CHAPTER 11: Nagini and 1 month.

(AN: For Nagini, I am using the Claudia Kim version of her, as that is the only version I could find, PPP (plus personal preference) so I am not changing it if you want to change just imagine your own versions of her, but if you do I would be very 'Haiya'ed (Don't mind me just using some of 'Uncle Roger's slangs), have fun…)

(ALRIGHT!!!! Phew...such a damn long chapter...but I suppose I can't be complaining after releasing the chapter so late. Once again, I am not a seasoned writer, and this is a HOBBY, I don't post chapters on Patreon (Yeah yeah, I know, my writing is still not of the standard to earn money from it.) also university for engineering students is one of the most hectic things there can be. Well, all I can say is...enjoy!! Also +5000 (5242 to be exact) words chapter, almost 2.5 times longer than the initial ones.)


"…So where will you be living now Kyle," Albus inquired once the engagement contracts fiasco had passed. "Oh, about that, I'll be back in my dimension…I…need to work on some…stuff," Kyle replied, with a hint of despondence in his voice. After centuries of spending time alone, this day had been something akin to a big break for Kyle, and now he felt a little reluctant in returning to his dimension of solitude. However, he had to, in fact, he somewhat wanted to return, because he had a promise to keep with a friend that he had made just a month back.

In search of his cure ingredients, Kyle had delved deep into dark forests. During one such search, Kyle had met with quite a unique and pitiable existence in the forests of Albania. He had found there a maledictus, one he was all too familiar with, one that was utterly hated in the Harry Potter series but pitied in the fantastic beasts' series.

For those who do not know, Maledictuses are magical beings that suffer from a very rare blood curse called maledicitus. Blood curses are mostly inherited by someone from their predecessors, but rarely one just develops the curse or condition which is later transmitted to their descendants, such people are referred to as first-generation blood curse carriers, they are of course much rarer compared to the former case of blood curse carriers. The ailment, Maledictuses suffers from allows them to morph or rather, transform into an animal, of course, the animal form is specified, but there's the catch, with time they lose this ability of theirs, the more they transform, the more quickly they lose control, getting stuck for the rest of their lives in the form of that animal, unable to talk or interact with their human kin.

Now some might advise that not to transform, the answer to the advice is that the animal transformation is a drug for maledictuses, it is a temptation that can't be resisted, an addiction that can't be given up, only people with the strongest of mental fortitudes can accomplish a feat such as this, but even if they do so they are only delaying the inevitable.

However, it all just doesn't end here, Maledictuses are born immortal, they "cannot" die of natural causes, they cannot age beyond their primes, they cannot die of starvation, they cannot be killed by any poison, except for a very few, accompanied with these 'life assurances' they also are extremely resistant to magical and physical damage. The only method known to be able to kill them is the killing curse or a weapon imbued in a powerful poison such as the basilisk venom.

In the wizarding communities, Maledictuses are treated more as commodities than people, unless they do not have a proper influential backing, they would only have one fate…exhibits. They would be kidnapped, smuggled, and then get exhibited as mere commodities.

Nagini as a mere child had no say when this very fate was imposed onto her. Gone was the girl who thought the world to be a perfect place, she was replaced by someone who had seen the harshest of realities of the world…" the strong rule the weak and being weak is a crime punishable even with death."

She was robbed of her innocence at the tender age of 13 (I am not talking about her being r##### here), through the eyes of an innocent child she witnessed the death of her beloved family and the massacre of her loving village kin. The once bubbly ball of joy and energy was replaced by a walking corpse. She hated herself for being so weak, for her weakness her village kin had paid the price with their lives, as for the women, they were desecrated and then killed.

All that happened just because she had a value in the black-market, just for the sake of entertainment of a few fucking wizards she was robbed of her family, and her life, kidnapped, sold as a 'thing' rather as a being to a circus master, displayed as an exhibit in a circus, often having to bear with the tantrum tortures of that fat fucker (circus master).

