

I wake up from my mini-nap, I realize that I slept for two hours, it's because of the flight I took to come to California.

I can smell a good smell coming from the kitchen. I don't know who it might be, no member of my family knows I'm staying in a hotel right now.

- Who is here ? I ask.

No answer.

I walk into the kitchen, and I see a meal on the fire and I feel someone's presence behind me.

- BOUH ..., yells the person

The stranger's arm is placed on my neck so I take my elbow and tap it with pressure, it falls then I put my right foot on the neck of the idiot who wanted to attack me.

- Say Fifi, you want to kill me, insinuates the person.

- Oh excuse me Bri ', I didn't know you were coming today.

- I forgive you, it's not that I don't like you, but get up, please, you weigh a ton, I wanted to surprise you and well, it's missed.

- Hey, that's not nice, I answer, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder, even if your surprise is spoiled, I'm happy to see you but what is this way of being behind me to try to scare me.

Then i get up

I wanted to test my technique from when we were in London for training but as usual you knew how to handle the situation.

- Yes, that's one of my many qualities.

- Pride has not left you from what I see.

- Of course, Bri '. What are you cooking ?

- You're mean, Fifi, how are you doing? How was it ?

- Brian, you know it's not my type to ask that.

- I know, excuse me, how was the family meeting after so many years?

- I went to my father's grave, I had to finally make the first part of my mourning and it was not at all easy, my heart sank with every sentence I said and most of the moments spent with it came back to him in my head. I said everything on my heart, not trying to cry every time.

I blink several times to avoid the balls that have formed on my eyes

- Oh sorry Fifi, if I had been here earlier, we would have been there together, Brian consoles me.

- It is not serious. But the good thing is that after that I went to the house where my brother, my cousin and my mother live. They were happy to see me again and if you had seen my mother's reaction when she saw me, a small smile forms on my lips when I remember the scene. I spent a few minutes with my mother and then returned to the hotel. I was really happy, it made me feel good.

- You still hurt inside, right? It's hard to accept that your father is dead, isn't it? We often tell ourselves that we will grow up, that we will have children and our parents will see them, but we never know what life has in store for us. I know they've all noticed your new character that nobody likes but, I know you're doing this to protect them from him.

- Exactly, I do it for them, I say annoyingly because he knows very well that this is the subject that I hate to bring up.

- And I know why you have this character so it's good, I won't talk about it anymore.

- Thank you for not talking about it.

- Oh, are you going to break the news to your mother?

- Yeah I'll do it tomorrow but in the meantime give me a huge hug.

- I'm surprised, the great Faith Ava Hall asks me to give her a hug, the one who doesn't like contacts and physical affections, but of course, he quipped before hugging me

- Thanks Brian, you're the best friend there is.

- Oh my, stop it! You will make me cry there.

- Yes I'm quitting.

- Okay, go sit down, I'll make you your hot chocolate, then I'll finish the meal I'm making.

- Thank you my Briyou.

- Oh stop Fifi and I hate that nickname.

- Ah ah!

I go and sit on the sofa.

- How's Cassandra?

- She's fine, for the moment, she's doing a fashion photo shoot in New York, I miss her.

- We call it love.

- Stop making me laugh, you forgot it's my sister.

My head turns red and I start to laugh, until a tear escapes my eye.

- Oh .... Exc ... Sorry ... to me, I said before regaining my composure, it's not my fault that your girlfriend's name is Cassandra and your sister Cassandra, I confuse them with whenever they are not in front of me. Why is it a friend who has almost the same name as your sister?

- Well thank you for making fun of me, it's nice, it's not every day that you laugh.

- I know, anyway thank you, it allowed me to relax a bit.

- You're welcome, at your service to make you laugh.

I smile and sit on the sofa. Moments later, Brian brings me my hot chocolate, then I thank him and savor the taste of this delight.

Once finished, I put the cup in the dishwasher and then decide to set the table for tonight.


After spending hours with Brian chatting, I decide to go to my room because the fatigue begins to be felt by the numbness of my feet.


A few rays of sun light up my face which wakes me up slowly, I forgot to close the window yesterday. I look at myself in the mirror by my bed. My hair is messy and my head looks like ... nothing at all.

I go into the kitchen, take some bacons from the fridge and put them in a pan, add some oil. Then I light the fire, the bacons gradually grill. I take breads from the toaster, a few minutes later I remove the bacons from the pan. I put them in the different breads. I grab some vanilla and apricot yogurts and place them on the table.

I take my bath, I get out of the shower, then I grab an ointment and apply it to my skin. I take the hair straightener out of the drawer and start straightening my hair. I put on light makeup by applying mascara to the eyelashes and then a red gloss to the lips.

As an outfit, I opt for a sleeveless white T-shirt that I put on, I take some high-waisted black jeans and I wear them, then I tuck my T-shirt into the pants. I put on pairs of red sneakers. I take a black perfecto and a small black bag.

I grab two bacon breads with my apricot yogurt and eat them little by little. I'm writing a note for Brian when he wakes up. I leave the hotel and go to the parking lot then I take my keys and open the car then I go inside.


Fortunately, today it is neither too hot nor too cold, the perfect weather. I get out of my car, having parked it in the parking lot.

I knock on the door, and it opens on Maykel who, it seems, is about to leave.

- Hello Faith.

- Hello Maykel.

She goes.

I walk into the house and see my mother, watching TV.

- Hi honey, do you want something to eat or drink?

- Uh no thank you mom, I already had my breakfast, how are you today? I say dryly.

She seems surprised but answers me anyway. Because even during our video calls, I never asked her how she was.

- I'm fine, thank you and you?

- Idem, who are the people in the pastry shop?

- Um, employees who are supervised by Maykel.

- Okay, is Aidan here?

- No, he went to Jalen's yesterday.

I sit on a sofa.

- OK, today I have news to tell you.

- Yes I'm listening.

- I wanted to tell you that from now on, I will stay in California for a while, I was transferred here to Boyle Heights for work.

She is more shocked than yesterday.

- I'm happy my daughter, finally we can spend some time together.

- Uh ... Yes, I say not very pleased with the idea.

- But what work do you do? I know you studied law but you never told me about your job.

- Sorry mom but I can't tell you anything about it.