Ajay has searched the Dimension History looking for some clue of the Purple Realm and her mated soul.

Then she remembered the library saying the past in the Old World but if Caster's and Knight believe the Old World is dead they would'nt allow her to go searching for the next Realm of Color.

And I can't say she's the Purple Realm and Hey guys I am the Orange one right here!!!

I have to think this through gather a plan and excuted with no one knowing but Cas of course.

Maybe one of the keys could take me through a time where she is first I have to get rid of Carter.

Maybe ask Willie if she knows the History of mated souls and if she knows anything about kidnapped baby.

Ajay recalled the time her parents Leyla and Reign told her the story how they meet each other and how they tried to stop a woman from kidnapping a baby which they ended up badly hurt in the process.

They were in their twenties then so I just have to go back to the time of the Halloween party and get the baby but wait she'll be a baby what I going to do with her awe this is more troublesome then I thought it would be.

A key started glowing in Ajay pants pockets when she walked out of the Library of True Terms Carter and Willie were talking about how (she) is actually January-Jaye daughter.

Not your old friend Kylan Spencer she been missing for so many years now that it was a fluke that you Caster's of Old found Ajay.

Carter said What do you mean Casters of old? Willie said Caster's are not needed if your bloodline comes from the First Four Tribes which Ajay descends from.

Where yours don't you'll either become a M.E.N because your bloodline is tainted you'll become the one thing you destroy and hate.

Ajay will embark in greatest of becoming a Radiant or special human which ever she picks.

Ajay cleared her throat and two looked over and asked if she found anything she responded I kinda did most of it in Braille.

Besides that I found my name if I was raised with January jaye it's Patrick Jamise C South so that's good I just need to find this room so I can get another clue.

Ajay turned too Carter and said I should drop you home am sure your Caster is wondering where you are sorry for keeping you for so long.

The Castle landed not far from the mansion owned by some Caster's and dropped off Carter who did not want to leave Ajay alone with Willie.

Ajay reassured her by saying she would call her when she arrives too her destination whatever it may be.

The Castle doors shut behind Carter and Ajay stood at the window waving at her as the Castle headed upwards beyond the clouds.

Inside the Castle the key in Ajay pocket started glowing again, her pocket lend her towards a room with several numbers on it.

Ajay touched the door and turned it when it opened she was in another time and the numbers had appeared on her body like tattoos Willie called her name as the door closed.

Ajay turned around but she was in a classroom the teacher introduced her as

Erin. J.Reaper the teacher told her to go sit by Jessica Seas.

When she got to the desk Jessica said aren't you late in the year for transfering Erin nodded Yeah.

Erin then responded that's what happens when your parents travel what can I say sorry I won't be here long for us too be friends.

The school day continued and ended and Jessica asked Erin if she wanted to go out after school Erin responded No not really and walked down the hall.

Behind Erin she could hear boys nagging at Jessica pushing and pulling her around saying come on baby we just.....Erin turned around and walked towards Jessica and the boys.

Erin said Hey Jess arent we going somewhere with your parents tonight hurry up well be late,Jessica smiled and then said oh yeah lets go the two girls walked off leaving the bous in the hall of the school.

The two became afterschool friends after that Jessica was always seen with Erin until one day Erin got a girlfriend.

Jessica started stalking and harassing Erin watching her every move Erin and her girlfriend Sora, Erin got a restraining order against Jessica which ended their friendship.

Jessica Seas had tried to compete suicide more then twice after the restraining order whisper went around saying she was taken states side to special facility.

Erin had written letters to Jessica telling her that she was always a great friend but she took the friendship too far. Erin said she wishes they could start over someday when they are older....♡♡Luv your friend Erin

Two years had past they graduated and Erin had got married soon after graduating a few years later she got pregnant and given birth to a baby girl which she named Lyncoln True Reaper -Jung her mom Sora called her little Ocean.

One day the new couple were putting ads on the internet for a babysitter and they interviewed all of women and men but there was one woman who looked like Jessica Seas she went by Erin J Baltimore she walked with a limp.

Several days later they went out for a couple date with the neighbours daughter Monica was watching Lyncoln.

The door bell rang and the young girl answered the door standing there was a woman claiming to be Erin's Reaper sister.

When Monica went to the bathroom the woman took the baby and drove out of town as police drove pass her.

Later in that time Ajay opened the door and she was in the hallway of the Castle.

The numbers still on Ajay body one not as bright as the other was early I think its a countdown more then anything on my body.

Another door opened up and Ajay went through it this time she was Dallas she was meeting her dads new girlfriend and daughter.

When she met Oceania they shook hands they both fell the shock through their bodies the number 9 started glowing on Ajay body taking both girls through a door the glowing stopped Oceania said Who are you?

Ajay answered I am Adym Jermani your Lyncoln or Oceania right? she responded yes I am Oceania and Who Lyncoln?

When the girls got in the room a spare bedroom Oceania said in a panic I have too get back or she will freak out I am her everything she won't let me go.

Ajay told her she not your mom she kidnapped you by the time you realize it she will kill you.

Oceania said when that time comes then come back and get me Ajay said I have to go back the 9 glowed again she was gone.

Ajay frustrated and mad stomps around screaming about how stubborn this girl is Willie asked her if she was okay ?

Ajay responded Where's the room where January jaye? Can I talk to her.

Willie said as long as you have the numbers on your body you will not be able too see her also remember Don't stay pass the numbers or you'll be stuck in that time frame for that life.

