CHAPTER 10: Albus Dumbledore.


(Hello everyone, so now I guess we are progressing towards the main storyline, I need to inform you all that I have watched all the movies from the HP franchise, read many fanfictions, but not the books, alright. So, there will be many points at which you might find problems with the fanfic, so please bear with it, and do inform me so that I can know that whether they can be removed via editing and not effecting the plot that has been planned. Most important of all, have fun. Also, the characters which do not have a comprehensive background, I will have to try making one myself.)


Back with Albus Dumbledore in his office:

The boy refused to budge despite the elder trying to take him to the infirmary to get him diagnosed. "She can't help me, Albus, I have already worked on the cure and managed to procure a few ingredients, as for the rest, I'm working on them," Kyle spoke up. Thanks to the damage the poison had done 6 months ago, his sight had already begun to deteriorate, which meant it was time for him to take his potions.

These last months had been extremely tough on him, with a barely functioning body, and a blocked up mana core, Kyle had been procuring the ingredients for the cure, and unfortunately, the ingredients were all quite rare, meaning that not all of them were available in the market. Some of them were only available in major auctioning events, one such event was supposedly coming up in late October. As for the rest, they could only be actively sought out for, Kyle would need to hire people to search for these specific ingredients, he could only hope that all the ingredients would be available sooner, than later.

Kyle pulled a small vial out of his hoody's pocket, pulling on the stopper, he gulped down the contents, once again gaining his sight back.

"I will be alright, Albus. We have much more important things to do," Kyle spoke up seeing the headmaster curiously and carefully observing his actions, his voice full of urgency.

Albus, though still wasn't exactly persuaded, but seeing the boy determined to not leave for the infirmary and divulge any information to his actions, he decided to accede with the boy's conjecture.

Albus flourished his hand through the air and transfigured two comfortable seats with cushioning charms for himself and his greatly anticipated guest. Sitting down the boy continued speaking "I know you have a lot of questions Albus, where I have been in the last 4 years, being the most important one, but first, I need you to make an unbreakable vow, to not divulge to anyone about what transpired today, here in your office," Kyle said, placing his request/condition before the older wizard.

Albus's attentive expression morphed to a somewhat surprised one. Unbreakable vows were quite a serious matter and only known and used by adult wizards, and it was not a common occurrence that one got to hear about such a vow from an 11-year-old boy, who was raised outside the wizarding world for most of his life.

(Tidbit: (This description is what I will use for the fanfic,) For those who do not know what an unbreakable vow is, as the name suggests it's a promise made between two parties, with a third party mostly as a witness, in case one of the parties violates the content of the vow, they are robbed of their magic and killed on spot by a punishment from the heavens (lightening))

Thinking thoroughly through the current situation, Albus concluded that the vow was not and could not have a detrimental effect now or in the future.

"Alright Kyle, I am prepared to make a vow," Albus positively replied to the boy's request, and though he found it quite curious about how the boy knew of such advanced magical practice, he concluded that he could ask the boy later on.

"What about a witness?" Kyle asked the elderly, usually, a third party was included when an unbreakable vow is being made, however, he personally believed that the presence of a witness was unneeded.

"Oh...I don't think a witness is you?" Albus said, also inquiring the boy if he wanted a third-party present. " I don't," Kyle replied.

Seeing that both parties agreed on the lack of need of a witness, Albus raised forward his hand for the vow, which Kyle took. Both the wizards summoned their magic, as glowing silver-white chains wrapped around the wizards' hands as if binding them together.

Kyle started speaking the terms for the vow, "Do you Albus Dumbledore, vow to not leak any information regarding anything that transpires right here, right now...between us?" Kyle finished speaking, and Albus began to review the conditions placed forward by Kyle, checking for any possible threat it could give rise to.

Finished reviewing, Albus affirmed the conditions with a short reply, "I do."

The chains glowed with even a brighter splendor and then dying out.

Now with both the wizards being seated, Kyle continued speaking, "Thank you Albus, but I really needed that vow, the information that I am going to share with you, right now it needs to stay between the two of us...Now...if you can please get the Pensieve from that wooden cabinet right there, I need to show you my last 4 years' worth of memory," Kyle said, Albus complied and with a flick of his hand, he summoned the alchemic artifact.

