Go Away Mind

Celestina's POV

My eyes fluttered open to the bright light, coming from the window. Wait, a minute, there is no window in my room in this side nor is it open. I slowly moved away from the bed and stumbled down. Damn, my reflexes are so bad. I groaned slowly. "Ugh, why so early?" I heard someone mutter. It was coming from the bed. What?

I looked up to see asshole sleeping on the bed, cuddling into the pillows. If I hadn't stumbled from the bed, I would have been the pillow. What the hell is happening? I look around to observe the room. It was black with a shade of blue here and there. The room was very large. And the bed was king sized. It had velvety blue and black comforts.

I guess, it's safe to say it isn't my room. Right! After so much of inspection. My mind replied back. Go away mind go away mind, don't come back. "Hey! Wake up!" I screamed at him. He groaned. He stared at me for a whole 5 minutes. "Oh. Right." He ran a hand through his hair, making it messier I remember vaguely pulling his hair last night. A fight. From a verbal fight to physical fight. I glanced at him.

Does he remember? Obviously, I made sure he remembers. I lick my chapped lips. I slowly stood up and entered his bathroom. Before I could close my door, I heard him say, "I didn't forget what we did yesterday. You will regret it." I slammed the door shut. I rolled my eyes. I brushed my teeth and took a short warm bath.

When I walked in, there was no one. No clothes of mine. Damn, I had to wear his clothes. Actually, I don't mind. It's comfy. I slowly walk up to his closet. But I realized he had hung extra clothes in the closet door. Huh! Must be a secret in the closet. I can be nosey next time. Wait, will I come here? I'll make sure to drag him here. It was loose shirt which was fitting me well. And pants, duh.

I dragged myself downstairs. I saw all the mongooses in the table. I come with new names for them. Don't you worry! "I hope you guys had a good night's sleep." I screamed. All of them winced. Carlotta was about to pounce but decided against it. She already looked pale. "I forgot your existence—" Alec was interrupted. "Hello, drunkards!" Asshole said in a fake chirpy voice.

"And his existence." Alec sighed. "Where do you guys even come from?" "How can you be this way early morning?" Carlotta and Lucy spoke together. I shrugged. The shirt slightly fell over my shoulder. I didn't bother pulling it up. "What is for breakfast?" Jake asked. "Am I your servant?" Asshole asked him. Oh so, no food. Damn, I was hungry.

"What? No food. What did I do?" Alena came in scratching her head. "You did nothing. It's just that us sober people aren't servants to cook for our drunkard friends." Michael spoke up. I think that is the most he has spoken ever. "Why is he our friend again?" Jake groaned. He rubbed his hand against the platform of kitchen and brought it to his head. I don't know what he is doing and I don't want to know.

"Let's go out and have breakfast." Derek suggested. Everyone agreed. "Or brunch. It's almost 11." I notified. I don't think they received it well. The boys were going to get ready here. I am driving the girls to change in my house. I didn't participate in the discussion. Now, I have to take 3 whiny girls and provide them with clothes. Ugh!

I stole Alec's car. I loaded all the three inside in the car. It feels like they are luggages. Eh, they are. I arrived to my house. As usual, nobody was there. All the three rushed inside. "Make yourself home." Alena and Carlotta were both staring in awe at the mansion. Even Lucy did. It's not freaking Disney palace.

"Wow, this place is so awesome." Alena muttered. She winced as she tripped lightly. Her foot was almost swollen. But looked better compared yesterday. I guess, asshole did help her last night before we fought and slept together. Separately! "Hurts, damn!" She mumbled to herself. "Okay, enough sightseeing. Go take a bath, you guys stink." I huffed.

"I might look like a cheap hooker but smell like stripper. Absolutely devouring!" Carlotta said. I gave her flat look. Alena waved her hand confusedly. Lucy frowned, shaking her head and made gestures with her hand. "Let's go." Carlotta muttered lowly as her comment was not accepted well. I directed them to guest rooms.

"Clothes!?" Lucy screeched. "I'll pick out for you shorties." They huffed and walked away in three different directions. I ran to my room to change clothes. Asshole is never getting back his clothes. It's a promise! The weather was nice. I decided to wear skirt and crop top.

"Once I was little boy, a little wooden boy— pinnochio." I heard someone laughing hysterically after screeching the last word. I looked inside the room to see Alena dressed and dancing near the mirror. I amusedly stared at her. She turned to see me, standing against the door. She blushed and dropped the comb which was her mic for her concert.

I guess, it felt like a skirt day. She wore orange crop top which she matched with a black skirt. She threw a white coat but realized it was a warm weather and shrugged it off. "Good?" She asked, moulding her hands into a thumbs up. I nodded. She smiled so widely. Geez, my eyes hurt.

"Celeste, opinion needed?" I heard a chirpy voice across the hallway. I looked at Carlotta looking at me with a wide smile. What no more hangover? Aw, I wanted to annoy you more.

Lucy managed a blue outfit. I guess, she is a blue person.