7 years later she successfully escaped from that hellhole, with someone she hoped to spend her life with, someone she could connect to, someone she considered would never betray or abandon her.


Feeling betrayed, disheartened, and heartbroken, Nagini ran away, away so that never could anyone ever find her. She knew her time was coming, in a few more months she would lose her ability to transform entirely and live as a snake for the rest of her time. She knew once that happened, she would be no longer welcome in the human civilization, not even as a circus exhibit.

After weeks of traveling, she finally reached the forests of Albania. A forest famous for its dark creatures and treacherous environment, but for her, it could be one of the best places to hide. Being dangerous meant hardly any human would ever stumble into the forest, or even if they did, there was a very low chance for them to live for long, secondly, she was resistant to most magical, physical, and poison damage, which meant she could live out the rest of her days here as a snake here. Sadly, what she didn't know was that she was an immortal, she could not die of old age or any such causes.

Days slowly went by, turning into weeks and then months and then years. Where there once was a young woman, now there was a large snake of a lighter shade of brown with patterns of a much darker color. It was none other than Nagini, during the years she had spent here in the forest, she had attained her status as one of the strongest beings here in the forest. However, all she wanted now was to return to the human world as a human once more, not the magical world, but the muggle world, and to live there like a normal woman have…a family perhaps, yet it was deemed to only be a fantasy forever, only meant to be imagined and not lived.

The years faded into a few decades. How many years had it been…from a few more intelligent species such as the centaurs whom she had got acquainted with, she was able to know that it had been nearly 770 moons since she entered the forest, which meant that she had spent nearly 6 and a half decades here in the forest.

Her snake form had not grown even a little older or larger in size in the last 60 years, indicating that she had hit her prime and she would grow older no more.

Having spent such a long time within the forest, Nagini craved for the outside world, yet knowing that she would never be able to even communicate much less live with the humans, she bitterly decided to stay here, and it would have remained so until the day someone did venture into the forest…not stumble…but ventured, and it was none other a child, a nearly 10 or 11-year-old.

Before she could even decide that as to what should she do with this child, a hoard of acromantulas attacked the child, truly one of the savage creatures to inhabit this jungle. She could not possibly save him, not alone at least…as for the other protectors of the forest…they refused to help a human in any way. Despite the odds, Nagini wanted the child to not suffer from this tragedy and so she alone went ahead, and what she witnessed was truly…enlightening and horrifying.

She witnessed the acromantulas getting slaughtered by that one child, he was not using any wand of any sort, with a mere wave of his hand, multiple knockback jinxes would be thrown in the hoard's direction.

15 minutes later, the boy was kneeling right in the center of the numerous piles of acromantulas carcasses, panting from the arduous and dangerous battle, blood was flowing out from his orifices, evident that how much he had strained his vitality in this battle. The boy pulled out a vial from his fashionable, but now torn battle robes, pulling on the stopper he gulped down the contents. His injuries visibly healed as the bleeding stopped.

Nagini didn't realize that she had involuntarily slithered much closer to the boy, sensing something encroaching closer to him the boy defensively raised his arm, ready to attack anything in sight. Nagini recoiled back, knowing that the boy might send a spell in her direction if she seemed a threat to him, "Pleasedon'tattack, I'mnotathreat!!!" Nagini spoke a little incoherently in a series of hissing sounds…only to realize that the other party could not possibly understand her. However, to her and the boy's surprise, the boy recoiled back a bit with all his attention on her.

After a short silence during which both the parties were still trying to recover from this shock, the boy spoke up first, "Y-you spoke…right?" instead of words, the boy was conveying his message in a series of hisses.

"…Y-yes…" she hissed back, 'Oh my god…h-he…h-he understands me…haha…he understands me…haha," as if her fear had suddenly vanished, she began to dance around on the ground, clearly showing her joy, to which the boy was completely oblivious, he could only think that this snake was just moving around.

