
We managed to make it onto one of the terraces near the large kitchen on the Castle. The minute we walked out there, the table for three transformed itself into a table that could accommodate fifteen persons. The cushion chairs multiplied themselves until there was enough seating for all of us.

Though the magical act was splendid, it wasn't what had gotten our attention. The vast stretch of multi-colored grass and the universal sky over it did. It was like we were looking at a different world from over the railing. A separate sky from the one over our heads illuminated the shimmering grass. A soft blue sky with fluffy white clouds hung over the Castle. Yet, below the railing, millions of stars twinkled in the black sky with a full moon. A ring of a smaller moon gently rotated around the bigger moon.

"Fuck," Drew expressed for all of us. "You don't see this every day."

Summer's groan zapped us out of our trances. "Now, I really hate Brian and Amy."