At the school they met their Caster's and also were told that are two Originals within their group which will have special training as well as normal training.

Marius had a mock training with Josie she was a 2nd year who is into Swords in the new school.

1st. Swords they wore point vests and the points would add up as you get hit it had a timer on it.

Josie charged at Marius with her king arthur looking sword and Marius blocked her attack too eager for glory Josie tripped Marius she had won the match.

The next one up was Kylan she picked up the same sword of Josie instead of Josie charging at Kylan, she had reversed the move on Josie and scored 200 points before the timer ended.

January jaye had a different mock sword test cause she is blind so Josie came towards January jaye as she moved left.

January jaye slides down to the mid section of the vest and ended making 300 points she surprised Josie and the other Casters we're watching.

Next up was the girl in robes she took a Staff instead of a Sword Josie laughed at her, she charged at Josie and got the back of her head tapped then her bottom Josie took out the girl in the robe.

On the the 2nd level of the test its Abilities and Elements to explain the class was

Mrs. Carter, she started Caster's have some abilities that can help within the worlds.

Knights have the Elements to advance their abilities inside of them, Knights Elements come from the Color Realms and the Old World.

The Originals are born with all the Elements within them and the Abilities to control in any Realm and Earthly world.

Caster's borrow the power of the knights or sometimes the other way around, in this class we have to match the Elements with the proper Abilities for you all to work as one.

Once the Casters and Knights are in synced with each other there is a blood ring that is given too bond you to each other.

Note: This doesn't mean you are married to them it means that it is a partnership of the keeping the world safe inside and out.

Originals don't bond to Caster's but can improve their elements with another Knights, A question asked a lot is can Caster's and Knights date each other or outside the Academy.

The answer is up too you really but if you tried to tell anyone outside you are a Caster's or Knight your words would not come out properly and your actions will be reversed.

If you are found out to be a Caster's or a Knights your family name will be revoked out the books of Eternity.

Class will be dismissed for today as Marius and January jaye and Kylan walked out Miss March pulled Kylan and January jaye aside to discuss their tests as Orginals.

The test came back that their bloodline is a true blood and they don't need the regular training classes.

They could either work together or with another knight to enhance the power from within them and other elements around them.

The girls walked out of the classroom towards outside Marius said Lets explore the grounds hopefully nothing will happen here while we are outside Kylan and January jaye agreed and opened the doors to get out.

While walking around they came to a pond the sat on a rock and the grassy part near the pond.

Kylan heard Adisa calling out for help!! Nellie her cat had walked behind them and jumped on Kylan lap had just swatted at Kylan as she went to touch the water Kylan screamed and scolded Nellie.

The voice then spoke Don't touch the water!!! Kylan its dangerous for you please move away from the pond all of you.

Marius said she can talk Kylan answered yes she can let's do what she says she always right you know, and then Willie spoke as well Jan jaye we should go as well your mother is looking for us as well they started walking back.

Nellie said Never in a Louder Voice That pond will bring you despair and death never go back again!!! Do you understand Kylan!!!! Kylan answered I totally understand Nellie I will never go there I promise Nell.

Marius said I never know she could speak Kylan said Who do you think raised me?

At times she can be cat a big cat with wings and even a woman at times she's like everything at once and as she said that Nellie became a grown woman before their eyes.

Jaye Carter ran over to the girls and yelled Viola get some clothes Nelligan Fyne is back in her human form.

Hey long time no see Nellie? Well I guess we should introduce yourself to these young girls standing here.

Nellie cleared her throat while putting on the jacket I am Nelligan Jeri-Maya Fyne I am also Daisy's mom but not the one who gave birth too her.

January jaye said nice to met you again and Marius asked two questions 1. Have you always been able to change into a cat? 2. Is Kylan other mom a cat too?

Nellie answered the 1st. Yes I have always been able to shapeshift into a feline meaning cat for some time now.

2nd question no Daisy's mother isn't a cat but the Castle is own by female Kylan bloodline.

January jaye asked if Kylan has the ability to shapeshift and also why now did you reclaim your human form now after 16yrs?

Nellie said I had too keep Daisy safe so within the Castle I was human but outside i was the cat Nellie and for the other question Yes Daisy can shapeshift but she hasn't chosen her animal of choice as yet also Daisy is Kylan.

For a long time Daisy didn't speak her voice was lost but the night the Monster Enity Nation shot form M.e.n came in the Castle. Ruby was taken she had screamed so hard nothing came out after 3days.

Daisy spoke and cried for Ruby and I cried for my daughter and my wife Daisy has her eyes.

When Nellie looked around Kylan had walked away with tears in eyes she didn't notice that she had become a bird.

Kylan began to fly high in the sky Kylan transformation is caused by guilt and anger for the lost of her mother.

Kylan could see flashes of Ruby and her life before the incident happened her world had changed that day when she was six years old.

Willie had spot a new bird in the sky it seemed to be flashing in and out of form as Willie tried to get close to the bird who was flashing in and out turned into a human so did Willie they landed on top of a tree.

January jaye could feel the air above her she asked her mom to assist her on finding Willie and Kylan her mother called out to Viola she had came as fast as a horse.

Jaye asked have you seen Willie and Kylan she said Willie was flying near the forest with a beautiful black bird.

Viola said I could see the bird was having difficulty flying but haven't seen them since she point too the far left of the academy.

They went looking for Willie and Kylan the called out to them January jaye said she couldn't feel Willie anymore and started panicking.

In the tree the owl had noticed that she or he had a squishy body and had a human voice she said what have you done to me why have I changed.

Kylan answered it could because I was trying to transform into a bird and kept coming undone I just can't complete the transformation.

No worries my mom will fix this here try climbing down follow what am doing and you should be fine.

