The sharp gaze pierced through Thea's being when her uncle Antonio asked them both to go to the living room. Thea just cover herself with her thick blanket to hide those disgusting marks on her skin. Antonio just stared at his son with disappointment in his eyes thinking the things that happen when he was away.

The thirteen year-old gasped when Antonio suddenly throw a fist at Clark's face making the young man stumble. Clark didnt say a word and just wiped the blood the came to his side lips,the young man just kept on giving Thea sharp glances and terrifies her every minute of this face off.

"What a disgrace!"Antonio shouted at Clark."I thought you already are old enough to know what is wrong and the right thing to do!"

Antonio threw another fist on Clark's face,and this time the young man already fell on the floor. Thea,looking at his pitiful condition cant escape from the sympathy she's feeling towards him,but remembering the things he did to her made all those feeling drift away and just giving him an awkward glance.

"Really Pa?You know from the start that Im obsessed with her right?!And yet you just let her stay here?"Clark said looking away, sitting on the floor comfortably.

"That's because I trusted you to act in your age.!"

"Heh! Im your son,You know that I am crazy right?!"Clark hysterically laughed and stood in front of Antonio."You stupid old man,you knew that this was coming."

Clark left the living room as if nothing has happened and even whistle just to annoy his father whose stare is piercing through image while he walked away. After hearing the door slam in Clark's bedroom,Antonio turned to his niece;Thea. Whose been trembling and forcing herself not to cry,the girl felt the warm hug that she yearned for since her parents died;a fatherly embrace.

"Your'e safe now Thea,dont worry."Antonio gently whispered to her.

Thea cried and look at her uncle."I want Clark to suffer uncle.....I want him rot in jail."

Hearing those words,Thea didnt hear a response from her uncle,instead,he break through the hug and sat himself in sofa. Thea heard constant deep sighs while looking at him lowering his head,avoiding to look at her.

"Thea."her uncle called,Thea didnt bother to answer when Antonio looked at her with a very deep sorry in his eyes."Clark is still my son,he may did a disgusting deed,but I dont want my son to suffer."

Covered in her blanket which she gripped it so tight when she heard those words and found herself taking small steps away from her uncle. Not even a single word was freed in Thea's mouth and cant even think straight. The feeling she felt back in the night her parents died is coming to her she felt cold even though she covered herself in the thick blanket so tight. The feeling itself suffocates her,its as if wherever she run,she cant reach anyone,she felt alone again.

*Of course,Clark is his son,Im just...just..... an add on to this house. Why did I even expect that someone will take side?!*

"Thea I'm really sorry.'' Antonio cried in apology as he tried to hold Thea's hand,but she's too far away that he didnt reach her."I just dont want seeing him agonize."

"No its okay uncle,you must protect him.That's what a father do...I..I un...I understand your side."Thea smiled while feeling the big lump in her chest,a lump that can burst into tears in any time.

"But I can get you a place to stay close to your school,away from here,away from Clark."Antonio said and walked closer to Thea."I know that your'e still young to live alone but we have no other choice,I'll give you a monthly allowance to sustain your financial needs."

He hugged her tightly and whispered to her."Im really sorry Thea."

Thea found herself lying in her bed,cant stop crying and catching her breath. She hugged her pillow tightly and closed her eyes.*I wish I could cry with mama and papa.*

Antonio didnt waste another time,the next morning,he helped Thea pack her things to get to her apartment as soon as possible. As soon as they finished,Thea went to her uncle's car before they could even leave,she saw Clark staring at her from the window of his room.

*I just hoped I can be settled in this set up.*

With her new place to stay Thea have managed to live peacefully,the apartment her uncle got for her have enough space for her,not too big and small,enough for one person. Since it is too near to her school she always walked back and to her school campus. The neighborhood is quite,few to no one is walking around,she felt safe whenever she went out to buy something or to just catch a fresh air,but not until she felt odd while walking back to her place from a twenty-four hour convenience store.

It was almost midnight and she just wore her knee-length shorts and a thick jacket,she felt as if someone is watching her from somewhere. Whenever she turn in different directions,Thea felt so uncomfortable and having goosebumps. When she looked at her back,she saw an image of a man wearing cap and standing in the corner of an alley not too far away from her. As if cue,she ran fast and safely reached her apartment. After calming herself down and putting down all the things she bought,she take a peak at her window only to see a family face.

Her whole body went stiff and cold,she hurriedly locked all the possible entrance in her apartment and left herself being anxious for the rest of the night.