In the Academy of Ladies of Knights Miss Grace meets all the girls including a new face which we didn't see cause she was fully cover up to head.

We we're told the she's from the

Blue Realm in a different part of the World on Earth.

Classes started in a room called Room of Despair and Truths Miss Grace gave simple instructions that if you don't leave this room you could turn into an in Everlasting tree.

The five girls entered the room the test reveals the past that's been hiding and what truths your past is hidden with the unconscious mind waiting to be unlocked.

In the the room there are drinks with their names on it and cookies on plates with their names presented for them to eat and drink.

Marius takes the cookie and eats it her body drops and the rest are calling her name but she can't answer them she could only hear them for she wasn't in her body but floating above the room.

A voice called out too Marius she followed it without hesitation she called out too the voice Who are you? I can hear then suddenly her outer body took her to her old house.

Marius she could her grandfather could see him peeking in the washroom her body moved closer to him and what he was peeking at it was her as a child with her mother in the bath.

A memory unlocked when she saw her dad coming in and shooting his father for his sins.

Daejae her mom heard the loud bang they thought something had fallen down in another room.

Her mother had gotten out the bath dried herself and got dressed and repeated the same for young Marius.

When Daejae opened the door Marius's grandfather was laying on the floor shot in his private parts but her father was no where too be found her Mother called the police and they said it was a robbery gone wrong.

The police left and detectives came too Marius mother something important the talked to her about how her husband had been shot in the line of duty.

Marius could see her father waving at her from behind the fellow detectives speaking to her mom he walked up too her and said he killed me.

Grandpa wanted you but we have bigger problems, my little Mars there's a planet missing or a Special Realm.

You'll find it Dad's special chain is in the camping gear wear it always never take it off.

Only trust Kylan and Adymjerami they're important, I got too go remember be good for Mom and never trust them.

Grandpa can't hurt ever again daddy listens to his little Mars love you always Marius woke I need too find the chain her test was compete.

January jaye drank the juice the last thing she said was oh wow new improve flavour grape before her body started floating above the other students around here.

January jaye ended up at the farm of her grandmother house were she spotted herself running with owls around her.

It looked like she was also flying with them, she could hear her voice and the car backfiring she was there again.

January jaye heard the baby owl fall out of the tree from the scare of the backfire she ran towards the baby owl.

Her mom said it was dying but she did a spell she saw in a magazine before her mom could stop her January-jaye had lost her site of seeing her eyes became white.

January-jaye learned the owl would see when out flying would share his site of seeing for his hero.

After that she had to learn and train to live in a new world without seeing the only thing she misses is the site of the blue and night sky but even.

Wiley will share that as well she woke up outside the room her Marius were worried for Kylan for she hadn't returned as yet.

Kylan's test she ate the cookie and drank the juice her outer body took her too the past, her body shuffled to another plain of World she saw herself put a child in the fog.

Kylan body took her to a woman standing in the foyer of the Castle and she saw herself as a child running to the woman another voice came out from a far How's our Daisy doing today?

The woman answered she's great aren't you the little girl smiled and ran towards the voice but ran back to the woman screaming with no voice coming out.

The Castle moved shifted the woman said Daisy get behind Mommy now, she called out Nelligan Stop playing around come out!! the Castle locked the windows and doors to all entrances.

M.E.N walked in the Castle the woman said Nellie take Daisy far try Quinncar City the Carter's or Pandora the older one remember Nellie. Listen Carefully Daisy Kylan -Fyne.

The Castle and the cat are yours I am one of your mom's I am Ruby Kylan you do have some gifts remember the planet i showed you Daisy nodded her head.

Mommy will be there just a teenager's there so if you get sad go to that planet and you will see mommy Nelligan and me.

You are a special key I love you,

bye Daisy, her body and mind unlocked blocked information hiding in her mind.When she came too she said out aloud I am Daisy wow!!!

All three had came out but there was two others who had not return and had to wait for the rest of the group.

Adisa ate the cookie she ended up at a old lodge there was a man and a little girl singing a song in a different language in front a body, the door sprung open.

Other people came rushing in calling the little girl a witch and dragging her out of the lodge to a fire.

The man screamed and the people were pushed towards the trees he called Adisa go forth to another land and she disappeared.

Adisa woke up she was under a big tree,

she saw different lives passing through the branches into the leaves Adisa was in a trance.

Adisa could her voices in the trees calling to her when she touched the leaves, her hand became one with the tree her soul and body was taken into the tree.

Miss Grace opened the door and four girls were standing there Miss Grace asked for Adisa they answered she never came back.

Mrs.Carter was behind Miss Grace and said she with the Everlasting Tree of Realms once you touch it your soul is taken in the tree.

Until then end of your years so many have been tempted but in 123years this is the first Knight to be taken.

Kylan asked what was taken before Adisa Mrs.Carter said evil Caster's who betrayed Knights only their family can fuel the Everlasting Tree of Realms.

Miss Grace said class was done for today, January-jaye and Kylan and Marius walked backed with their heads in their chest worried of who would disappear from the group.

Jaye and Pandora walked back to the office to discuss why Adias has become one with the Everlasting Tree of Realms Jaye is yelling how is this possible what's her Family name.

Pandora thinks hold on I will her records Pandora says Pak she a descendant of Bo-rang Pak that's why she the Everlasting Tree of Realms took her.

He started the collapsed between the New and Old world and the Realms.

Another descendant this isn't going well we need to find the last two Realms or everything will come undone.

We need too teach the new Knights about the Realms and how to spot them and also teach them about the Beings and Creatures within the Realms of Colors.

Next class will be starting tomorrow that will be their lessons the Realms and Creatures fighting skills are excellent.

We just need to get them synced too their Caster's they're the elements themselves, just need too train their elements to the Caster's to abilities.