
The longer Januar stayed in this 'Realm', the more he missed talking to someone or even being able to understand another person, it has been two weeks since he first woke up here, but he still had no clue what's going on...

He realized the power of speech once again only yesterday, when he met the slick man and caused that incident with the pale boy. If he could just talk these situations would have ended a lot better.

But what was he supposed to do, hia only option was braving through whatever came his way.

Suddenly the nurse appeared in his field of vision. Januar looked over, greeting the other with a smile. Would they go out today aswell?

These excursions were the highlight of Januar's stay here, they brought opportunities and distracted him of his extreme boredom and loneliness. Not to mention the suffocating silence.

But today the nurse acted a bit different, he was way more expressive in gestures today. He pointed at Januar's knee and wrist, while acting as if he was in pain.

Januar was stunned, thrilled by this development Januar shook his head, smiling brightly.

The nurse made a clumsy gesture showing that he was relieved, before picking up Januar's crutch and asking him if he wanted to go out.

This made Januar incredibly happy, he nodded excitedly and stood up as fast as he could.

Finally! Someone caught on to his deafness! And didn't try to talk via writing!

Januar was about to cry from relief. In fact, there were already a few tears in his eyes but before he shed them the nurse hugged him tightly.

He didn't dislike this hug at all. Actually, from that time Kay hugged him, he had found that he really liked it. Not the kind of farewell hug that his family gave him everytime they left, just a simple comforting hug without any greater meaning.

Some time after Januar stopped crying, the two of them seperated. Januar used his sleeve to wipe his wet cheeks, staring at the wet stain on the nurses uniform in shame.

As if he had caught Januar's embarrassment, the nurse simply patted the stain while waving his hand, 'It's alright'.

This relieved Januar somewhat.

When the nurse saw that Januar had calmed down considerably, he beckoned him to follow.

As the nurse left the room while holding the door open, Januar hobbled towards him. This time they walked in the hall's direction. Januar wondered if he would meet the strange pair again today and just as he anticipated, as soon as he entered the hall he already saw Orange's head of messy hair.

Orange also noticed his entering and immediately waved at him overjoyed. Januar hobbled over to the two, even Greenie spared him a glance this time.

Januar sat down next to them, even before he sat comfortably in his seat, Orange already put a sketch book in front of him and watched him with expectant eyes.

Did he want him to write some more words?

Well, this was an easy task, but what should he write about?

Januar looked around and wrote down: Paper, pen, chair, table, nurse, patie-

He messed up the last word because a hand suddenly touched his shoulder, he flinched and whirled around.

Behind him stood the pale boy from yesterday, he also had a smile on his face. He pointed at the seat opposite of Januar that was still unoccupied.

Did he want to sit there? But why? There were enough other seats in the hall.

Nonetheless, Januar flashed him a (slightly confused) smile, after which he sat down with an even brighter smile than before.

He glanced over the sketch book in front of Januar. He then streched out his arm to tap Januar's writing with his finger and seemingly asking him to continue writing. Januar was baffled by the boy's insistence.

Did his writing garner him some fans in this world? Was it really that special?

But Januar was happy to oblidge, it was the first time he could show off in someway, even if it was for something as meager as writing some random words. The people back in his world would have laughed at his senseless pride, especially since his writing wasn't particularly beautiful or special.

Still, the admiring gazes he received felt good.


Constantine was really happy to meet Joseph again. From the instant that he saw him entering the hall his heart started pounding.

Naturally he blamed it on the mystery around the boy that only waited for him to uncover.

He watched as Joseph walked over to the orange-haired patient and his follower again. This piqued his interest, last time they clearly hurt him, why did he approach them himself?

Was this a lurking hint?

He waited for a moment, hoping to observe for a bit first.

"He has started writing, you have to pay close attention now, Quincy! This is a mystical language from beyond this world, even I can't write in this tongue anymore! The first word is...Pa, pap, paper! The second P, Pen! This is truly a miracle! A sign!"

Constantine listened to the orange-haired patient praising words like Paper and Table as if they were a direct message from God. It sounded like the rambling of a crazy person, even to Constantine, but there was something strange about it.

This orange-haired person rambled on and on about some other world but he had never reacted so strongly and foolishly at something. He usually praised the civilization of that world as superior beings, but if he wanted to flaunt this fact he wouldn't use words like Paper and Table.

Constantine left his hidden seat immediately and walked over to the three.

He gently touched Joseph's shoulder with his hand. His plan was to prevent him being startled but it obviously failed when Joseph turned around with a shocked expression on his face.

Constantine smiled softly while pointing at the seat opposite Joseph, trying his best to convey his intentions to teh other boy.

The boy with blond hair and blue eyes smiled in response.


Another round of thumping began in his chest as he saw the slightly confused smile on the other's face. Shocked by his own thoughts he quickly went around the table and sat down on the free seat.

"Shouldn't you ask the people who sat at the table first if you can join? Don't interupt us, this is a very important meeting!"

Constantine simply ignored the orange-haired patient, he was talking nonsense anyway. What was important were the things Joseph scribbled on the paper in front of him.

Realizing that Joseph was still looking at him, Constantine streched out his arm to tap on the paper.

Joseph blinked at him for a moment, before his cheeks began to blush slightly in excitement and a small smile grazed his lips. He excitedly started scribbling even more things on the paper in front of him.

Constantine felt his heart squeeze.

Watching the boy in front of him, ...made him really happy.