As for the boy he was thinking about this gift he had unearthed, Parseltongue, he was a parselmouth…and given that he did not have a piece of Lord Voldemort's soul within him…which meant that this ability was innate and inherited from their parents, that led to the conjecture that he was in some way probably related to Salazar Slytherin.

The snake had finally stopped dancing and now as Kyle had the time to study the snake…he realized that it was oddly familiar to him…as if he had seen her before…but that could not be possible as most of his time was spent in the hyperbolic time chamber. His short episode of reverie was interjected upon by this strange creature, as non-magical creatures didn't have such a level of intelligence…and his vast knowledge about magical creatures informed him that no such magical creature as the one before him existed…or if existed it was never recorded

"Umm…w-who are you?" the snake inquired.

"Isn't it a common courtesy to first introduce yourself, and then ask the other to introduce themselves?" Kyle spoke…he could have simply introduced himself…but he decided that it was better to be cautious than sorry, as it was a lesson taught to him by his encounter with the externus nearly a month back, to always be cautious of the unknown.

(AN: I am using the following name for Nagini, it's just a random Indonesian name from a name generator, if you find it not good enough, I can only apologize and ask you to bear with it. Enjoy)

"O-oh I-I-I…I'm sorry…ahem, my name is Nagini Ratu Cayhadi, but my friends call me Nagini, pleased to meet you," the snake stutteringly introduced herself…clearly, she was flustered due to this small interaction with a human after nearly 6 and a half decades.

'OH MY GOD it's her…shit how could I forget about this part of the plot,' Kyle cussed in his mind, he truly had never imagined that he would be meeting her…Nagini, of all the people in this world. He had quite the soft spot for this particular character…in simplest of words…from what he had seen in the fantastic beasts' series…Nagini was from the very start a victim…a human who was betrayed by someone she loved, which during the Harry Potter series could have ultimately been the reason for her turning evil.

But, right now Kyle could sense that she was not yet a Horcrux, she was just a maledictus that had met her inevitable end, getting stuck in the form of an animal.

Realizing that it was his turn to introduce himself, the boy quickly collected his thoughts and politely gave an introduction in Parseltongue, "Pleased to meet you Nagini, my name is Kyle James Potter," the boy spoke.

Following the introductions, an awkward silence developed, both the parties had spent a very long time alone, thus their communication skills were at their lowest. "Umm…I'm sorry, it's just that I have spent a very long time in this forest without any proper interaction, I mostly have been a loner, that is why I…I-" Nagini spoke.

"I know Nagini…it is the very same with me…" Kyle said trying to help out the flustered snake, he hoped to somehow breach the topic of her leaving the forest with him, and about her being a Maledictus…but both of these were quite sensitive topics, factoring with him being a stranger.

"So, Kyle, what are doing here in this forest?" the snake inquired to which Kyle truthfully replied, "oh…I am here to get some of the ingredients for a cure that I am making…what about you Nagini?" the boy inquired.

"I…this is the only place where I can live Kyle…no matter how much I want to travel outside, I just...can't," she answered, her flustered tone getting replaced with a sullen one, her expression was laced with despair and defeat.

Kyle remained quiet, tried to thoroughly think of the current situation, he sincerely wanted to help Nagini, plus helping her was equivalent to robbing Voldemort of a Horcrux-making opportunity.

He could very possibly help her with her maledictus condition, because his vast and unrivaled amount of knowledge gave him an in-depth understanding of a large array of topics, including blood curses and rituals.

From his knowledge, he could infer that the disease was related to the person's genetics rather than blood, or else the blood curse should just terminate with the person it inflicts and not pass on from one generation to the next, and to understand such a topic better he would need to study modern muggle subjects to a satisfactory level. After that he was damn sure that he will be able to reverse her transformation, or even better make it controllable, allowing her to keep the benefits of this form.

However, for all that to happen, in the crudest words he needed a test subject, he needed a maledictus from he could extract blood samples for testing and extensive researches, and for that, he needed Nagini to be with him.

"You don't need to be worried about being a maledictus, Nagini. Honestly, I believe that in a few years I can cure you of this ailment, I can also keep you protected, but for that, I need you to come with me," hearing the boy, Nagini wanted to slither away as quick as possible, 'he knows,' he knew that she is a maledictus, and nothing good could ever come out of a wizard knowing the whereabouts of a maledictus, but she soon realized that though the boy knew about her being one, he had not taken any drastic measures in trying to capture her even when she had her guard down.

Gradually, she calmed down, now that she thought about it, the boy truly was unusual, he had such combat prowess that only came short when compared to Grindelwald's, back during the destruction of Paris. As for the boy's claim, she dared not to put her hopes high, maledicitus was a disease that since ancient times had been deemed incurable, however, this strange boy…maybe…just maybe could help her with her blood curse…not cure, but somewhat improve her situation.

She slithered back towards the boy, with a series of hisses she conveyed her reply to the boy's offer, "Kyle, I would love to come with you…please take care of me from now on," she said while bowing momentarily in courtesy to the white-haired boy.

Now that she noticed, the boy was really handsome, but only according to human standards, of course to her as a snake, his looks did not matter, to her as a snake nearly all humans looked somewhat alike, basically, she was unable to differentiate between human faces. However, Kyle had quite the unique features, he had beautiful snow-white hair, dashing cold blue eyes with snowflake-like patterned irises, heart-shaped face, due to lack of heavy physical training he still had baby fat on his body. However, it was his heart-shaped face that was lowering down his good looks, it was awfully pale and sickly.

Kyle then returned to the hyperbolic time chamber with Nagini to recuperate from the stress his body and mind had undergone due to the battle with the acromantula hoard.

Back to Dumbledore:

"My friend, I believe you should spend this month with Harry back at the Black manor, and if you want to, I can keep your identity hidden from your brother whilst you stay there," Albus spoke up, Kyle could not deny that the offer was extremely tempting…spending nearly 1200 years away from his last family member was as torturous as it could get, and he could barely wait to finally meet him, talk to him, spend time with him and do everything they as brothers could do.

Along with that, the offer was not bad…he could finally fulfill his wish and still keep his identity a secret. Regarding his identity, Kyle wanted to hide it for as long as possible, and also if Harry saw his current condition, it would only make Harry worried about him. Also, a month together would allow Kyle to bond with Harry, though not as a brother, but as a friend. After thinking about the arrangement, Kyle decided to agree to Albus's offer.

"I would very much like that, Albus. Also, I have another request, it's about the 'stuff', I have to do. Can you possibly get me as much information as possible on blood curses and rituals, along with all the cure ingredients? Not for free of course, I will pay you the amount required," Kyle asked, though he had read all the books from the library, he wanted to have as much content as possible on the topic before he moved towards the muggle studies on genetics.

The old man appeared to be quite pleased with Kyle taking up his offer as his eyes twinkled in delight, as for the request, it wasn't much of an issue, "It'll be done my friend," Albus answered.

Later that very day, Kyle first darkness traveled to his room back in Leaky cauldron, after checking out on the counter he teleported back to Albus's office at Hogwarts with a friend in tow. Kyle had been able to help Nagini with altering her form to some extent, such as changing her color and size, which made her traveling with him much more convenient. Right now she was resting while wrapped around his neck in a much smaller size.

Albus though was curious about the little snake around the boy's neck, he decided to ask about it later, for now, they needed to get moving. Using their own teleportation techniques, the duo of the elder and younger wizard disappeared from the older one's office.

The duo reached Grimmauld street with a series of bricked houses right before them. Albus moved across the street with Kyle in tow, as from the boy's memories he knew that the fidelius charm didn't affect the boy, so there wasn't any requirement for the secret keeper. Right now Kyle was wearing a mask that he had just transfigured, with his hoodie pulled low over his head.

He could have simply used glamor or any appearance altering spell from the new system he had developed during his time in the time chamber, but he didn't, though he was hiding his identity, he didn't want to lie to his brother by changing it, as hiding and lying were two entirely separate matters, nor did he want to change his looks as it was something he was proud to have inherited from his parents in this world.

