When married the Knights are the Elements of life the air we breath the wind on our faces the warmth of the fire and waters we drink each day.

If a Caster marries another Caster she gets a necklace of their love put in with a little bit of element given to them from the Knights.

If a Knight marries a Caster's a Element between life and death is taken from each love and put in a different symbol in the ground for Eternity always together for lifetimes.

All elements in the Knights connect to the Realms outside the Earthly core life has overlapped within many tribes and warriors and knights.

In the arm of a Original is a muscles rings that connect them to all the universal worlds their souls are connect before birth before any Worldly Realms.

Were created through time their souls pull towards each other if they're with someone else or commited to someone their souls will be torn out of the body to met their souls true mate.

In a forest long ago a promise was made between two Tribes of their first borns would marry and their souls would connect through the orbs of time.

The day came for the two Tribes to get married unity them as one through centuries.

On the day the forest was decorated with the finest flowers and glow worms lite the way down the altar, the birds sang a lovely tune as music which floated down the walk way too.

The altar where the oldest Owl was standing in the human form for this special ceremony.

The music changed and the enchanted tree walked out with a young eager woman from the North Tribe.

At the other end was the other woman from the South Tribe excited she skipped along with rabbits and squirrels by her side.

The two came together as one and laughed when they met up with each other, they two intertwine their hands and walked down the rest of the aisle together.

The tune of birds had stopped as the Owl starting the ceremony the enchanted trees had given the rings of Everlasting Love to the Brides.

The magically words were spoken and the two Brides kissed and flowers were laided out for them to walk on.

The scent of the flowers blow through different times and era of others loves that were true it was like a secret smile enchanted the lovers from the past souls to unite as one.

Worlds have changed since that promise but the Two souls have remained the same now reborn in different Dimensions and Worlds.

Realms always searching and feeling the pull of your soul trying to find what they have now lost is agony to body and mind of the two souls.

Twenty- eight years have past since the first soul has felt that tug of pain they can feel the soul but can't find it anywhere that they are twenty eight years of feeling out of place feeling unloved from the peers around now.

The mated souls will finally be free once they find each other mated souls they will not feel trapped or feeling lost in a world of many souls that are not fully connected to each other.

They say true souls that mated before meeting in person is a gift that more precious then any love found in the Earthly Worlds.

To replace that feeling is impossible and souls can live without each other but not mated souls.

They search out for them and if can't find them they choose to die without them believing that they arent born in these times of the world.

They rather still single in life then try to love another for their souls feels betrayed to the soul they actually love.

Love is created too hold your hearts in place for your mind is always thinking your body is always moving so love excites your mind and body.

It takes control of life and creates a new form of light within yourself some say it recreates the old self before time intervened.

Love gives off feelings that open up old wounds and memories, of those forgotten the soul doesn't lie but waits for love renown itself again.

The Tribes flourished for many years until a war was started with other tribes robbing and killing the innocence in the tribes across.

The two tribes now a family had promised that they would take care of the forest and the Realms and the power of orbs.

The string between the souls separated them after the Great war of the tribes but they have been connects through souls in the same worlds in the past according.

The Castle History of the two souls were more Original then those call themselves that, now in the Dimensions.

The two who were married in the beginning before time changed have been reborn again into part Soul and part Realm with a human heart.

A mated soul has found out the other mated soul is missing now the search is on for the lost mated soul.

Songs and melody's sweep the world and outside for the soul that will make them both complete.

The scent of their love has been pictured for ages but now that love will come in full term together.

Hoping that this world would not gave them the same twisted fate, but would remain together in harmony in love they were connected with a simple string of love.

A string for centuries that has lasted more then it was bargain for not a string of color a string of souls mated together.

As one Heart, one lifeform and one Love Everlasting not even death can separate through many of lives and world's of Realms,many dream of Love Everlasting.