The thin disk that looked like it was made of liquid metal, levitated between the duo, as Kyle focused on the last +1200 years' worth of memory with his middle and index fingers placed against his temple.

A white glowing thread, with one end attached to his fingers, was pulled out from his temple, with a jerk of his fingers, Kyle tossed the memory into the artifact.

The boy's action left the older wizard in pure bafflement, as his eyes shone with their trademark twinkle. Wandless magic, an art lost in time as people began to use these crutches the wizarding kind call wands. He himself used wands for executing more complex magical arts. Though he wanted to ask the boy that how he learned wandless magic, he decided to not do so, as he might learn this from the memories he was about to view.

(Now, I have seen a lot of fanfic writers use this eyes twinkle concept a lot. And I guess it is a similar action to those people who show their happiness with their eyes and not with their lips. So, I'm guessing the twinkle is more about Albus Dumbledore expressing his emotions that are mostly hidden behind his grandfatherly persona,)

Before Albus could use the artifact to begin viewing the boy's memory, Kyle warned him to be careful of the sensory overload viewing his memories could cause. Nodding in acknowledgment, Albus entered the Pensieve.

....4 hours Later...

It had already been 4 hours since the +100-year-old had entered the Pensieve. As Kyle had predicted, the sensory and mental toll was quite substantial as the older wizards' body spasmed multiple times during this 4-hour interval.

Kyle could have simply shortened the memory, instead of showing Albus 1200 years' worth of memory, he could have shown the older wizard 1 year worth of memory, which would have been enough for the wizard to know of the possible upcoming threat.

But he didn't, the upcoming threat and probably a war was not something he alone could deal with, he alone could not stand up against an entire race in the worst case of war breaks out. The wizarding community around the entire world was divided, weak, and had nothing much to offer. The wizarding the entire world, be it muggles, goblins, Elves, Centaurs, etc, they all needed to be prepared for it.

For that, he needed Albus Dumbledore, believe it or not, but Albus was one of the most influential wizards in the modern wizarding world. He had a great amount of political power, and sway over the main governing bodies. He was the head of Wizengamot here in Britain, and he used to be the chief mugwump in ICW.

He was only removed from his position as chief mugwump in ICW, due to 'Kyle's death,' which the boy thought to be quite a farfetched excuse, since when did a global wizarding body, one that could be compared to the UN in the muggle world, care for an orphan boy they didn't even personally know. Instead, it seemed more like internal strife for power, and his death was used as a cover, an excuse to hide the true reason for Albus's removal from power.

Winning the elder wizard's diehard support would mean having a very powerful political backing, along with his new family heritage that he had recently acquired, he would for sure hold quite a lot of political power on his own. However, he could not exercise that power until he didn't reach the age of 17, before that he would only be considered as a young lord of the three houses and not a Lord. This is one of the reasons why Kyle didn't plan on revealing his newly acquired titles until he wasn't of age. So, for now, he could initiate his plans by winning Albus's support.

However, to win Dumbledore's support he first needed to win his revealing his secrets to Dumbledore, Kyle would successfully be able to convey that to what extent he trusted Albus.

"GAAAHHH...haa...haa...haa," Kyle's internal musing was interrupted by the sudden sound of someone gasping for air. Kyle looked back at Dumbledore, it seemed the mental and sensory input had been too much for him. He was shivering in his seat, his body covered in a cold sweat, drawing rapid and short breaths. Kyle waved his hand in the air, casting a wandless, chantless, modified version cheering charm, one that allowed calming one's nerves.

The charm took an immediate effect as Albus regained his composure, but instead of his usual grandfatherly smile, he had a much somber expression, with respect in his eyes for the boy sitting before him. Training alone for nearly 1200 years, could drive even the strongest of minds crazy, yet this child before had accomplished this feat.

If before Albus viewed Kyle as a young child that could be the savior of magical Britain and someone, he owed a lot. Now he was seeing him as his peer, someone he could consider his equal, or maybe even more than that.

He felt a multitude of emotions right now, depression being one of them. For many years he stood at the top of the world, considered as one of the most formidable wizards to ever walk on the face of this planet, yet now he was shown that the modern wizards, including him, were just frogs at the bottom of the well, oblivious to the vast number of forces in the universe that could still obliterate them like ants. How could he not feel depreciated, to him it was like he had been smacked from the high heavens onto the earth.

