everything to me….He still likes me….But then I snapped out of my thoughts and remembered that Sugawara had fainted I called the ambulance and they rushed him to an ambulance bed,I came inside the ambulance too as I was scared for him,I was overthinking everything."This is my fault,he fainted all because of me,I wish he would just stop liking me for his sake…."

We arrived at the hospital not long after and I was told to wait outside until he regained consciousness,I was asked if I was in contact with any of the family members and whether if I knew their phone numbers,luckily I had been in contact with Sugawara's mom ever since I had moved out and I made her promise not to tell Sugawara where I moved,I called her "H-hey Sugawara is in a hospital,please head to xxx hospital in the xxx city and xxx street."Sugawara's mom was panicking and was on the verge of tears but I comforted her and told her "Hey don't worry I'm sure Sugawara is gonna recover quickly,he always does".With this my phone call with Sugawara's mom ended,after a few hours she had arrived the hospital.By this time Sugawara had regained his consciousness,I had already visited him and told him about his mom.He looked like he wanted to continue talking about our conversation before but I ignored his face.

When Sugawara's mom arrived,she looked so worried I told her that Sugawara was fine and that he had regained consciousness with them chit chatting,I sneaked out and headed to my house."Phew that was tiring"I thought to myself.I was just about to head to my bed when I saw a message on my phone screen.It turns out Chucky had texted me,wondering why I didn't show up to the coffee date."FUCK I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT"ughhh how could I have forgot about the coffee date?It could've been a chance to get closer to him,but I guess Sugawara was more important I mean I did cause him to faint.I replied to Chucky by saying "UGHHH i'm so sorry Chuckie-hyung something important came up at the moment but to make it up to you,I'll take you to dinner(inserts smiley winky face)"He replied with a "I'll choose the place" and with that we said goodnight to each other.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door,I checked the time and turns out it was fucking 9,"ARGHHHH WHY DO PEOPLE DISTURB MY SLEEP TIME I NEED LIKE AT LEAST TO SLEEP TILL 10",I was sleepy as fuck when I opened the door and to my suprise out of all the people that I thought would be there he was definitely on the last of that list.Opening the door it was guess who?FUCKING SUGAWARA IDEJDOWJDW.GIMME A BREAK PLEASE-like why him-out of all the people in this world.I guess God hates me.Just as I was about to close my door on Sugawara tht mother fucker left his foot in the door stopping it to move-.He then opened the door and proceeded to walk in.I was just standing there doing nothing.I can't believe the audacity of that bitch,he fucking went inside my house.After going inside my house we sat down on my chair and started talking,me being the extrovert,I was I couldn't stand the silence so I finally decided to break it.I awkwardly coughed and started the conversation by saying "How are you feeling after yesterday."

He replied with a cold and short answer "fine".Man I had forgotten how hard it was to start a conversation with this guy.*sigh*,he seriously lacks communication skills.After I started the conversation we started talking a bit more,but the tense tension was still there and he replies were still short and they bugged me.Luckily,at that moment a person rang on the doorbell and it was Chucky.Fucking Chucky,like don't get me wrong I want to have fun with him,but Sugawara was inside,turns out Chucky came to my house to pick me up for our dinner.I hesitantly let Chucky in and the tension in the room became tenser than before.I told Sugawara that me and Chucky had important business and that we need to go out,I gave Sugawara the spare keys and told him to lock it if it's going home.With this me and Chucky started heading out.The dinner went pretty smoothly if i must say,I got to know him better and he got to know me better.I learned the type of food he likes,his favorite colour,his major and etc.

He sent me home and I opened the door but I noticed something suspicious,the lights were still on?Wait, is there a burglar?I was panicking and Chucky had already left,so I decided to man the fuck up and go inside.The door wasn't locked,so I went inside but too my suprise everything was in place,the only thing off was that the lights were on,I was still doubting that there wasn't a burglar so I checked every room carefully,just one more room i thought to myself.That room was my room,I walked slowly and carefully to my room making sure not to make any loud steps and not to hit anything in case there was a burglar as I didn't want to get injured.I opened the door and it was Sugawara he was sleeping in my bed,awww seeing him like this reminded me of our childhood times when everything was just so easy and simple,I wish we could be like how we were before.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and patted his head,no wonder the door wasn't locked and the lights were still on,I mean Sugawara is pretty clumsy and forgetful,I'll keep this memory of him sleeping in my mind forever.I also took a picture of him sleeping just in case I ever get discouraged:)As soon as I took a picture,Sugawara woke up which I'm guessing he did because there was the sound of a camera shuttering,nevertheless he was pretty surprised to see me taking a picture of him.I mean I did move cities just because of him….I urged him to go back home and we said our goodbyes.BRRRR BRR I could hear the sound of my phone vibrating,checking my phone I saw a message from my best friends Celine and Caitlin.Oh god do I miss them.They sent me a photo of them being drunk in our groupchat called "disappointing but dissapointed part 2"

*sigh*ever since I moved cities,I haven't been able to meet them,we've been friends for 8 years,and oh boy I miss them.They'd stood with me throughout the thick and thin and to be honest we've pretty much got the same personality.All three of us are Crackheads,otakus(a term used for people who like to watch anime),angst fic readers(angst basically means uh angry sad fics) and most importantly dirty.Well Celine wasn't really dirty but ever since she had become friends with us we infected her with our dirtyness.I wouldn't know what to do without them,as I continued staring at the picture for several minutes,I realised something wait wait wait what's that in the background?I zoomed in to the picture getting a closer look on the background of the photo they had sent to me.

That was when I realized there was the xxx supermarket behind them,at first I thought of nothing of it,but I saw a bit of blur on the thing beside it,I saw xxx restaurant beside them.A few blocks in front of my house there was the same supermarket and restaurant beside it.My heart raced with excitement thinking they might have come inside my city to visit me.I took my coat,my slippers,locked the door and ran hurriedly to the front of the supermarket,but to my distain they weren't their or were they?

Read the next chapter to find out!