
It did not take long for the guys to set everything in motion. The girls were permitted to join us at the High Council Building. Jones would be addressed with the rest of the board members. It was better this way.

While the others got busy with the meeting arrangements with the High Council, Brianna and I slept off the potion. That was the sanest way to get it out of our system. Little did we know sleep was not what we needed but sex. It became clear after we did the deed why the potion enhanced our sexual drive. Yet, sedated us enough to the edge of slumber.

Sabastian and Scarlet had broken their connection with us. It left us vulnerable, open. Brianna and I needed to fill the space. The only way to close it was our bond and for us to become more united as one. Sex was the tool used to knot ourselves together.

Several hours later, we were ready to get the ball rolling. We met the boys in the lobby and the girls in the hallway to the courtroom.