CHAPTER 8: An encounter of past.

"B-but what if he doesn't attend Hogwarts?" Minerva stutteringly asked, her voice full of hope, hoping to hear what she wanted to hear, only to be met by a helpless sigh by Dumbledore. "That is why I used the word 'hope' because I don't believe that we can find him on our own, not until Kyle wants us to find him," Dumbledore replied with uncertainty.

Back to the current time:

Kyle exited Gringotts bank building with a trinket added to his recently made inventory. This specific magic required an intermediate level control in terms of spatial magic. After training for a few months, he had been finally been able to fulfill his dream of having a nearly unlimited storage space. The catch was that he could not store anything alive in his inventory.

"Alright, I do not need a wand, the school supplies have been taken care of by Azazel (his accounts manager), time to see Dumbledore, he needs to know of what is coming," Kyle muttered as his entire being melted into his own shadow.

Hogwarts/ Dumbledore's office.

"Hello Professor," a voice sounded behind right before Albus Dumbledore who was still deeply contemplating about the Horcrux search and the impending return of the Dark Lord. He was brought out of his stupor as he heard the voice, he moved his gaze from the table to the hooded figure. Albus Dumbledore took a few to identify the figure as the face of a once frail, white-haired, thin boy overlapped with the hooded figure before him.

"K-Kyle?" the unsure elder asked almost stutteringly, just like a recently hired DADA Professor. "Yes, it is me, it's great to see you again after 4-years," the boy spoke, as he removed the hood to finally reveal his appearance to the giddy Headmaster. Albus took a few seconds to register his appearance, he stumbled back on his feet as he saw the vampire-like pale complexion of his, he even thought for a few seconds that maybe Kyle was turned into one, but other than the paleness, the boy lacked all other signs that could allude him being a bloodsucker.

He hurried to the boy's side, his voice laced with worry and panic as he tried to drag the boy to the infirmary for diagnoses and treatment by his colleague Poppy, "Come on my boy, we need to get you to the infirmary." The boy refused to budge as his vision had begun deteriorating once again, also he didn't expect anyone to be able to heal him unless someone had met or fought or better yet treated a victim of that abomination.

6 months ago:

He still remembered that encounter, that one fateful, life and death encounter he had with that beast, a part of a much larger, savage, and powerful race called…the 'Externi'.

The very question, 'how did the ancients cultivate?' He himself required a time of nearly 1200 years to stand where he now stood, and during all this time this question was the one the many that had bugged him. And so, Kyle departed on a journey around the world in order to find the answers to these queries.

His quest for answers led him to the most ancient and historic ruins, wonders of the world. For days and months, he continued with this self-imposed quest, but this unending search bore him no fruits until finally, he reached one of the most ancient man-made structures that were still standing to this day. The Cairn of Barnenez, a Neolithic monument from the stone age, constructed around 4800 BC. The structure was a massive one, well it was huge given that it spanned 72 meters in length, but most of the structure lay underground in form of catacombs. It went as deep as 2000 meters which Kyle found to be quite peculiar. Because in the ancient times, the muggles could at maximum had only built the structure above the ground, the catacombs part, the one that lay below was way beyond the standards of the muggles of that time, and even the muggles of modern times could not for sure build such a complex structure with a permanency to last nearly 7000 years.

Kyle ventured inside the rock-strewn structure.




The next couple of months were a blur, Kyle had made several important discoveries inside the catacombs, with the upper structure having nothing of magical interest for the boy.

One of the many discoveries was in the form of recordings, what sort of recordings you may ask, well mostly in the form of moving pictures on the walls of numerous chambers the catacombs led to and tapestries. And what he found…almost made him piss his pants.

'J.K.R…FUCK YOUUU!!!' the world of Harry Potter was way beyond what the author had been able to describe in the Harry Potter series and the Fantastic Beasts series. The first series was completely focused on the events transpiring in magical Britain, well mostly at Hogwarts spanning a time of 7 years. The second series did a bit better by including more of the wizarding world to the verse. But that was it, there was not even a single reference to the predicament that the ancients had faced, and well after his search getting fulfilled, Kyle would discover that it was a predicament the modern civilization just like the ancients had to face, and let's be honest here, it was much…much…much greater a threat than any Dark Lord or all Dark Lords combined could pose.

On the walls and tapestry, in the catacombs, Kyle saw an identical scene being depicted. The scene portrayed a very advanced, powerful, and united world. There were short scenes of ancients showing off their might, which quite shocked and frightened Kyle. There were mountains being razed to the ground, the landscapes getting destroyed, and that was mainly during friendly duels, where opponents refused to go full out with their power.

The magical communities weren't just composed of ancient wizards, no…unlike modern times where goblins and elves were treated mainly as inferiors and slaves, or ones' belongings, the ancients treated them with utmost humility and respect, and these sentiments were shared by every community present. The vampires weren't treated as bloodsucking pests, the werewolves weren't treated as fugitives, the goblins weren't treated as mere sentient magical creatures, elves weren't treated as slaves, and as for the muggles, at this point in time, they were still too far behind as a whole community. This was a time during which the muggles worshipped any of the magical beings as their gods or god's messiah.

