The Castle belongs to one of the first Tribes the North and the South before the time had shuffled to what we know now.

Different magic is required for all Castle's but this Castle was buildt different from the hands of the North and South Tribes.

The special stones had orbs built inside them when they built the Castle walls orbs flowed through walls creating the the halls and stairs and floors,and banisters.

The orbs went entering the Castle and entered the North and South bodies making them whole with the Castle.

The first female in every North and South Tribes can control the Castle.

If a first born female isn't born then the Castle lays dormant until a first female is born again and turns into a little house until she is born.

The Castle is connected to each time that has past and gone and it can open doors too other alternative worlds if you know how to control the rooms in the Castle.

The rooms are from the past North and South Tribes lives left too the next generation too have and discover and leave for the next to repeat.

This Castle is different from the other Castle in the World and Realms and Dimensions this Castle holds memories and dates and moves with the person in charge.

This Castle can't have two owners only one if there's two owners its because one is pregnant.

If time has overlapped the Castle would listen to the owner before the newer one for the Castle is built with the blood of the North and South Tribes and orbs which is them.

Different tribes fought to get this Castle but once they entered they would cry blood from their eyes and go crazy from the thought of entering the door and become lost within the Castle until they were let out.

Destinations are based on the Castle and North and South who are connected with the orbs grow with the Castle and with the North and South Tribes.

The Castle orbs absorbs the past memories within, every Castle has a true name this Castle name is Queenie Philippa she's the Queen of many Castle made with the orbs.

The ancient Castle's have made many Castle's that live in the years of the Old World's several people who believe they're Royal blood live in them now in the past.

These who have betrayed the orbs powers were took into many alternate's doors to unknown world's beyond.

The Castle's of the Universal power for the that world's has already died, The Castle orbs go by the astrix astro signs the alignment of the power reach beyond the stars.

The stars have become a human walking around inside the Castles walls and floors within the orbs.

Little Castle's have merged into this Castle making her the biggest of the Queens yet her powers have never been seen for many years until now.

The Castle has been through many years it was there when they built the Cross and when the pyramids was built and when the volcanoes erupted.

Through all those times the Castle as has stood still until the rightful heir was born the Castle can change into another shapes to suit the times and years given in place.

What was built on Earth now floats above the Earth's atmospheres above the stars,above all planets resting until two Realms disappeared.

One Realm that dragged The Castle to her own kidnapping at the same time other was given to the fog of the lost Realm a door in her building was used to hide another.

Now 28years later a door has unlocked a door that will give the new Orange Realm all the answers of the past but not until the Purple Realm is found.

Only the Orange Realm can find the other for they are made from the orbs of life the first too live among the orbs as one are the first with the power of unbelieveable abilities.

Many abilities differ, talking animal's and using site, upholding the laws of nature being intune with living species including humans and animals alike.

The Castle abilities are much like the environments around can be used its hard to penetrate something that already living the orbs keep the power within the wielder of the Castle.

There are many doors that can take you somewhere or no where depending on the bond between the Castle and the Knight within a Caster beyond the Realms of life.