
It was obvious I was going insane. Most of my time consisted of trying to get into Brian's good graces which were still at zero. No matter how hard I tried, he just wouldn't budge. It was exhausting and frustrating.

Summer was the next case. Instead of getting advice from my advisors, I've spent the remaining of my free time hiding one of them.

There were times when her scent was not pleasant, but bearable. I could handle bearable. Those times were short. Then there was another time when I couldn't be in the same room as her. These times out counted the time went I could tolerate her odor. The thought made me want to pull my hair out.

"There it is again: another one of your emotions. Why are you upset?"

I sighed aloud. "I'm not upset."

"Hmmm, right. That's good to hear. But, are you okay?"