
Januar was more or less happy the last few days, he often hung out with Orange, Greenie and Ink (who was really nice, now that he got to know him).

After Ink snatched his first written-on paper from him (just like a real fan would), