
My audible sigh accompanied a rub of my forehead. Why couldn't Scarlet be a normal ex-girlfriend? Why couldn't our relationship be simple? I had met supernatural couples who had fallen in love, broke up for normal reasons like not wanting the same desires, and that was that. Some were still together, living normal lives. Why couldn't normality find me?

I glanced at the chained men on the opposite side of the room. The meaning of test subjects became clearer. Of course, the witch would use my friends. If anything went sideways, it would be on me and she wouldn't lose anything.

"So, let me get this straight," I crossed my arms across my chest, "you want me to make hybrids of your men, but first I have to test out what happens when I turn other supernatural creatures on my friends?"

Scarlet hummed and bobbed her head. "Ding! Ding! Ding! You are indeed correct. I love how you are always so smart."
