
Next Day.

University Grounds.

Andrea had just come back from her morning class. She was on her way to the food point along with Kelly and Eddie who were a couple now.

"Where is Bryan?" Eddie said.

"He is coming. He told me that he will be waiting for us at the food point." Andrea said as she had been chatting with him through the morning.

"I suddenly feel a little hungry." Eddie said.


Kelly lightly slapped on his arm as a reminder.

"I know. I will just get a salad." Eddie said as he remembered certain things.

The trio was walking to the food point to meet Bryan when they suddenly heard the sound of a car engine roaring at their back.

The three moved to farther away from the road into the edge of the pavement as a reflex and turned around.

"Audi R8." Eddie said as he saw the white Audi slowing down next to them. There was another SUV escorting the Audi just a little distance away.

Eddie knew who that SUV belonged to. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Who is this poser?" Kelly said.

"What are we waiting for?" Andrea complained.

The audi halted a little distance in front of them and the SUV followed the R8.

"Yeah. Let's hurry up." Eddie said as he grabbed Kelly's hand.

The trio started walking ahead minding their own business.


The audi's door opened as Kevin came out with a bouquet of flowers and the SUV started blasting love songs.

Everyone walking by was already checking out the audi but with the flowers and the well dressed Kevin. Everyone's eyes were on him.

"Let's run." Eddie said.

Kelly and Andrea looked at him in confusion as Eddie rubbed the side of his forehead.

"Wow, so romantic. Watch this." These sounds reached Andrea and everyone else's ears.

Some students even took out their phones to start recording the scene to share it on the college lan. It wasn't everyday that a guy brought flowers and came in an Audi R8 with background music.

"Hi." Kevin said as he looked at Eddie and then saw Eddie holding Kelly's hand and smiled.

Andrea looked at him but Kevin wasn't looking at her.

The music was blasting.

"I am Kevin. Eddie is my good friend, we go way back." He said to the girls, mostly looking at Andrea.

"Fix the audio., What are they talking about." Someone in the crowd commented

The surrounding crowd could not hear what Kevin was saying because of the music.

"I am not your friend." Eddie said right back at Kevin.

"Don't be like that. Aren't we family friends?"

"No, my dad works with your dad. That's it, nothing more." Eddie said.

"Yeah, see, we go way back. Let's get to that later." Kevin said.

Kevin looked at Andrea as he changed his expression from smiling to a serious one. He spoke, "I am here for you. I am Kevin Juana." He spoke Juana with some force as the crowd got to know his identity.

It was at the moment, someone in the crowd picked up the Juana word.

Murmurs spread at the scene.

"Juana, is he the famous Juana whose dad owns the Juana hotels here?"

"Who else could it be? Look at that car, it's easily over 200k." 

"Is he asking that girl out? What is happening?"

"The girl is about to fly. Am I watching fifty shades of gray?"

There were some nods in the crowd as the girls got a little jealous after hearing the last comment. 

But only some, the locals from San Diego, they knew the reality about the Juana family.

It was better to not be connected to the Juana family in any way. They knew about Kevin too.

This wasn't his first love or anything. They might not have seen him doing a stunt like this but they had seen him with multiple girls before.

The boys were jealous of Kevin. Who didn't want the girls and the cars. It was unfair but that was life.

Kevin had heard some of the comments and felt even better.

He used his arm as he pointed towards the SUV.

A man exited with a huge camera.

"how romantic? He wants to capture the memories." A girl in the crowd said.

[Where is Bryan? I will just say No.] Andrea thought. She had already gotten the idea of what was about to happen. Even so, she was still shocked when a cameraman entered the scene.

"I haven't been able to be the same after I first saw you. I just can't stop thinking about you. Why don't we be friends and more." Kevin said softly.

"No, I don't want to." Andrea said.

Kevin smiled as he ignored Andrea's reply. He held the bouquet in front of his chest as he got to a knee.

Click! Click! The cameraman was working in overdrive to capture the moments.


"Say Yes."


The crowd chanted as Kevin smiled seeing his plan was working.