
"Well, from what I hear your training is proceeding as planned. But this is not the only thing you need to pass your 'Realms'," Professor Sotra turned to face his students, "Soon, we will have our school-wide examination on pre-apocalyptic culture, history and general knowledge. As you know, this test makes up a quarter of your overall grade at the end of your school years, which is very important for your future. So, I hope you are well prepared and paid attention in class."

As soon as the students heard the crucial word, exam, a nervous and anxious silence overcame the classroom. One or two even paled in horror.

How could they have forgotten about that test? This was their final grade! It determined whether they could join an Extermination Group like 'Purge' or crawled at the bottom of society! They all dreamed of the prestigious position that lingered just one step below the Elite.

Those with weak Soul-Realm Cards were used to maintain law and order in the cities and those with adequate fighting skills were allowed to fight the 'Monsters'. No matter which group you belonged to, the pay was incredibly good, incomparable to other, normal professions.

Someone spoke up, "Professor, I heard that next year we will be taking a field trip to the Nightmare Swamp with 'Purge', is that true?"

Excited whispers filled the classroom, washing away the oppressive silence. Was this the truth? A meeting with the idols of all remaining humanity? Maybe they would even see the legendary Exterminators in action!

Professor Sotra frowned but answered Leopold.

"Yes, that's right. Next year, the students with the greatest potential will accompany 'Purge' on a trip to the Nightmare Swamp. But this is no reason to celebrate, you should be aware how dangerous the Nightmare Swamp is, the first horde of monsters originated from it, and it remains largely unexplored to this day."

Of course, Professor Sotra realized that there was no way for the simple Leopold to gather this information himself, surely Frederic had instigated him to ask this question.

The professor laughed a little inside his heart, this youthful impatience and boundless curiosity, it was truly enviable.

"Whoever you heard this news from, an activity next year should not distract you from your upcoming test, especially since this test may also contribute to your spot in the field trip."

Professor Sotra saw Frederic's gaze quiver briefly as he said these words and a small amused smile strayed to his lips.

Such behavior was a bit rash and hasty, yet he preferred this liveliness over the powerless silence that a certain other student exuded.

Even a little panic would have been better than the resignation on his face.

If there was one thing Professor Sotra hated, it was not even having the will to fight. The small smile died and an imperceptible sigh escaped his lips.

At least Januar's athletic performance had improved from a solid 'Unsatisfactory' to a wobbly 'Satisfactory'. Professor Bellator described it with a shrug, 'He's trying.'

And that 'trying' was already bearing fruit; you could now make out a few tender edges in Januar's face.

But every day his tired eyes struggled to stay open, in vain.

More often than not, other professors would go to Professor Sotra, only to complain about Januar's inattentiveness.

But none of them addressed the person in question; they simply continued teaching. They couldn't care less about the reason for Januar's fatigue.

Sotra alone had a theory for Januar's behavior, concern for his family in the 'Court'. He had observed it many times before in Januar's siblings. Little appetite, easily distracted, sleepless as they followed their family's progress until very late at night.

Professor Sotra felt a little sympathy for January. But no matter how tense he was, a student couldn't just throw a quarter of his evaluation, no, a quarter of his future down the window!

And then be so pleased with that decision!

Shaking his head, Professor ended class, signaling the end of this school day.

The students quickly packed up, wanting to get home as quickly as possible to watch the live broadcast of the 'Court'. Had a card player died during their absence? Had the ranking changed in the meantime?

Despite those important questions, which decided the life in their country, a few students stayed behind in the classroom. Among them were Frederic, who was packing his bag slowly, and Leopold, who was waiting for Frederic.

Januar also hurried to get out of the room, but one of the students blocked his way.

A desperate expression flashed across his face, which Frederic perceived all too clearly. His movements slowed even more, Frederic began to watch the expected drama intently.

He enjoyed seeing proof of his superiority to Januar. This trash born with a gold spoon in his mouth, while he had worked hard to achieve his current status. There were no members of any Extermination Groups in his family, let alone Elite card players. All his current fame was his doing and he wanted much more.

The students who stayed behind flung insults of all kinds at Januar.

Why? Because his family had sent him another long message on the live broadcast last night. Each of them was forced to listen to this love letter, every word causing anger to boil in their chest. They put all the blame for their emotional state on Januar. After all, it was he who distracted his family even during the 'Court'!

But in truth, they felt jealous, jealous of a person they detested so much.

One student could no longer contain his anger as his anger was only fueled by his fellow students'. He took a step forward and clenched his fist as he had done many times before. Wanting to punch Januar, to vent his anger that way.

Many of the other students recognized his intention and joined in, as long as they didn't land the first blow.

Januar also saw the dangerous glint in their eyes, panic filling his gaze.

Frederic felt a warm satisfaction rise in his heart. As if it were his fists which would soon come down heavily on Januar's body.

But it never actually reached that point.

With a speed that no one had expected from Januar, he fled from their encirclement. He dodged an outstretched arm and leapt, albeit a little awkwardly, over an entire desk.

His shoes made a squeaky noise in an effort to regain his footing before he sprinted on.

Baffled, no one was able to run after him, and January escaped without even taking a single blow.

What had just happened? How could the unathletic January leap over an entire desk with ease?

Even Frederic was stunned. His hand still held an ElectroPen motionless above his pocket.

"What the hell?!"

Leopold thundered, he too had been looking forward to a fun show.

"How can Jan just run away like that! Because of him, the live broadcast was one big joke, if he can pull something like that off, he should be able to bear the consequences!"

Leopold was as enraged as the other students. Frederic also secretly agreed with him, he would have liked to put January in his place himself, but he didn't want to get his hands dirty.

Therefore, Leopold's next words evoked fervent anticipation in him.

"He won't get away with this! I'll help you take revenge tomorrow, he deserves it, doesn't he, Fred?"

Frederic looked up coolly at Leopold and nodded curtly.

A month after their transcription, Leopold had also overcome his 'Realm' and could thus use his first Soul-Realm Card. Now the show would be even more interesting.