Gratitude being the most prevalent one. Memories were an extremely sensitive topic, and it was considered a crime in the magical world, reading one's memories without the person's consent. Yet Kyle had with such ease shown him his, either he was extremely dumb or extremely trusting of the older wizard, and from his memories, Albus could deduce with ease that it was the latter.

Somberness, another emotion that Albus was used to hiding behind his grandfatherly persona, the harsh reality that Kyle had shown him was enough to ruthlessly rip away the wrong perception Albus had about the British wizarding community. Albus believed that with their current condition, the British wizarding community could fight back any threat. And while that was true for these civil unrests and wars led by Dark Lords, it was not even remotely true for extraterrestrial threats. One of the main causes was due to the wizards being divided into multiple factions.

Albus believed that this division was brought around by the current purebloods, which sadly was true. Their so-called blood superiority and their belief about the other magical species being inferior to them had produced a rift between mages, goblins, centaurs, mermaids, and even muggles. Even the first-generation witches and wizards were treated as inferior beings which truly was saddening. However, most of it was just a guise, the pureblood families used to remain in power.

Even within Hogwarts this concept was so deeply ingrained in the form of houses, Albus had realized it early on, his famous start of the year speech even focused on student unity rather than house unity. However, a tradition that had been initiated nearly a thousand years ago by none other than the four founders could not be simply be banished on a headmaster's whim.

Other than being divided, the wizarding community was weak, very weak as a matter of fact, that not even a single wizard had the combat prowess to battle these creatures to a standstill. The only ones that could overwhelm these abominations were Madeye Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Albus Dumbledore himself from the light faction.

As for any other Auror, yes...they could kill these creatures if the witches and wizards' ratio was many times higher than these Externi, which meant essentially the wizarding kind ganging up on the invaders during the battle, however, from Kyle's memory, it was crystal clear that the invaders' most redeeming quality other than their battle prowess, was their quantity.

Respect and admiration were another set of emotions the wizard seldom felt. Over the past decades, there were only a few capable of winning his respect, among them were the dead parents of the twins, Lily and James Potter. They had fought back in the face of immense odds and true despair to protect their newborns, even though Lily Potter could have saved herself by handing over the twins, she instead had decisively used a blood sacrifice for her baby boys, the sacrifice being her life itself.

Another couple Albus Dumbledore wholeheartedly admired and respected was the Longbottom couple. He had not foreknown this tragedy, during the time he was dealing with the matters of the newly orphaned twins, the news of Longbottom couple being turned mentally crippled by the use of excessive cruciatus curse, had reached him. To this day they were at St Mungo's, undergoing hopeless treatment. Their and their child's circumstances were truly saddening and pitiable.

Now, moving back to the present. From the memories the wizard had just viewed, Albus could without any hesitation conclude that right before him, was a gem, a genius…no a monster, in terms of talent. The boy's mental fortitude was unrivaled, and his magic reservoirs could be called near inexhaustible even if compared to Albus himself, who was one of the most renowned wizards of modern times.

If anyone inquired the older wizard that whether he wanted the boy in front of him as his apprentice, then for sure Albus would affirm to this inquiry. Without a doubt, Albus Dumbledore would admit that, yes, he was extremely tempted to take the boy in, and he would do so, but after discussing the probable threat, which he believed was imminent, why would anyone even threaten their enemy with a bluff, to reveal their plans, just so that the enemy could prepare to retaliate back. It must have been a mistake on the Externus's part, as he revealed information related to the future invasion in a fit of anger.

Many might say that why Kyle would even want to or need to become anyone's apprentice. To answer that, Kyle could be viewed as a piece of rock that had been tempered under extreme pressures, in the boy's case he had been tempered by his cultivating, morphing him from an ordinary rock into a gem of the most superior quality that now required polishing at the hands of a jeweler to reach its true potential.

Without a doubt, Kyle had trained, but that training had only increased his potential as a wizard, it had increased the amount of magic his body housed, but it hadn't turned him into a great combatant. Albus had arrived at the conjecture that if Kyle had trained his monstrous talent, the life and death encounter with the Externus should have had been a walk in the park.

