
(this book is intended for a more mature audience as it includes many trigger warnings such as murder, dismembering of parts,gore and etc if the audience does not feel comfortable with any of the topics i recommend you to exit this book,the gore will start at chapter 6 though)

Before I knew it,I was knocked out. It seemed as if I had been hit by a bat from behind.I woke up to a horrible smell.I opened my eyes slowly and to my dismay,it was the body of the person I saw just now difference it this time the person is...dead…..

The body was rotting by this point,I looked up to see my surroundings and realized that the room was locked from the outside,it was structured like a jail cell and there were even bar walls to make sure I wouldn't be able to escape.

My hands were handcuffed to a pole too,my mouth was covered with tape and my legs were tied up with a rope,not to mention my hands were tired from being handcuffed to a pole since the handcuffs were pretty tight.

At this point I was terrified,still disgusted by the very rotten site of a dead body in front of me I finally started puking,now the room head smelt worse,between the dead body and puke I honestly didn't know which one was worse.

I wanted to puke more because of the foul smell combined between both the dead body and my puke.That was when I started touching my face….Wait a minute…..Is t-this fresh blood….I touched my head and sure enough blood was starting to come out.

That was when I started paying more attention to my surroundings. Wait, considering the blood in the dead body is quite fresh,yet a little dried out...I assume it's been around 3-4 hours since I was last awake.

Since I arrived at Chucky's house at around 11pm it's currently somewhere around 2-3 am here.Looks like I'll have to wait a few more hours before Chucky shows himself to me,that is considering he sees me first thing in the morning.

I started observing my body a bit more,to see if I had any injuries on my body.Luckily for me,the only place where I was hurt was my head.Other than that the rest of my body seemed in perfect condition.

Now,I have to think of a way to contact someone,(Sugawara,Celine or Caitlin no it doesn't have to be them anyone would do),but now I have to think of a plan.Come on Noah think how could I contact someone in a locked room?

And the problem was there wasn't an answer to that question,I kept looking around the room for every crack,anything but to my avail and disappointment every crack was sealed up and closed.The room that I was in was tight because there were walls on every corner.

The space of the room was even smaller than a jail cell,you could barely move around,I couldn't see any sunlight and the only thing I could see was the outside of the room through a small crack.

It showed a living room and a TV,the house was quiet,but I assumed that there were more victims considering the numerous doors surrounding the house.I assumed that the doors were mostly sound proof except for this one.

That explains why I could only hear the screams of one victim.Were they tortured so badly like the body in front of me?I mean it is possible,a highly likely chance to be exact.D-don't tell me that I'm the only one here who isn't injured that badly…..

I started getting more and more scared resulting in a panic attack,once again for me.My anxiety had gotten the best of me which was the reason why I had a panic attack.This time my panic attack was the worse I had in a long time.

My heart was pounding,I couldn't even catch my breath,I was consumed by my anxiety and kept thinking that I was gonna die, not like it doesn't have a high chance of happening though considering my situation.

I was sweating profusely,I felt like I was going crazy and not only that my lips were quivering.I had chest pain in my heart,and I was getting dizzy too,I felt like I wanted to puke,I also felt like somebody was choking me to death.(btw these are actual symptoms of panic attacks)

The last thing that I had remembered before blacking out,was puking again.Even while I blacked out,I had nightmares about what I did before….