Ajay uses a lot things from the Old World in the new Dimension she uses a old mp3 player too listen music, she can't get into the music now made with metal outa tune with swinger beat mixed with classical music the others party hard too this music.

When they finally got to their destination, they all separated into their designated homes Danielle and Anielle live together in luxury home. Carter lives 2miles away from her Caster's, Sage and Stevie live together not far from their Caster's.

Ajay stayed in the Castle near a waterfall it looked like a beach from the horizons, a letter was sent to the Castle inviting Ajay to dinner at Josie West and Niqo East pronounced Nico home for dinner.

Ajay decided not too go so she walked to there house to tell them she didn't know how to send a letter back to them.

While walking up too the mansion, Ajay noticed that all the Caster's and Knights were dressed up in formal wear and she was wearing a tshirt and a vest with jogging pants with slippers when she arrived .

When she got to the top of the hill she walked to the door a man asked for her name she said Can you tell them I am not coming , and am Ajay Realm she started walking away from the mansion.

Carter looked for Ajay at Josie home but she was no where to be seen she walked towards the door and saw a shadow walking away she yelled for Ajay but she was too far to hear Carter.

Carter tried to walk out and was stopped by Anielle she asked her Where she was going? Carter responded to get Ajay I saw her leave already Anielle .

Patted Carter head and said if she doesn't want to come back stay with her i gave you permission remember to change first and this shouldn't be your job but her Caster's Danielle but you're a great friend so go!!

At the Castle Ajay sat outside from the long walk up the hill as she got up the doors automatically opened for her too enter she spoke to Cas as it was human leave the door open Carter will be here shortly then lock it once she comes.

Am to write a note for her so she knows i am in the shower Ajay walked up the stairs to the bathroom the water turned on automatically she just had to adjust the water for more hot water.

Carter walked up to the Castle and the doors opened for her she said Thank you Castle do you know where Adymjerami?

The castle started pouring raining in one spot Carter laughed and said in the shower.

Thanks again am going to her room too wait is that ok the Castle window shatters opened and closed as for answer of yes the doors locked as Carter walked up the stairs.

When Carter got into the room there was album with pictures of the places the Castle was with Ajay families and instructions on who can control the Castle and Why she was given away?

In the bathroom Ajay is getting dressed and the letter came threw under the door it and stuck on the mirror in front her she picked up the letter and opened it up.

Letter took her to the past she opened the door to her room which was semi attached to her bathroom and there standing was a woman and a Creature giving a gift to the woman.

Ajay walked forward she was stopped by a force the Creature said this child is a gift to the Carter's she will born from you January jaye.

You must take the baby away, given up and taken out of the Castle door through the fourth floor open the door and put her in the fog she is the Orange Realm.

She must go through the fog to the Lost Realm she will be raised by two different beings a spirit and a ghost her life will be full.

The Creature looked over to the bathroom door entrance and looked back at January jaye another will be reborn in your place.

You are a Original and so will your be your daughter in some senses but she has more power inside of her.

The Carter bloodline is the from the first Tribes and the owl Willie will be hers as well for she will connected to your life in the past.

The Creature said would you like to know her name? So when you two met again you'll know its your daughter.

January jaye said Yes I would love too know her name the Creature said her name is Adym-Jerami and she's an architect in the past and she just fell in love.

She's in my hand being put into your stomach she will loss her love and family but she will fall in love when she gets to the Castle but not with a Carter by blood that's all I can tell you about your daughter love life.

She will have abilities from the Old World and from the Lost Realm as well, you may tell your mate if anything different occurs.

The Creature disappeared and January jaye walked in the bathroom Ajay was still in there January jaye started talking out loud we will met again Ajay i promise as Ajay went to talk she ended back in her time.

Carter asking her if she was okay she answered yes sorry what were you saying Ajay thought keep going over and over again that she's the Orange Realm.

Ajay asked Carter if they could have a sleepover to get her out of this funk and Carter agreed the two prepared for they're sleepover in the Castle.

Outside the Castle Sage was packing up her things up was stopped by Josie, she asked if Sage if it was true about her Dani and what else she was hiding from her?

Sage answered yes we were together its true and I know that Ajay isn't Daisy Kylan its not even a Kylan but can control the Castle how?

Josie what are you talking about of course she's Kylan and she's Daisy from our youth Sage screamed No she's not!!

Her eyes are different colors and she's not like us she's from something older then Caster's and Knights but I think that's why she can control the Castle because its something different from us all together.

Josie said what if she's the missing child of January jaye Carter? They come from ancient times and if Ajay is that child she can control the Castle and trees and animals around her.

Remember January jaye could control all birds and all animals because she was blind and I've noticed that the birds have been following, Ajay around since her and the Castle have been reunited.

That use to happened with January jaye she even had a owl named Willie who was her eyes Ajay has a cat named Nellie the Castle and the birds following her.

I think that she a True Bloodline of the Carter's making her more or less like a Original of Ancient times of old and new i admire her but feel sad for her.

Sage asked why do you feel sorry for her because no Carter lives past 26yrs old Josie how old is Ajay?

Anyways where are you going and why didn't you to tell me why your leaving now Sage said I will be erased soon and so will anything I done.

Will be gone i guess this Karma for laughing at Ajay when you did it too her three days ago but Dani will be here still take care of her and watch out soon the Caster's will end and it will be Knights.

The Overseer went to knock on the door but a Radiant stop him and said all overseers will report to headquarters tou will not needed here.

The animals became loud and started charging towards the residents of Dimension they began attacking the students and other Caster's and the Knights.

Several people that were at the mansion were leaving were suddenly became under attack by Foxes and Owls the sounds from outside sounded like a bomb going off people were trampled.

Josie looked out the window and saw what was going on screamed too Sage the animals have gone wild they're actually attacking everyone outside.

We need to regulate the situation at hand drop those bags we have to go now a bird started banging threw the windows of houses trying to get in.

The Castle wasn't under attack at all the birds actually surrounded the Castle, Anielle looked out the window and thought how and why are they surround the Castle and attacking everyone else.

The Castle doors opened up and a owl flew in and the doors closed the animals retreated back to the forest, Casters and knights and students that were outside were injured badly.

The remaining Caster's and Knights helped to restore the order of the City of the Dimensions fixing buildings and healing the injured.

Josie thought could this be a new way for the M.E.N to attack on us while we are collecting the injured or is it something else completely happening here.

I have seen this before when I was younger Yes it was Mrs J Carter she could command the animals to move to her will and her eyes would look like a foxes eye site, it was like that all over again.

The girls were laughing and giggling eating chips and drinking pop and listening to music and half watching the movies and T.V shows that was on.

Its okay to be not okay its korean drama that was on it was very fun to watch several korean movies they were picked by Ajay it was from her past a year called 2020.