Moving on to the main issue, "Kyle…what do you plan on doing?" Albus questioned, he needed to know the boy's plans for the future.

Kyle took a moment to sort his thoughts, he had much to do, but too little time. But for now, he had something much more important to do. "I…for now, I p-plan on attending Hogwarts, for the next 7 years if possible, I-I owe him a lot, Albus, and I am really grateful for you did. Thank you for getting Sirius a fair trial and getting him out of Azkaban, and letting Harry live with the brothers," Kyle stuttered initially and his somewhat stoic expression got replaced with a caring one, which pleasantly surprised Albus, living alone for 1200 years and undergoing some grueling training would cause anyone to at least partially lose their humanity and sanity.


On Dumbledore's insistence as the head of wizengamot, Sirius had been given a fair trial. A few weeks after Dumbledore using his privilege as Harry and Kyle's magical guardian, viewed the will of their parents. In the will he found out that it wasn't Sirius who was the secret keeper, it was a ruse to make Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper in order to deceive Lord Voldemort and death eaters into thinking that Sirius was the secret keeper.

This meant that Sirius had never betrayed the Potter couple, and he had been wrongfully been imprisoned in Azkaban for nearly 6 years. Finally, after weeks of toil and trouble, Albus had successfully gotten Sirius out of Azkaban.


"You're very welcome Kyle, it was something I should at least have done long ago for the both of you," Albus replied, his expression too melting into a caring one, as he emphasized on 'both of you', informing the 11-year-old that he had a place he could always return to.

"Un," the boy gave a nod.

Albus's expression then changed to a much more somber one, as he remembered the Externus's last words from the memory, "What about the invasion Kyle? How can we even retaliate against a world-conquering civilization? Not forgetting to mention that the last time the all the allied magical communities were only able to fight back due to a sacrificial ritual, their sheer magical prowess, and numbers," Albus spoke, this was the harsh reality everyone was oblivious of.

"I know Albus…I know. I have been thinking about the same thing these last 6 months. I do have a plan, it may give us a fighting chance against this invasion, but for that, I need to recover back my magic, and you need to gain more power and influence in the ministry and ICW," Kyle replied, hoping that they still had time.

The duo then spent the next few hours together organizing the execution of their plan. It was decided that they needed to first purge weakness from within their wizarding community, magical Britain.

For their first step, they needed to show the true face of the current dark lord, to show those foolish pureblood families that the one they were so fanatically following was in fact son of a squib and a muggle, a half-blood. Finally, ending the bald bastard's reign of terror for good.

For the second step, they needed Kyle to be healed, during his time inside the chamber, Kyle had figured that using his white core energy (lifeforce), he could theoretically reverse the body's age, not just his own, but anyone else's, essentially returning them their potential which had been lost during non-cultivational core advancements. But they would need to give up on their current magical core advancements and begin from the very beginning, the foundation stage. The plus point was them being able to cultivate. Only trusted individuals will be chosen to train, and even then, they would be asked to make an unbreakable vow, if not they would not be allowed to cultivate using the technique Kyle possessed.

The third step involved bringing the light, dark and grey factions under a single banner, the banner to retaliate against the invaders. This step would be a much tougher one, these families have been at each other's throats for many decades, and there is got to be bad-blood between them. Resolving these internal conflicts would take time, or either a strong driving force, instigating these families to ally themselves with each other.

The fourth step was gaining the support of the other wizarding communities, during the last wizarding war against Voldemort, the light faction of the British wizarding community had not received any support from their so-called international allies.

Clearly, the world was in no better condition than magical Britain, everyone needed to reunite, not just the British light, grey and dark factions, but every wizarding and magical community out there needed to stand together against this global level threat. If they could not even put aside their differences and pride, they could only prepare themselves for eternal damnation.

Formulating the general idea for the strategy, Kyle began to leave the older wizard's office. "So, I guess…it's time we part," Kyle awkwardly spoke. Albus only gave a grandfatherly smile to the young man. "Yes…sadly it is…however, know this Kyle, you are always welcome at Hogwarts, by the way, I have been meaning to ask…since you have received 3 Lordships of such esteemed houses, how will you deal with retrieving your debts and all that?" Albus inquired with curiosity visible in his twinkling eyes.