The world in its entirety was prospering, until that fateful day, the scene changed and now a hand was being shown, the hand was ripping apart the fabric of space, as a result, a doorway was created, a doorway that connected this plane to some unknown plane, and from that doorway poured in the ugliest abominations Kyle had ever seen. The tapestry and the wall pictures did not show any interaction between the natives and the intruders.

The next scene depicted the war, the very war Kyle later discovered to be the cause for the extinction of the ancients, the abominations that were called the Externi, turned out to be extremely powerful, all of the magical communities had to unite to bring the war to a standstill, however, with time as both sides were taking causalities, but in case of the Externi, their numbers never went down as seemingly endless number of reinforcement came pouring out of the 'doorway', replenishing their forces. In time the scales began to tip in the favor of the invaders. The wizarding community was dealt with the most damage, their numbers had dropped to 30% of their original population. Children, women, the elderly, all were mercilessly killed as the united forces were unable to halt the advancing invaders across the lands, wherever these abominations passed, they killed, they took over, and plundered.

During this time, when it seemed all was lost, the most powerful wizard of that time, the one who had reached the perfection of the demigod stage, the one who had yet to step into the war, came up with 2 rituals. The moving pictures showed the first ritual was to banish these beings back to where they came from, but the ritual required a sacrifice…a sacrifice of an entire community.

At this point, the scene came to an end, with the ancient wizards releasing a war cry, alongside their friends, the other magical communities, against the merciless, savage invaders.

The boy who was still pondering over these earth-shaking past events didn't sense something, or rather someone falling from the chamber's ceiling. The being stealthily arrived behind the oblivious boy, with a swing of its arm, Kyle was smacked across the chamber to the wall he was initially facing. The sound of bones snapping, along with the chamber's wall cracking resounded in the small chamber. A few ribs broken, the right shoulder plate shattered, and multiple fractures in the backbone.

"ARRrgghhh, huff…HAAaaaaa…huff," Kyle groaned and moaned in pain and numbness. Using his only functional, left arm Kyle managed to roll over to finally see the assailant.

A few meters from him, at the spot he previously stood, now there was 9 feet tall, a humanoid embodiment of ugliness and malice. It had small beady eyes, 2 pair of arms, and 1 pair of legs. On its face was a fanged grin, full of contempt, savageness, pride, desire and lust…. Desire to kill and lust for blood. Its skin was as dark as a moonless, starless night; it had a thick tail with a bee-like stinger at the very end. "…FUCK YOU JKR!!!" Kyle rasped in pain because right before him was an Externus.

(Author note: think of its physique being similar to Venom from Marvel)

The white core had already started producing a large amount of life force to heal its battered-up host, the energy soothed the pain as it started healing the broken bones, and torn ligaments and muscles at a rate visible to the eye. The grin wiped off the Externus's face, as it sensed its victim healing at a pace, he had never witnessed for the last 7000 years. The last time he witnessed such healing, it was from one of their leaders back on their home planet.

Deeming its prey as someone that could not be allowed to heal or grow, the Externus pushed all its power into its legs and the right arm. Ready to punch and obliterate its enemy, the abomination legs exploded with an inhumane strength, as it leaped in the boy's direction with a speed not visible or processable to a human eye and brain. Kyle's magic sight picked up the Externus approaching at high speeds, knowing that he couldn't block the blow with his body lest he wanted his body to become mush, Kyle tried dodging to the side.



Name: Kyle James Potter

Age: 10-years and 6-months old

Gender: Male

Magic-core stage: 6th stage initial (Transition realm initial) (x281364.2 multiplier)

Core Attribute: Primal chaos

Abilities, bloodlines, and skills:

Hyperbolic Time chamber (description: No time, number of people or number of entries restrictions, unlimited space, internal conditions such as temperature, pressure, gravity, etc can be changed according to will. A beautiful cozy home has been added with an unlimited supply of electricity, water, clothing, food (made by Saiba Jouchiro), etc. The chamber acts as your personal dimension and cannot be intruded into, the user would age according to the time-lapse outside, lastly, you can enter the chamber from your current location and exit it at any point within 1,000 miles.)

Telekinesis: 987,000 metric tons.

Wandless magic: 10% efficiency.

Occlumency: initial stages (Can detect legillimency probes at max, cannot yet defend mind)

Eidetic memory: 100% retention and recall.

NMS (description: A prodigious system developed by the host after nearly a thousand years of research, error and trial period. The host has successfully broken down the previously obsolete and common magic system and by using his monster level understanding of ancient runes and arithmancy, the host has invented a completely new system, which allows the host to perform almost anything he can think of, if the host has the required mana and understanding of magic to be performed.)
