CHAPTER 9: Weakened

(Hey guys, so I noticed that there are some inconsistencies in the MC's actions, also, you will find that MC has been nerfed in this chapter, and by a lot I mean. Also, I will be placing restrictions on his usage of HTC. One of the readers asked me, why didn't he enter the chamber to heal during the battle, so I am restricting his usage by not allowing him to enter the chamber whilst a bout is taking place in which he is participating. In simpler words, he can't enter while fighting. Also, I will try my best to at least increase the release rate, and guys, do give reviews, stones, and comments, they help a lot, I am at most a noob writer. There will be multiple plot holes, only with your help can I hope to better my writing quality.)

Though the boy successfully avoided getting his vitals hit, the punch still managed to graze him near the ribs, but it sure didn't feel like a graze. The boy once again found his back against the chamber's wall, he felt an unbearable amount of pain as he looked down to his abdomen. The area just above the iliac crest of the pelvic girdle on the left was blown off, a whole chunk of flesh and muscles was missing, with blood pouring out as if water from a geyser painting his shirt in a gory crimson, even the boy knew that this was injury would take at least a few minutes to heal with the life force the white core was producing, he wanted to enter the time chamber in order to heal, but according to the only restriction imposed, he could not enter during a fight.

Kyle placed his left hand against the wound, to at least try to stop the bleeding until the white core showed its miracle and the bleeding stopped. However, the 9 feet tall abomination was having none of it, it once again leaped in the wounded boy's direction, with the intent to kill, leaving behind a small crater at the place it originally stood.

Kyle who at least managed to catch a glimpse of the beast moving in his direction, raised his left arm to a horizontal level, due to the absence of any restriction, blood once again began flowing out of the wound, however, the boy had no choice, his right arm could still not be moved due to the recently shattered right shoulder plate.

The sound of an explosion sounded, with Kyle at the epicenter, a shockwave of telekinetic force spread outwards, the Externus, who hadn't expected any sort of retaliation from its prey was caught off guard. The telekinetic force threw him towards the wall opposite to the Externus's initial momentum, like a missile launched. The Externus launched across the catacombs, destroying any obstructions in its path, debris and dust flew in the air as the stone-bricked structure became extremely unstable.

Kyle used his telekinesis at 30% power, but his battered body unable to bear the burden of such powerful telekinesis, started to give in. Kyle was already experiencing dizzy spells, a lack of blood and multiple bones were broken was starting to take a toll on his body. Normally it wouldn't have, but performing telekinesis burdened the body, and the burden was proportional to the potency of telekinesis being used, and in Kyle's case, whose telekinetic abilities were unrivaled in the current world, the stress his body was taking, was quite painful and endangering.

Kyle right now severely regretted how he had wasted his time in the chamber due to ill management of this precious resource. Like an idiot who had found something unique (cultivation technique in his case), Kyle had been so focused on cultivating and raising the magical reserves that he had failed to practice in what actually mattered, combat.

His occlumency was at the initial stage, but for this, he truly could not be blamed, to raise occlumency barriers one needed to be actively attacked by a legillimens, this was at least what the books he stole said about this mind art.

He was like a huge tank of petrol but had no proper way to use it, and right now he regretted it. Fortunately, he had been focusing on another task other than blindly cultivating, Telekinesis. However, even telekinesis was proving to be tolling on his body.

The boy puked blood, but he refused to give in to his current condition and the enemy. He redirected his telekinetic ability, along with dropping its percentage to a measly 1% grinding the enemy against the rubble of the collapsed walls, 15% being used to support the entire network of catacombs that had been rendered unstable in the previous bout, reducing the potency to half he was initially using, reduced the toll by a large percentage.

The boy stumbled on the rubble as the debris and dust began to settle, as gradually he made his way towards the enemy.

A couple of minutes later he finally reached the Externus, or at least what was left of it, previously in indignation and anger, he had unleashed nearly one-third of his ability, which honestly was quite capable of decimating a small city or a large town, at full power. The Externus, who had been the cause of such negative emotions had taken most of the brunt of this outburst, which resulted in its current mangled, battered, and somewhat mushy state. But the being was displaying an unbelievable amount of tenacity, it was still squirming under the pressure, trying to get away from its prey, which now was hunting him down like a predator.

"Not so cocky now, hmph," Kyle spoke, his body was screaming with pain, it just wanted him to rest right now, the wound above the pelvic girdle had been sealed due to the life force energy, however, the blood replenishment had yet to be initiated. He still was feeling dizzy as if experiencing a hangover from the lack of oxygen his organs and brain were receiving, accompanied by low blood pressure, due to lack of blood for the heart to pump.

"Y-you…you all will die…soon. My race will be here once again, i-if not within a decade, then within a century, the restrictions your predecessors had placed will be weakened enough to be broken. Spend your time well…human…because you all are already short on it…kuhahaha…hahahaha, your world will be one of the many under the rule of us Externi, hahahaha" the laughter of this abomination resounded across the entire structure, Kyle who was getting increasingly frustrated over each antic of this monster, increased the telekinetic force from 1% to 5%, successfully shutting up the beast, it groaned in pain as if a huge weight was being pressed down on it.

