
The rest of the day flew by. Everyone ate and enjoyed themselves. Everyone with an exception of Eric. Lindsay didn't seem to mind that she wasn't talking to him. Though he was swimming like everyone else, a certain saddening sensation radiated from his body. I wasn't the only one who felt it.

"You need to tell him to talk to her," Jake grumbled, flopping down beside me. "We're feeling what he's feeling. It's annoying enough that we have to put up with our mates' emotions. I don't need his sadness wearing me down."

I watched Eric. He leaned against the cave that led to the middle of the waterfall. His eyes were on nothing but Linsday. She was busy ignoring him. She, Troy, and Brianna were talking while building sandcastles. Or should I have said, she and Brianna were talking. Troy was just there. Maybe Brianna could feel that stagnant emotion radiating from them too.

"Even if I tell him to talk to her I don't think she wants to talk to him," I answered.