
"I'm surprised you haven't seriously injured yourself yet," Kay watched Januar stretch.

Sweat was running down Januar's face, panting loudly, he answered Kay.

"Thanks to the white towers, everyone is stronger and more resilient, it's like a Passive Skill that carries over into every Realm."

Januar paused his exercise. He wiped the drops of sweat that threatened to run into his eyes with a corner of his top. Finally, he stood up, expecting another exercise from Kay.

"That's it for today, even if your body is strengthened, more would still be a little too much. You have to start slowly and built up," Kay said firmly, he could see how Januar was happy to call it a day on one hand, but on the other hand, felt unsatisfied just stopping like that.

Kay didn't say anything else, instead, he stood next to Januar. The latter looked around and noticed how all the other students leisurely left the hall.

He looked at Kay in surprise, but he could not read anything from his cold face. Nevertheless, a comforting, fluttering feeling arose in his stomach. Had he intentionally finished in time?

"Thank you," Januar whispered before running toward the exit.

The other students kept glancing over at him and laughing softly, but this time January didn't feel nearly as bad. He was actively changing something, and hoping to finally have peace in his life in a way that didn't necessarily exist as his last goal.

And he could now actively work on that.

He entered the locker room with the other students. They were all standing by their numbers or together in groups, chatting excitedly. When he felt the many pairs of eyes gathering on his person again, a little fear and nervousness did arise in Januar.

He quickly ran to his number and pressed the button underneath. The hatch opened and Januar hurriedly took out his sports bag. But when the hatch closed again, it caught on the fabric of the bag, subsequently yanking it out of Januar's hands and onto the floor.

Januar's drink, enhancement serum, and many other items lay scattered on the floor.


No one moved or made a sound.

Januar's throat was suddenly as dry as if he had not drunk anything for days. The sinking feeling in his stomach was no longer pleasant; it had turned into a painful squeezing of his guts.

He hurried to pick up the things, but a hand was already grabbing the enhancement serum.

"A high-quality enhancement serum? For this trash? Ridiculous, Fred, would you like to have it? Otherwise, it's practically like throwing pearls before swine!"

Frederic didn't disappoint, his voice unaffected as he said:

"As if I need the serum of such a waste of space, I don't need the high-end gadgets either, take them yourselves."

Januar had to watch how, one by one, his belongings were taken away. And he could not even say something against it.

Even when everything was already gone, he remained crouched on the ground. Still, looking at the place where his possessions had lain just a short time ago.

Suddenly he stood up, grabbed his now-empty gym bag, and left the locker room.

Did he have to tell his family again that he had lost his stuff?

Even his sister's lucky charm drink bottle, which she had secretly given him for today's Inscription.

Maybe his family already entered the white tower.

He felt a hand grasp his shoulder.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Januar glanced at Kay, the latter's face red with anger and his eyes sparkling with a familiar light that Januar knew all too well.

Intimidated, Januar raised his shoulders a little, muttering softly:

"I can't."

That seemed to make Kay even angrier, his voice growing louder.


Tears began to roll down Januar's cheek, he hurried even more to escape the school building. His voice was choked with suppressed sobs and shaky breaths with which he tried to calm himself as much as possible.

"I just can't."

When Kay saw this, he paused. His face remained red with anger, but he now reached out an arm to pat Januar's head again. His gaze fixed on some of the students who had taken something from Januar. However, he couldn't do anything at all.

Januar almost ran out of the school. Only when he was a distance away, he stopped and sat down in a hidden corner, where he finally broke down.

After a while, his sobbing was interrupted by an annoying beeping from his wrist.

He looked at his ComWatch, tears making the words that had popped up on Januar's ComWatch almost unreadable.

"When are you coming home? Mom, Dad, Mai and I are looking forward to celebrating your transcription with you before we have to leave again for 'Court'!"

Januar sniffled again and leaned his head against the cool wall behind him.

After a few deep breaths, Januar rose from his seat and continued walking down the path to his home with a smile on his face.

A headache throbbed in his head bent on driving him crazy.

"Are you going to tell your family?" Kay finally spoke up again, it had taken him a long time before he was able to contain his anger.

Januar's smile quivered, he shook his head as he got on the elevator to his family's apartment. He placed his hand on a scanning device and the elevator began to move.

"I can't."

The elevator door opened and January stepped out.

"""Congratulations on your transcription!"""

Immediately, Januar looked at the happy faces of his family. They seemed genuinely happy for him, but Januar just felt bad.

His mother stepped forward and hugged him, and shortly after, his father and siblings joined in as well.

Guilt crushed his heart while all he could do was hug back.

"So how was it? What does your card look like?" excited, his sister blurted out these questions.

Januar opened his mouth.

"It was okay, thanks for giving me your drink bottle by the way."

Any topic was better than that of his Soul-Realm Card.

"Oh, no problem haha. I wanted to give it to you as a gift to celebrate your transcription. Speaking of which, you just had sports, didn't you? We sent for your favorite food, unfortunately, we can't eat with you anymore..."

His sister, Mai, looked regretfully towards the dining room from which a delicious aroma wafted. His parents agreed with Mai and sighed, only his older brother, März, joked.

"Well, soon you'll be coming to the tower with us too. From then on, we'll have to be together all the time anyway."

Everyone laughed a little, including Januar, although he was far from happy. As always, he wanted to plead, to ask them not to go. But what did the white tower care if someone did not want to join in the 'Court'?

That was the fate of the Elite.

Year after year for several months to risk their lives, because they were forced to do so.

This cycle stopped only when one succumbed to the tower.

Januar smiled and said as cheerfully as he could: "You should have left long ago! What would the national team do without you?"

"Unfortunately, you're right, Jan. We'll make up for your celebration after the 'Court'. Because there's already a surprise planned," Januar's father patted his head.

"Oh, Ophi! That was supposed to be a surprise!" his mother reprimanded his father, but she wasn't really angry. She lovingly stroked Januar's cheek and gave him a goodbye kiss on the forehead, "See you in three months, don't make any trouble while we're gone!"

His siblings also hugged him tightly and said their fond farewells. Januar could only grin back and wish them good luck. And then,

They left him behind.

Alone in the huge apartment.

Immediately, the bright smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by extreme exhaustion.

Januar dropped his gym bag on the floor and headed for the dining room.

The table was set for one person and above it hung a banner with the words, "Congratulations!" on it. Four bags, from which steam and a tantalizing aroma rose, stood next to each other, just waiting to be opened so that someone would eat their contents.

Januar opened them without hesitation, enough food for a whole family appeared on the table.

He sat down and started stuffing the food into his mouth. Occasionally, taking a sip of water as to not choke on the food.


Januar halted all movement, he put down his fork but wasn't able to look into Kay's eyes.

"You want to change, right? What are you doing then? This could be your first step."

Kay looked at Januar's sad figure, even though he would like to give him some comforting words, he had none. Realizing, this was not the time to wallow in sympathy and self-pity. They had to take the first steps towards change.

It took a few minutes, but then, Januar slowly raised his head.