The words of this creature were really unsettling for the boy, he could guess that the restriction the beast was referring to was most probably the restriction placed by that demigod and the ancient community by the 1st self-sacrificial ritual. But what bugged him and distressed him the most was the restriction being broken, and if it did as the Externus said it to be, the wizarding community needed to be prepared for the imminent attack, an attack that ended the prosperous era of all ancient civilizations, but the current condition of magical Britain and the wizarding community as a whole was plainly despairing.

Kyle was so engrossed in his thoughts and so confident in his capabilities to restrain the creature, that he didn't notice the irregular movement from the later defeated Externus. The thick revolting tail rose up and redirected to point the end in the oblivious boy's direction. As if a dart aimed for the bullseye, the needle-like stinger from the Externus's tail shot through the air.

The lack of blood was showing its effects in full glory, Kyle was anemic due to the blood loss, which led to slower brain activity. Kyle who usually could sense such projectiles with much ease as it was his mod of training telekinesis, failed to notice this particular projectile launched in his direction by the Externus, and by the time he did notice, the sting was already embedded right into his carotid artery (major artery in the neck.)

The boy hurriedly tried removing the stinger, but the damage was already done. Kyle fell onto his knees as he screamed in pure anguish, it felt as if instead of blood, boiling magma was coursing through his circulatory system.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH," the boy began to scream in pain.

Nearly a millennia of time in self-imposed seclusion had hammered the boy's willpower into something else entirely, something akin to an unconquerable fortress. His mental fortitude could not be compared by anyone on this planet, not even Albus Dumbledore. Yet in this very moment, that very boy was on the ground, wailing and crying from the excruciating and harrowing pain that was being inflicted on him, by this substance that had been injected into him.

"GAAAA-aaahhhhhhh," the pain was unbearable, breaking a few bones, losing a few pounds of flesh could not even come close to what he was feeling right now. Kyle felt as if each cell in his body was dissolving into miasma due to the extreme heat this boiling magma was emitting whilst circulating through his body.

His organs were failing and as they were being melted into mush, his lungs and alimentary canal were getting eroded as blood seeped into them. Kyle began to choke on his own blood as it entered his airways, the boy coughed and retched black and literally boiling blood onto the hard, cold, stone floor.

Sensing him in danger the white core and the blue core started to rapidly pour out more energies, in order to assist the body in healing and stopping the foreign substance from further wrecking him up.

However, Kyle was unable to sense any of these positive changes occurring within his body. The boy had already lost control over telekinesis, the Externus and the stone catacombs were no longer being suppressed and supported by any force. The damaged structure began to sway and collapse on itself due to lack of support, as for the Externus.

It was surprisingly and fortunately or unfortunately, already dead. It had a fanged and disgusting grin on its face, clearly showing that it was fully aware of its own death and the torment its actions would inflict upon its enemy. If it was an ordinary human, they would have suffered a short yet painful death, luckily or unluckily, Kyle wasn't ordinary, he had a near-infinite supply of life force, which though was healing him and keeping him from dying, was prolonging the torment he was going through.

Summoning every bit of willpower, Kyle teleported to his safe haven, the time chamber. Bloodstaining the beautiful white floor as Kyle arrived there, there was no sound whatsoever, no walls cracking or explosions, only the sound of a young boy of a tender age of 11 gut-wrenchingly screaming, his voice was hoarse and cracked from the constant use of his vocal cords, and the poison from the stinger affecting his body as a whole.

Followed by the bodily pain, cascading organ failures, the poison was leaving another mark on his body, his eyesight was beginning to fail. Kyle could feel the poison move into his cranial cavity, the boy held his skull, pressing it, scratching it, hammering it, trying anything he could think of just so that this pain would lessen, but ultimately no avail.

"AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh," the boy cried out, poisoned blood began to flow out of his eye-sockets.

The poison had flooded his optic nerves and ophthalmic vessels, essentially stealing the boy's eyesight. The stinging, searing pain was unbearable, he began to claw at his sockets and eyes.

The white energy was trying to heal the most major of organs of its host, or at least make them somewhat functional, the blue energy was trying to purge the body of the poison, but the poison began to fight back as if it suddenly had gained sentience. All the poison moved from the body to the boy's naval region, right where the cores existed.

Sensing the incoming onslaught, the cores released even more energy to defend themselves from any damage. The poison encircled the two glowing orbs, essentially forming a barrier, stopping any outflow of mana and lifeforce, turning Kyle a cripple…a muggle. The pain lessened quite a bit, but it was still unbearable. The life force that was supplied before the supply was cut off, began to heal the body, but not to their very 100%, only enough to allow the host to survive for the time being.

Dealing with the pain of such intensity consumes a being's mental energy reservoirs and breakneck pace. The same was for Kyle, he was too tired to even check his body for the damage dealt with it, instead, he collapsed right there, falling unconscious, unaware of the commotion his actions had created in the outside world.