A room has started building for you all your memories made being Erin Reaper and Dallas now any other persons you enlightenment in some way will have no memory of you being their at all.

8 started glowing as Willie started telling Ajay something about running into the younger version of ... then she disappeared Ajay was in school.

As Dallas they just got the results to the exam Dallas was 1st and 2nd Oceania the students around started cheering and howling that the top dogs of school beat each other once again.

Dallas asked Oceania too speak for a moment when the went in a empty classroom students followed Dallas shut the door behind them.

Oceania said Wow Great job!!!

Little sister Dallas shh.. just wait I don't have a lot of time but did something happen Why is your hand in a cast?

Oceania said mom just hurt me its no big deal Dallas hugged Oceania and said I will get out soon I promise just let me know when too rescue you.

Oceania whispered back can we take the real Dallas that the plan I have the light shined between them Ajay disappeared.

Ajay felt a burning on her shoulder, it was another tattoo on her left shoulder it was a feather with birds flapping their wings.

Ajay walked downstairs to get some food to eat she thought she was back in the Castle when she realized that she was in another time number 7 had gone off.

Ajay had realized it she could hear two voices yelling when she peaked around the corner it she saw Dallas's dad asking the woman for Oceania and Why she won't pay the ransom!!??

As she was going to walk away, he man called her name and her body moved on its own too him he said We're are leaving You and I okay.

Get your stuff were going to look for Oceania the man and Dallas drove off leaving the woman standing there.

Ajay ended up with Oceania now she was Evan Seas someone who was ruthless in her time.

Her bad past of hurting teenage boys and girls for money and training her adoptive daughter Jessica.

Erin trained Oceania in guns and martial arts and old Government Intel, night fell by and Evan called Oceania into her office.

Ajay inside of Evan said Why are you here ? What happened to getting the real Dallas to leave with you?

I am running of time and numbers so figure out what we are really doing Oceania?

Ajay returned to the Castle exhausted and sleep through the night and three whole days and so did the Castle in a forest far away from Dimension City.

On the 3rd day Ajay was refreshed and Willie had became a human while Ajay was in a deep slumber she had had bathed her with a wet clothe.

Willie had food for her to eat Ajay thanked Willie she said I had to do this for your mother as well.

Ajay told Willie about the new tattoo with the birds and the flapping Willie said that's a part of who you are the birds will collective spread on your body through time.

Ajay responded then you know Who the other parent is don't you?

The number 6 started intensifying the glow Ajay screamed this time at Willie were not done with the conversation as she went through time.

Ajay wasn't Evan but a young boy name Nolan who had just joined the camp as well he was great with knives and guns but not with action of it he would vomit when he saw blood.

Oceania now going by Reaper for the amount of assignments she has finished being top in her class.

It was hard too see her like this Ajay thought as she tired to approach her time ran out for her.

Ajay she soon returned the past when jessica and Erin were friends before the boyfriend and girlfriend came.

Jessica and Erin were a couple dating secretly they had a secret place for the two of them, they were in love.

Erin thought until one night she saw Jessica with Lincoln holding hands and kissing when Erin confronted Jessica she said it was her friend but Erin didn't believe her.

Erin started distancing herself from Jessica and started taking lessons in piano again where she met Lincoln at piano rectials.

Lincoln and Erin had to play together in piano rectial they started practicing together and apart for the big day live concert.

One day Jessica saw them together sharing a umberlla they were running to the Concert Hall for their concert .

When the two arrived they were rushed to the stage which Jessica thought was a room she raced in thinking she caught them cheating on her.

Jessica yelling you fucking assholes How could after all i gave you ..... instead she interpreted the concert that was going on live.

After the concert Lincoln was embarrassed with Jessica that he excused himself from the after party and went searching for her she was standing in the lobby.

He saw her pacing and talking to herself he walked up to her and said its over Jessica Why would I cheat with your lesbian friend why?!! she tried to tell him that she pregnant but he kept yelling!!

I can't take this anymore I am breaking up with you he hailed a taxi and got in and left Jessica standing there.

Lincoln had died that night in a car accident leaving Jessica pregnant she didn't get to tell him the good news after that she had decided she couldn't do it on her own.

Ajay flashed back towards time again till the time when Jessica and Erin were in the hospital and the doctor told Jessica she couldn't have babies after this abortion.

They made a promise that if one get married the other would bear the child they were teens, the promise too Erin was just a dumb promise nothing serious.

Ajay looked down on her body saw she was on number 3 and that flashed a bright light blinding her eyes she ended up in the beginning of Jessica life.

In this home there are two sisters they're parents aren't the best at household chores but they loved the girls to pieces.

One day the two sisters woke up and they're mom was dead and it looked they dad was crying over a bowl.

The police didn't come until the smell off the two sisters at the school was reported to the police,then the police found a rotting body of a man and woman with chunks of flesh missing.

The elderly woman was cooking beef stew when the police arrived at the house the two sisters were taken from their grandmother Aryn Balitmore was a cannibal.

The two sisters were put into foster care the eldest of the two was adopted by the Jane and Net Reaper family and the youngest became Jessica Seas.

The flash took Ajay too the time Jessica tried too commit suicide she had found adoption papers of herself and of her sister who she didn't know she had one.

Later realized who Erin Reaper was too her and Why she was going to use their biological last name Baltimore to remind her sister who she is.