

[Part 1]

"You never know what life has in store for us."


Faith has just left and I wonder what news she is going to tell me tomorrow. I thought she was going to stay and eat with us, but hey, what to do? She has the right not to stay at home, even though I miss my Faith from four years ago.

Since she was eighteen, I never saw her again when she went to New York. She has also changed since her father died and until now all I see in her eyes is emptiness, she is still lost.

I knew she was doing her best not to be angry for the hugs she was given. She grew up, she gained a little weight, her brown hair became longer. My little girl has become a woman and I am proud of her. I'm never going to tell her that she's moved on lest she get angry, I hope she will change.

Aidan has also changed, he has become more responsible. Speaking of him where is he?

- Maykel! Where's Aidan?

- He went to Jalen's, Aunt Evy. He said he will stay and sleep at home and that he will not have dinner here.

- Okay.

He could have informed me anyway, he will see what awaits him when he returns.

Tomorrow I'll go to Andrew's grave. I miss my husband, I miss his attitude, everything that was in him, I have not always come back to the fact that he passed away but, I must live again. He must have been disappointed in me because of the behavior I had for two years. I am waiting for the moment to join him up there.

I take a shower, read books until I fall asleep.


I wonder why Faith is back, I wish she stayed in New York so that she doesn't take away the love and affection Aunt Evelyn has for me. When she wasn't there, Aunt Evelyn took good care of me, and although I know she will continue to do so, she will spend a lot of time with Faith and not take care of me like before. I don't know what to do right now but all I want is for her to go away.

My parents are influential people who work a lot, so they're never home to celebrate annual ceremonies, not even my birthday. I took the initiative to live with Aunt Evelyn, where I feel comfortable, I am happy to live with them.

I'm watching a very interesting horror movie on Netflix whose name I can't remember, having my big bowl of popcorn in hand with my soda.

[ Part 2]


I play console with Jalen, my best friend and I keep beating him; it's so funny to see him trying to win me over by any means he can.

- And Ramirèz passes Ronaldo, he runs to the cage and shoots ..... IT'S A GOAL! explains the sports commentator in the game Jalen and Aidan are playing.

- Bro 'give up, you can't beat me, I remind you that I am the unrivaled player of FIFA 19, I said ironically.

- AH AH very funny, sir is the big mouth, I'll teach you who is the boss here, watch and learn, replies Jalen.

- We'll see that.

And I still win.

- What were you saying Jalen?

- The farm ! shouts the latter. It's good I give up.

You can tell he's pissed off that I beat him, but I'm so happy.

- Yes, come on, who's the boss?

- My c * l yeah.

- Oh poor cabbage lost, it's going to be fine, I said in a female voice.

Knowing that he hates that I talk to him like that, his head is in "Are you kidding me man, if you don't stop, it's going to screw up for you".

- Shut up and stop this weird behavior there, it doesn't suit you.

He says that to annoy me because he knows everything is fine with me, but this time, he's right. He looks desperate, he will be fine.

- I know, bro '.

- So stop! he shouts, pretending to be irritated.

I had no idea losing made him like this, I'll do that every now and then.

- It's okay I quit, Jalen, I answer seriously to see his reaction, and I know that in a few moments I will laugh like never before. I have something to tell you.

- I'm listening, he reacts, thinking. But don't tell me the old woman in the neighborhood is still mad at me for mistaking strawberries for chili pepper when I helped her shop, eh? he asks half-worried, with fear.

Jalen is an eternal coward, it amazes me that it is not a girl.

My conscience and I laugh at him, how can a guy be so scared in his life?

- No, I reassured him, sneering. My sister is back.

- Who ?

- Faith! Moron.

- WHAT !? I had forgotten her.

He seems surprised, as we know because of the change in his facial expression.

- It makes me really weird to see her again after so long, I said, drinking a beer.

- I understand you man, it's not months or a year but four years of life, it's huge.

- I know but if you see Faith, she has completely changed.

- Dude, but what do you think, she's not going to be a little teenager all her life.

- I know but she's weird, rather she behaves weird, even before she wasn't like that.

- It's normal that she changes, she is an adult now.

- Forget it man, you don't understand. Let's play God of War while eating pizza with beer, do you like it? I say to change the subject.

He's a little hurt that I'm using this as an excuse, it's true that he's my best friend but he can't understand me all the time, it's impossible, so I prefer to give up this discussion.

- I accept with full motivation to fight you, I'm sure.

- Let me laugh, I already feel the victory in my body.

- Yeah yeah that's it, we'll see who laughs last.

- Ah ah.