"Oh…well I just acquired the Lordships today, and as I had to meet you, I handed over all my matters to my accounts manager," Kyle replied almost nonchalantly. Albus sweat dropped hearing his response, "Kyle these are extremely important matters that need your personal presence, I am sure by now the letters have been sent to all who owe you debts, even your engagement contracts might have been already sent," Albus spoke, sighing at the end.

"…A-a-a…m-my w-what, sorry it's just that the poison has weakened my senses to some extent. I thought you said something about engagement contract…haha…funny isn't it?" Kyle stuttered like an idiot and ending his dialogue with a short humorless chuckle which ended when Kyle saw the elder shaking his head dissent.

"A-a-a, isn't it?! ISN'T IT?!!" Kyle nearly screamed at the end; he was still in denial. "Wait… I can reject the contracts…right?! Right!!" Kyle frantically questioned to which the older wizard replied with a nod, "Yes you can, until…the letters containing the contracts haven't already been sent to your future 'fiancée or fiancées' by the 'account's manager' of your house. If they have been sent, then congrats Kyle, you're engaged, because all the contracts are of magical nature and no method has been discovered or invented up to date that can nullify any magical contracts of sorts,"

"HOLY SHIT!! I need to go Albus I'll be returning in a jiffy!!!" Kyle replied, once again using his signature teleportation technique, darkness travel.

Half an hour later a downcast Kyle teleported back to the office, seeing his expression Albus smirked, with his eyes twinkling in mischief as he asked, "Well from your expression, it is clear that you did not succeed in your short quest to stop the letters, so…how many are there?"

Kyle's eyebrows twitched on the older wizard's question, clearly, he was pulling his leg, but he still managed to answer without bombarding the wizard with any spells, "I-it's 8, 3 from Gryffindor, 2 from Peverell and 3 from Slytherin," Kyle replied.

"Oh my…8…aren't you lucky to be engaged to 8 beautiful girls, congratulations," Albus replied with such joy as if it wasn't Kyle being engaged but him.

"N-no," Kyle managed to mutter, his voice cracking during the process. Albus who was in the mood to tease the boy, as his reaction to this matter was priceless, questioned in an exaggerated manner, "WHATT? You mean to say that they aren't beautiful…w-wait…don't tell me…are you're perhaps interested in men…in that case, I can teach yo-"

Albus's rambling was stopped by a stunner flying in his direction, which he barely managed to dodge as it flew near his head, hitting and nearly destroying the office's stone wall. He moved his sight towards the boy who was literally boiling with a justified rage.

"YOU'RE THE GAY, YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS GAY, OLD MAN… For God's sake!!! I am 11, I am not supposed to have any sexual orientation…" Kyle started to rant in anger. As for Albus, he remained calm as he inquired, "Wait, so you're telling me you're not gay?" Kyle would have thought that Albus was truly oblivious and actually was just being curious, if not for that twitching smirk of his that was threatening to change into full-blown laughter. This side of Albus Dumbledore had been probably hidden due to all the burdens that had stacked on his shoulders over the past half-century, and right now he was finally revealing his true self to someone he could now regard as a friend and an equal.

"Alright…now you've done it, old man, say bye to the world of the living," Kyle muttered, as he released as much magic his current condition allowed him to. "W-wait Kyle…alright seriously, what did you mean by 'no'?" Albus stuttered midway as he felt the boy charge up his mana, which nearly rivaled his…if not more. This amount of magic could not possibly hurt him, but his office wasn't exactly magical damage proof.

"I-I…I meant to s-say that it isn't 8 girls, it's 8 families that have been sent letters, and some letters even contain more than 1 contract," Kyle replied. Albus approached him and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder as he spoke, "Good luck Kyle, I will remember you…"

Pity was visible in his eyes as if he was looking at a confirmed martyr.

(Alright so here is your 10th chapter, enjoy and now I need the name of harem members, I have already decided on a majority of them, now I need 2 more from you guys that belong to a pureblood family. Luna and Ginny will not be included in the harem. Please help me out guys, I have searched a lot on the internet and have been unsuccessful in finding the last 2 members. Also 4.5k words for the chapter.)