In the chamber the little girl said her name was Danielle North and she is the memory of the older Caster outside the door.

Little Danielle told Ajay that she was living in the old world and that world does exist and doesn't exist the world had been destroyed years ago its basically living in a history memory.

Dani spoke of how the world had ended not with wars but with diseases made by men in the old government.

The world Ajay came from and was living in only existed because one of mother's who raised her came from the Realms.

The Lost Realm is we're came from, Reign was protecting cause she born in the world connecting her to Leyla and where came from the world of old.

Now the Dimension life is what a Knights knows We protect the world out and inside of the worlds of old and new.

We're protectors and Healers and Fixers we also erase minds if needed its for the safety of others that we created to protect the futures come.

So now your class is dismissed and you can meet the other Knights now but , we have another class tomorrow with the teenage version of Danielle Please remember to come too this room.

As Ajay left the room of the castle she heard voices in the hallway she started walking to the voices a door slaps open three women are standing in the dinning room.

The red head walked up too Ajay and said hello i am Stevie this is Sage and Carter we're Knights and you are Ajay,she said Sage said what's your name Ajay responded Adymjerami but i prefer Ajay if you don't mind.

Sage started laughing not your human name but your Element name or you don't know about that do you newbie.

All elements have special names and you just met your Caster so you don't have one newbie Stevie said stop it !! she just got here she hasn't grown up with her Caster anyways sorry about that we just wanted too met you.

When Carter looked at Ajay her eyes had changed from brown to blue and a blast of light came flowing threw Ajay she was pissed and couldn't control herself Dani came behind her and tried to slow the process down but it didn't work

Eventually Ajay started humming a song to herself to calm down her power inside according to Ally she saw the light inside of Ajay which you see in Caster's not Knights.

A Overseer came in and asked how it happened but Ajay didn't understand the language being spoken too her so.

Ajay got up and ran out the dinning room towards the door outside she wanted air when she open the door she was in space.

Carter pulls her back in and says if you need fresh air go too room 2077 it has fresh air the Castle might be yours but you know nothing about it.

Ajay asked were her room was and Carter said next too your Caster's level 4 all your stuff from your parents home is in there we will be arriving in a couple hours to the next part of the Realm of Color so rest up Ajay i hate too call you newbie anyways lets get along.

When Ajay walked in her room things were all clusters up she just singing and things moved in place she was done faster then they all bringing it in a knock on the door someone said its dinner time.

Ajay answered i am not hungry the door opened up and a tray came in with a teenage girl with blond hair listening too a old walkman she kinda screamed talked If you don't eat you won't grow up !!

And the other Knights will pick on you Ajay stood up and reached up a took the headset off her head she said now You dont have too scream are you Danielle North?

As well she responded please just call me Dani and yeah i am her sorry about that she smiled it seemed more like grin though she starting speaking fast and then she would slow down.

Dani said everything in the Castle has too do with Ajay her past and her future and her new world after serving as a Knight she also told Ajay that when they transform its both power being used as one.

Caster's forsee things before it happens Ajay said so like a medium she said yeah kinda of like that she they're a power within each element used in the Knights that we would have too figure out mine and then she would use that as my name when we're are Caster's and Knights.

Teenage Dani told me that some emotions are not used within the Caster's and Knights and Overseers just write the scriptures they can't tell us what too do only suggestions but they have no say.

Ajay asked her why the lesson is now and not in the morning she said if they grow up together they would have made up different rules for lessons.

Ajay just came its fast lessons on what going on next it will be the older version Dani and they would have training in fighting and that takes all the Caster's and Knights too train Ajay.

After training the older version Dani will Ajay back too the old world too erase those who were influenced by her presences.

Dani told Ajay that the old world doesn't exist in their time its a place they visit when passing through to get old world supplies.

For they come from the furthest future hence why they are Caster's and Knights she said they we're people from another part of that time that have moved past their former lives.

Ajay asked they remember there former selves or life and do we return too that world once we are done being Knights and Caster's Dani responded You can't go back too a time you already existed in but you will be reborn into a world.

Ajay said sorry i know this off topic but what if i want a girlfriend does it have too be the Caster you are working with or are stuck in endless contract that doesn't involve real love Dani didn't know how to respond she just gulp big she excused herself .

Ajay just laughed at how her face looked,soon after Sage barged in Ajay room and started yelling about respecting the Caster's.

Josie was walking by when she saw Sage screaming in Ajay face she cleared her throat and said excuse me.

Sage have some respect for the host and try being nicer get back too your room this has nothing too do with you.

Your a fellow Knight not a Caster's Leave now this is your 1st warning when we get too the last you will be dismissed from the Knights remember your place here.