(AN: It's more of a psychological thing, that I being an amateur am unable to express.)

Moving along the slabbed pavement, the older wizard gave a sharp knock at the door. What Kyle was feeling right now could only be described as being nervous, anxious, and worried. These last 4 years have especially been not kind to the twins as it was for the first time they had been separated, Harry who believed that his brother had died protecting him, and to this day he suffered from guilt and self-hate. Kyle who believed that it was his duty to protect his brother and to get stronger to protect Harry he had suffered from a 1200 years long self-imposed seclusion, and leaving his brother alone when he needed him the most had sent him on a guilt trip. However, he did this all after confirming that Harry was safe.

His nervousness began to peak out as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching on the other side of the door. The doorknob rotated and the black wooden door swung inside to reveal a young man with looks that resembled those of Sirius's. He had a fair skin tone with long black hair, the man was in his late 20's.

This man was one of the other paradoxes of this world when compared to the one from the books and the movies back in Kyle's original world. In the movies, he was supposed to have died in an inferni infested lake on the island where Voldemort had hidden one of his Horcruxes. It was none other than Regulus Black, Sirius's younger brother, a former death-eater who had betrayed Voldemort upon knowing his true agendas.

"Ah, Albus, we were expecting you…and you must be Kyle, I must say, I'm very thankful for your help…well don't just stand there, come on in," the man spoke up, ushering the duo inside, Kyle who had no idea what background story Albus had woven up, eyed the older wizard, asking him to explain what he had told the Blacks about him. Albus simply ignored his gaze with an amused smirk on his face, clearly, the older wizard had not yet had his fill of fun, moving along a narrow corridor, the trio reached a room with a long brown wooden dining table. On the opposite end of the table sat a man Kyle could easily recognize as his godfather, Sirius Black.

The man stood from the chair he sat on, and at a brisk pace approached his guests.

A few hours ago, Albus had contacted him, informing him that he would be arriving later that night with another boy, the boy would be going to Hogwarts the very next month just like his godson.

Sirius and Regulus were extremely thankful for the duo that had just arrived. The reason being Harry...watching his brother die whilst protecting him had been many times harsher on the boy than Kyle had predicted. The boy lived his life in unadulterated self-hate and guilt, even after 4 years these emotions have not subsided, as a result, Harry was living a life of a loner. He had almost no interactions with any of his peers, he behaved in a cold and detached manner, even with Sirius and Regulus. The tragedy from 4 years back had truly changed the boy, which was one of the reasons Dumbledore wanted Kyle to live 1 month here with Harry before their schooling began.

Right now, the boy in question could not be found anywhere. "Hello Albus, hello…Kyle…I must say that I am really grateful for what you both are doing. Also, Kyle, please, consider this a request, but please help Harry, and believe the Albus has told you the rest," Sirius spoke, of course, there was the expected awkwardness when he spoke to Kyle, the boy before him had the same name as his dead godson, one of the greatest regrets Sirius had.

Kyle still had no idea as to what help exactly Sirius required, what Albus had told the Sirius and Regulus, or why his own brother wasn't here, nodded his head to show that he was willing to help.

"You guys must be hungry, I'll ask Kreacher to set up the table, while I go and get Harry from his room, would you like to come with me, Kyle?" Regulus asked, Kyle decided to tag along to go get his brother. The boy who had not even flinched while killing a hoard of acromantulas and even had faced off against an extraterrestrial being was now getting nervous in anticipation of meeting Harry.

The duo moved up the stairs, during which Regulus spoke about the 'problem' Kyle was here to solve. From what he got to know from Regulus, Harry had become a loner, a cold and detached person, he had no sort of interaction with anyone of his age. Realizing the consequences of his actions, Kyle felt even more guilty than before, he thought that what he had done was right, and though he felt guilty for his actions it could not be compared to what he was feeling right now.

