Kylan was sixteen when she entered the academy of Lost Knights for Girls, she accidently bumped into a young girl her age Kylan said sorry but the girl didn't respond to her she just starting walking away towards the dorms.

On her way to the registration a girl speed by screaming that she was late she grabbed Kylan by her arm on the way, when they arrived the Headmaster had started calling out names of who are the new Knights in the academy.

Kylan name was called and so was Marius and January-Jaye and Adisa as they walked up the rest of the students were clapping and cheering them all.

The headmaster introduced herself as Pandora J Grace she spoke of courage commitment and loyalty and how this school year will have victory for all Pure Blood Knights.

Miss Grace said students were dismissed and regular classes would start back next week after the four Knights are done they're training.

Pandora called the girls to the back office and gave them uniforms and blankets and one cup, one toothbrush, one towel and one soap one comb and lend the girls too they're designated rooms in the academy.

Marius and Kylan were put in two separate rooms shared bathroom down the hall Adisa and January-Jaye were in another two rooms shared bathroom as well.

Pandora stood in the hallway and spoke aloud You may venture the grounds you also need to be back before 6pm as well your dismissed.

Kylan ran outside too look for Nellie her pet cat she's not small but quite big when she arrived Nellie was eating birds out of the tree Kylan yelled

Hey get down you're supposed to be small Nellie?

Why are ya!! big she became small and rubbed against Kylan, she started purring at the site of master.

Kylan picked up the cat and started walking down the road we should find a store for food for you and some snacks for herself the voice started Do you think will we be happy here? or Will we have too leave again?

Kylan said keep it down someone will hear you I don't know any Knights who have what I have they might have or not understand so try to keep quite until we are alone.

Marius ran up too Kylan Oh wow you have a cat I'll help you hide her in your room I am Marius Stevine but you can call me Stevie What do you prefer before Kylan ?

You can call me Kyla is fine and this is Nellie she my cat What are you up too Stevie? Well nothing really do you mind if i come along Kylan nodded her head yes and smiled.

Januaryjaye walked to library and open the window a breeze flowed the library pushing books of two shelves onto the floor opening up too page 64 and a owl appeared to fly out and landed on January jaye shoulder.

Januaryjaye closed the window and walked out of the library to the back of the academy and let the owl fly January jaye can see everything the owl sees.

The owl sees Kylan and Marius walking toward the academy store in Kylan hand she could see a cat in her hand,from behind her she was jumped by Adisa.

January jaye was not impressed by Adisa actions at all in the end she punched her in the throat and yelling at her for touching her at all.

Adisa said it was just a joke don't be serious come on were Knights January jaye turned and said not yet and i am blind so i don't expect anyone to touch me seeing themselves.

They would see my seeing cane and not just jump a stranger we're not friends we just met you so please don't assume you know me yet.

Excuse me I need too be somewhere and No I don't need your help or you too accompany me good bye Adisa.

The owl took Januaryjaye directly to Kylan and Marius who where at the store getting supplies when she got there they were still in the store Kylan was looking for tuna or cat food for Nellie she had already gotten chips and some candies in her cart.

Marius was looking at magazines of cars and computers, January jaye was getting some drinks and bread when they got too the cash register to pay when a group of teenage boys walked in and started throwing things around.

In the store the employer of store started yelling in Spanish and the boys started mocking them the girls paid for their supplies.

The employer called the police and one of the boys hit him with a water bottle when they ran out.

Marius stopped them by kicking the boys into the store window not smashing it but knocking out the boys on their asses the police arrived and spoke too the employer.

The girls when Kylan asked the time the police officer ignored her and spoke too January jaye he said its 5:30pm she spoke and said why did you ignore my friend he said he doesn't speak too her kind.

Marius and Kylan started walking away when the officer stop them and said that they were invading custody.

January jaye spoke again and said Sir they are with me we have a time limit too get back too the Academy we mean no disrespect he apologized and allowed Kylan and Marius by.

As January jaye walked by he said if you need any help with them let me know she responded and said well one is my girlfriend and other is my sister.

We are Carter's I think you know that name he gulped hard and offered to drive them back too the school.

The officer got his car and drove up with January jaye in the back and drove up too Kylan and Marius he said Hey sorry about earlier i will drive you up Marius nudged Kylan she stopped and looked at Marius Let's go we don't have time we will finish up in the rooms.

