
My eyes fluttered open and I was witness to my younger self in Scarlet and my safe place. Judging my pacing, it was the day after Scarlet sent me that nerve-wracking news of her menstruation being absent that month. From the moment she shared the news, my mind was on overdrive. Back then, we were in love. Something like this set off all sorts of alarms.

Couldn't sleep, so I came here as soon as possible. Scarlet was taking her sweet little time in driving me crazy. We were going to do a pregnancy test. The magical kind. It was more accurate for our species.

The younger me glanced at the grandfather's clock in the living room. I was profile to him, yet, he did not seem to see me. If the floor could be stomped in a hole, at this moment, it would. Every five seconds, the clock interested the younger me.

The sound of my erratic heartbeat polluted the air. The temperature in the room was more humid than it needed to be.