As they were going down a branch broke causing Willie to almost fall but Kylan caught her just in time she put her on her back and climbed down when they got to the ground.

Willie had no clothes so Kylan gave her top sweaters and pants they started walking towards the school when they saw January jaye and everyone waiting for them.

January jaye said Where's Willie? and Kylan points to the human Willie and says Mom can you help me get Willie back to her true form she touched me when as I was flashy in and out.

Nelligan said repeat after me Daisy What once was a bird, return to your natural form Daisy said what once was a bird was return to your natural form and Willie became a owl one more.

Jaye said she's like Ruby she can complete any spell even if its not her familiar, Nelligan said Yes I would say she's better then Ruby some would say.

Jaye said so she inherited more then the Castle I guess we know what her abilities are now.

Viola spoke and maybe that's why she can't shapeshift? and as Voila went to finish her sentence when Jaye said that's impossible all children get both family traits not just one you know that Viola.

Lets head back too the school Kylan asked to back to the Castle to rest I just want too see my bed for now Kylan walked away towards the Castle when she got inside she saw a letter in the stairs took it and went to bed.

The next day new classes started with Transformation.

The teacher to teach the class was Nelligan Fyne she was suitable for position since she can transform into a cat and other animals.

In class Mrs Fyne taught the students that they must believe in the transformation that they will be whole with the animal.

They picked they must picture the animal in their minds and they will transform into the animal of choice.

When Kylan tempted it she only got the wings out of her back in each try nothing else changed, as the teacher Mrs. Fyne was disappointed in her student who couldnt complete the task that was asked all the students in class.

As her Mother she was surprised for only one person has done that and it was her mom Ruby.

After class Mrs. Fyne asked to speak to Kylan when they were speaking Nelligan mentioned that Ruby was the only one she knew who could produce wings Kylan smiled.

Kylan said Mom is there something am doing wrong ?Why can't I complete what is asked?

I am doing what you asked Is there something wrong with me?

Nelligan went to answer and a large boulder flew through the wall towards Nelligan and Kylan standing in the classroom still talking

Kylan thought too herself Elements unite and protect mom and me, the boulder stood still Nelligan looked at her daughter and noticed her eyes had become all the Elements at once.

Kylan walked outside threw the hole that boulder made and any boulders that came near turned around and heading back in the direction they came from.

Stevie was with January jaye when the boulders came flying outside looked like the world was ending and colliding with the school itself.

Stevie called over too Kylan, but she was already connected to the Elements she couldn't hear them calling out to her she pushed with her hands and called out...


The Monsters Entity United were attacking the Academy in full force the chaos around them was piling up.

The older Knights stood in a giant circle held hands and started helping the Knights who become one with the Elements with out a Caster's abilities.

As they were pushed back birds and animals came in and attacked the M.E.N coming into the barriers of the school, trees came alive as well helping Caster's and Knights as one.

Finally something that hasn't been seen since the beginning happened the spirits of all the Knights became one with Kylan.

As she took down many monsters in her way finally the boulders stopped and the monsters retreated. Kylan's body fell to the ground.

Nelligan transformated into the bigger cat caught her as she was falling to the ground she whispered to her daughter Come on don't leave me!!

Daisy come on you can do it Mommy here you did it the monsters are gone.

Nelligan took Daisy to the Castle to heal and recuperate she was out cold, Viola entered the Castle and to examined Daisy she went to put her hands on her body and she pushed to the walls.

As she pushed back towards Daisy body she whispered in Kylan ear its mommy's sister am here to heal you,Kylan grabbed Viola hand and Viola and her disappeared.

When Stevie and January jaye came in to visit Kylan no one was in the room they called out to Viola and Kylan.

Mrs Carter ran in the room but they were gone The Castle lights shut off and the doors opened wide a cold breeze starting rolling in the Castle walls.

Nelligan ran from outside inside she said What's going on? Where's Viola and Daisy Kylan.

The Castle doors closed and the lights came back on the room doors closed and opened rapidly and the fire place lite up the hallway.

Viola walked down the banisters and said she's alive and awake sorry for the wait, Kylan said January jaye you look pretty Hey there my Stevie and hi Nellie and friends.

Ten years has gone by since that day Daisy Kylan is full a Knight and so is January jaye (J.j) they are also married to each other and expecting their first child.

Stevie teaches at the Knights of Ladies she is a Caster and works with Daisy and J.J the Tree of Everlasting hasn't taken anyone since it took Adisa those years ago.

M.E.N have been attacking more frequently Nov18 that date I remember but not the year but a big loud noise came from the test room Despair and Truths students had entered but none has returned to the new section for the students.

Knights are dispatched January jaye and Stevie arrive students were running and screaming.

A blast of orange light came towards January jaye she was struck down her elements weren't connecting with Stevie since she had got pregnant.

Another set Knights and Casters rushed in to control the situation the orange beam was contained and the tree was on its way of being put back when it blasted January jaye again and then stopped it was replanted but it didn't glow the same again.

January jaye was rushed too the hospital the baby came early then expected it could be the hit of the Everlasting tree the Doctor spectacled a little girl was born.

January jaye Carter turned into dust after the birth of her daughter Kylan was called to the hospital.

When she arrived the nurses had told her that January jaye was gone and another Carter would take her place soon enough.

They handed the baby too Kylan who walked out with her tears flowed down her face as she walked right to the Castle.

The room she went into opened a door to the past it was foggy that night as she walked through the door.

Kylan kissed the baby and she began too cry she put the baby down on the ground and started to walk away they baby began to cry louder.

A spirit bummed into Kylan as she open the door to the Castle and before she closed it shut.

Daisy Kylan watched from the door her baby daughter crying in the fog when she heard someone enter the Castle she closed the door shut forever.