Kyle did not notice but he was already standing before another black wooden door which Regulus had knocked upon and had just entered. He was brought out of his guilt-ridden reverie when the older wizard called out his name. Hearing his name being called out once again, Kyle entered the room, his eyes came in contact with another boy's, the other boy had beautiful raven black locks, he wore spectacles that hid his fiery green eyes, he had fair skin tone and compared to 4 years back, the boy looked much more fit and healthy now.

He looked similar to his movie counterpart with just a few differences. The boy was staring back at him from his seat, his eyes seemed to be full of disbelief and joy, which upon noticing Kyle's eyes and hairs, showed an expression of hurt and calm. He had a few books opened with some galleons scattered on the beautifully polished wooden table before him

"Harry, allow me to introduce to you our special guest, this is Kyle here, he is just like you going to be a first-year, starting this year you both will be going to Hogwarts together," Regulus spoke up, Harry gave a nod of acknowledgment before returning to his own 'stuff'. Regulus seeing this had a difficult expression on his face, on the other hand, this somewhat pleasantly surprised Kyle, not the being ignored part, rather the 'stuff' his brother was trying to do.

"Regulus, if you would, can you please leave me alone with Harry for a few minutes, rest assured I'll bring him with me down to the dining table," Kyle requested, to which Regulus simply nodded and left the room while closing the door shut. Harry still didn't pay any attention to the other boy that was standing right in front of the door behind him, 'He's going to be a Ravenclaw for sure,' Kyle mused as he moved closer to the boy.

Kyle moved his palm right above Harry's right shoulder as the green-eyed boy's back was facing him. Kyle pushed his magic into his palm and lifted the few galleons that lay on the table into the air. Harry watched this spectacle transpire in disbelief as eyes moved from the floating galleons to the hand that was wandlessly performing the levitating charm, and finally, at the white-haired, sickly, pale-complexioned boy.

Kyle who had his eyes on the floating galleons slowly lowered the coins back onto the table and moved his sight to the shocked boy. He was smirking underneath the black piece of cloth that covered his face starting from just below his eyes.

(AN: Similar to Kakashi from Naruto.)

"H-H…How?" Harry muttered, his voice cracking from the shock he had just received. Lifting a few coins with a levitation spell was nothing much, every wizard could do that, however without a wand, that was a feat even the most powerful of wizards could seldom accomplish. Of all the wizards he knew, only Grandpa Albus could accomplish such feat with the ease this boy before him was displaying.

"I can teach you, wanna learn?" Kyle offered to which the green-eyed only incoherently responded, "H-huh?"

"I said that I can teach you!! Wanna learn?!" Kyle repeated his offer. For Harry magic was the only escape he ever found from reality, something that he still found to be interesting despite his constant feelings of guilt and hate. He knew that 4 years ago, it wasn't exactly his fault and that his brother would have wanted him not to blame himself for his death, as a result, the boy spent even more time reading books from the Black Library. A few weeks ago, he had found a rather interesting topic, wandless and chantless magic.

Though the boy had been trying to learn this abstruse art, he had yet to reach any milestones, and so when Kyle displayed the execution of wandless and chantless magic with such ease that rivaled or perhaps surpassed Dumbledore's, he could only revel in shock…until the boy offered to teach him. Harry knew that he had been pretty cold and rude with Kyle, yet the boy wanted to teach him something so priceless. "W-Why?!" Harry asked. Kyle, "Simple…I want us to be friends," replied, sincerity could be clearly seen in the boy's eyes.

Baffled would be an understatement for what Harry was feeling, he felt touched, a little disbelief, and shame for his uncouth behavior from before. Knowing what he had to do now, Harry raised his hand for a handshake while introducing himself properly this time, "Harry, Harry Potter, I hope you forgive me for my previous conduct."

Kyle shook his hand signifying their reunion for Kyle and the start of a new friendship for Harry, "Kyle…Kyle Evans, no need to be formal Harry, and I know from experience that everyone has their moments, so there is no need to" Kyle replied as both headed downstairs for dinner.