They open the doors Kylan sat in the back with Januaryjaye and Marius sat in the front.

He drove them up and January jaye stretched over her hand and held Kylan hands and caressed them.

Kylan got a shock of tingly feelings throughout her body that she shook her leg started bouncing.

When they got back to the school the officer opwned the door for them and spoke queitly to Januaryjaye Please Let me be your driver while your staying here Miss Carter.

I'm Peter Asthen am at your service he handed her a card and got back in the car and drove away.

Miss Grace was standing at the window and saw everything that transpired outside with her students.

A few days went by and a mysteries fog rowed in as the Knights were traning outside it was so thick that the staff couldnt see the students no more, there we're voices and screams from the students.

Kylan and Januaryjaye were together when the fog looking for Marius went their hands got pulled by someone else in the fog.

Kylan tired to call out to Nellie as her mouth opened up the fog entered her body causinhg her body too drop too the ground.

Januaryjaye has attempted to do the same as Kylan and the fog entered through her eyes, somewhere in the fog.

Marius is walking around with her hands out she trips on a body unkown at the time she touchs the body and she feels something touch her as well she screams and it entered her through her tears and mouth.

Rain drops started falling down and it started clearing up the mysteries fog, the staff can see and run towards the fallen students they carry them inside the academy of the school.

The nurse is called in and the three students are moved in the nurses office with a few staff.

One of the staff says too the nurse my skin is just itching what's happening, another staff says my ear's are burning and it hurts, the nurse runs over too help the two teacher's as she gets there they're body exploded.

Marius woke up in the nick of time blood and body parts covered the nurses office, Marius got off the bed and went towards Kylan said wake up something wrong oh Januaryjaye is here too come on guys wake up.

The two bodies took some time but they sprung up after Marius slapped them both, Kylan voice was raspy at first and then she cleard it What's going ?Where are we?

Marius said the nurses office but something just happened too the teachers they exploded we need too leave now!!!

They helped Januaryjaye up and headed too the door the nurse tried stopped them as they walked out the door they met up with Miss Grace and Adisa who had skipped training in the hallway.

Miss Grace said its time too leave The school has been invaded we need to get Quinnica City as soon as possible Miss Grace went to say something else men in toxic suits came barging in and tried to take control of the Academy and the students that were there.

Miss Grace told the girls too hold hands and she held Kylan's and they were outside, Miss Grace told Kylan to call out too Nellie.

The Castle and Nellie the cat as well Kylan looked at Miss Grace in shock but called out to them both and told everyone to stand back.

The Castle Nellie and Cat appeared in front of Kylan the cat turned small and jumped on Kylan shoulder the Castle open and closed the doors in happiness of seeing them all

Kylan said Nellie let us in please I've missed you and have treats for you the Castle door opened both doors and they walked in Januaryjaye called out for the owl she came flying the Castle doors then shut.

Miss Grace said too Kylan we need to go too Quinncar City to the next Ladies of Knights its the second school to our academy of Lost Knights of Girls there we will up with Jaye Carter.

That's January jaye 's mother and my old friend from high school days it seems we will be going backwards instead of forward sorry J.j we tired too stay away.

Arriving in the City Quinncar the people are scarce to strangers coming into their City, the Mayor came to greet the students and Miss Grace, she asked for Jaye Carter immediately and ask where the nearest bar was she walked back in the castle and said.

Now girls behave and don't show weakness to no one here also, When we get too the school training will start in Room of Despair.

If you can't complete the test in two days your mind will became the Wisdom of Realms and your body will become the tree of Everlasting Life to the Realms.

We will see you at graduation when you flourish your flowers will be laid for the Graduated Knights.

So lets get going we don't have time two waste when they opened the door Jaye Carter wss standing looking at the architect work of the Castle.

January jaye said hello Mom how are you her mother answered i am glad your safe my little owl and who's this holding your hand .

January jaye said this Kylan her Mom came close to Kylan and said Wow you look just like your mom probably has the other Mom's personality Oh sorry I am Jaye Carter i know your mother's come we have alot to talk about.

When they arrived Mrs. Carter escorted everyone to the dorm rooms except her daughter she was taken home Kylan asked if she could stay in her castle instead of the dorms.

Mrs. Carter agreed as long as Marius was included in that agreement Kylan said of course she already my bestfriend that's a plus which left Adisa too herself in the dorms.