Is it a hottie? Is it a man? It's....

"Yes." A pair of hands grabbed the bouquet and smiled at Kevin.

The crowd was excited at the development but Kevin's face turned worse instantly.

He got back up as he looked at Bryan holding the bouquet and frowned as if he remembered the food stand incident. He knew the guy could fight and fight well.

[He arrived on time.] Eddie thought as his shoulders got rid of their stiffness.

Andrea finally relaxed as she saw Bryan in front of her. She was facing his back as Bryan stood in front of her, blocking everything that could harm her.

Bryan held the bouquet as he turned his neck a little to his left at Andrea. She had been the centre of the crowd. Eddie and Kelly had been pushed back when the cameraman came out and pitched his stand.

Bryan nodded and Andrea moved forward and held his arm.

"Thanks. I will accept it for both of us." Bryan said as he passed the bouquet to Andrea. Andrea held as she saw Bryan nudging her to hold it jointly. She didn't know what Bryan was doing but she did it anyway as she looked up at Bryan's face.

Bryan saw her looking up. Seeing her face so close by, Bryan couldn't resist and kissed her lips. Andrea suddenly turned red as there were so many cameras but it was a gentle peck on lips and back.

Andrea gave on the bouquet as she hid her face with her hands feeling a little too embarrassed because of what she had done. She had gone from never kissing anyone to kissing a guy in front of so many people.

The crowd, it went silent as gasps were heard. The girls had their hand on their mouth to not show their wide open dropped jaws. No one had expected such a change. The guy had planned the event but his bride was stolen away.

[Kevin is dangerous. I have to warn him. He might think kevin is just a rich brat.] Eddie thought.

The cameraman was still working. He had already been paid so he wasn't going to stop. He recorded the kiss as it happened.

Kevin didn't know what to say. This guy always spoke some things which he couldn't respond to but he knew he couldn't fight him here. He just had two or three of his homies with him. A physical fight and he was sure, they wouldn't survive against the monster.

Bryan smiled as he looked at Kevin as he said, "This bouquet contains Kevin's well wishes for us. It contains his love. We can't just keep it ourselves. I want to pass to someone in the crowd."

"You don't have to do this." Kevin said as he felt something bad about to happen. Bryan didn't even look at Kevin. He was looking at the crowd. Kevin was a stage prop at this point.

The girls got excited. 


"I hope it's me."

Eddie was plucking his hair at the development. He knew he couldn't stop Bryan right now as that would mean he was siding with Kevin. He could only watch as he held Kelly's hand tightly.

"We will do the bouquet throw as we have completed the kissing ceremony." Bryan said equating the act to a wedding.

The girls made a separate section in the crowd. They were now competing for the bouquet. There were some who left their boyfriends behind and joined the group. It was a reality show at this point.

Eddie looked at Kelly who was still firmly holding his hand and smiled and Kelly responded by grabbing his arm.

Kevin wanted to leave but he couldn't. There were so many people watching and he even wanted to see which girl it would land on. Curiosity won over common sense as he was about to find out.

Bryan had a target in mind. How could he let Kevin pass along without teaching him a lesson.

Bryan turned his back to the crowd along with Andrea.

"Let me. Just hold it gently and let it go before me." Bryan instructed Andrea in her ear.

They threw it over their heads. The bouquet went to the section where the girls were.

The girls at front jumped, only to miss it by a large margin. It flew past them and the girls behind them.

The cameraman had turned the recording on as he captured the flying bouquet.

As the bouquet passed everyone. The girls blocked the view of the rest of the crowd. They couldn't see who caught it. Even Kevin was looking at the result.

"Make some space. Who caught it?" Someone shouted as he pointed his camera towards the girls.

"Move ladies, show us, who got Kevin's love, who is his soulmate?" Bryan announced as he spoke really loud.

"Oh." A girl shouted as she saw the bouquet.

"Is it a hottie?" A random in the crowd said.

"hahah" a girl replied as she saw the bouquet.

"Is it a girl?" Another guy from the crowd asked.

"Is it a boy?" A boy asked. He had made the guess based on the laughing girl.

"No,no,no." The girl said as she moved a little.

The cameraman zoomed in at the space that had been opened.  He had a helpless smile on his face.

Kevin's face turned so bad. He instantly regretted staying here and giving Bryan time to do this.

[Did he plan this?] This was the thought in everyone's mind as they looked at the bouquet and then at Bryan who had his poker face on.

[He definitely did it on purpose. Why did he have to do it?] Eddie knew Bryan and his ability to create trouble. He could only try not to laugh out loud. He didn't want to create more trouble

"Who is the lucky one?" Bryan said as if he had not seen the outcome yet.