Welcome to Casters and Knights were you are chosen to help protect parts of the Realms and Worlds and Dimensions.

Four tribes united to create a new way for the broken worlds in the future and past for many generations to come and go through the Caster's and Knights

The 1st.thing you must to know is that Caster's aren't witches or princesses

of the past they are just regular girls.

With extraordinary insight of the Worlds and Realms and Dimensions to come into light of the Worlds to come and the Knights are from Generations of Soul Elements Knights.

Long ago tribes picked four girls who have different color eyes to suit the elements assigned to them to be the Caster's and four elements Fire , Water, Land, Air to guide them through with the new power they created together.

They needed a more stable substance to carry out their new abilities, in the times of old the elements became humans with four rings used within.

The four girls bloodline given too them in clay rings long ago within the Caster's they used elements to boast the power within the four girls.

Once the elements were stabled in human forms the rings were given to each girl to call upon to when needed when they call upon the elements they are called Knights.

Knight comes from one of each elements in the world and and lives with the Caster's of the tribes.

The tribes bloodline come from the South of the Fire and North of the Water and East of the Winds and West of the Lands making each element true to their nature of the Caster's as well as the Knights who serve them.

The Knights are bonded by a promise but can also be bonded by love it has too be true love a soul mate love or beyond lifetimes.

The knights live with a Caster's is like being married from birth, there has never been a Caster and Knight in whole body they have always been separate.

This is a story about a Caster who also a Knight within a Caster and Knight who is a Caster they are called the originals and have not been reborn for many of centuries its a myth in the dimensions.

Knights aren't allowed to leave their elements when being reborn again the knight doesn't change but the Caster's do change and don't have any memory of the previous Caster's promise's.

If a Knight is reborn without memories it means another force has removed the Knight from the element before the Caster has met her Knight they never thought a ghost or a spirit could touch the baby in the fog.

It throws the Dimension out order when that happened 28yrs ago on Earth's time but in the Dimension.

That Caster's and Knights live in they haven't aged since 24 years of human years .

The Caster's can stop aging process in them self for five years before they have children themselves, once they have a child their daughter will start as a Caster as well.

Knights they can range their ages threw time for they don't age but are reborn when a new Casters is reborn

Through time the Casters and Knights have watched over the Realms of the Worlds for they can live in many lifetimes as the Creature and Beings in the Realms.

Caster's can only be women and the knights the same as the Caster's if a boy is born within your bloodline were the girl should be you line of being a Casters is revoked.

The men in the tribes write the scriptures for the next generation of Caster's, once they made the elements knights to the Caster's they weren't needed to protect.

The men hunted and as time went past they had jobs and children and certain things remained the same until the one baby knight was taken from the fog one night

When the Realms of Color have spilled over too their Dimensions of time they must be included in the fight.

One of the Knights have enter into the world as half human too be raised as Spirit from the Lost Realm and reborn many times as men and women in the worlds of Earth.

This Caster has searched for Adymjerami

for many years thinking she was in her dimension has got a soild break and found her in a Collasping Realm.

The Caster had too make contact with the Creature who had taken her knight for a ride joy ride in this world she shouldn't exist and raised her to believe she was from the Realms of this world.

The Caster Dani had made a deal with two souls Reign Realm and Adam Jeremy Realm to get her knight back once she gets back Adymjerami.

Dani will erases any part of memories of Adymjerami from anyone minds and hearts for the Knights belongs too her Caster's it will be as Adymjerami never existed.

In the Lost Realm and in the new world, her mothers will have no memory of her nor her any remaining friends not even Roberta.

Dani needed a plan to trap the souls of creatures who had escaped the Realms but also caught Adymjerami and bring her home to her.

When the Castle moved out of the world Ajay was living in the world and people noticed the big change there was now a missing Castle.

When the Castle reappeared it was in Canada sitting invisible to the world of 2075 for this is where the Caster's and her Knights met again.

Adymjerami walked out the Castle doors and there was a woman with long blond hair and green eyes directing people too safety as the Blue Realm had collided with this world.

The Creatures and Beings transformed in humans in case they frighten the people the Four Caster's stood together as they summoned their Knights forward to protect the innocent.

Adymjerami body flowed forward to the blond Caster standing behind her. Adymjerami hair and eyes had changed for she was in a controlled bond with the Caster.

The buildings that were destroyed, they fixed and gathered the Creatures and Beings up too move them into the Blue Realm.

The other Caster's healed the injured and erased memories of what has happened in this new world.

Ann-d was standing there in awe of the Caster's and Knights that her parents and Overseers saw a glow in Ann-d that they haven't seen in any Caster's to come.

The Blue Realm was almost back to what it was the Creatures and Beings thanked the Caster's and Knights one Creature spoke the other Realms need help.

The Caster turned and said we're on it we will fix the Realms of Color before we return to our Dimension and time there are many things you must restore before returning.

In front the bookstore Dani walks up to Adymjerami and says welcome my Knight Ajay responded sorry i don't know you ? but nice too met you as well Caster is it ?

Dani face turned red and she spoke firmer then before My name is Danielle North not Caster thats what are abilties are called i guess i will have too teach you.

The castle doors open up and Dani looked at Adymjerami and said there a lot to learn we will start in here the castle has your past memories.

When we go into this chamber your lessons will start also have to retrain to suit your skills as well and after we will have to erase the memories of the people you influences in the past .

Adymjerami asked Dani what she was speaking about erase who ? Ajay had one request that she erase her mother's memories not Dani she said agreed.

The door opened up too a room a little girl with blond hair and green eyes step out and said its time to learn who we are don't worry she the Caster can't leave without you're a pair which can't be separate only through death.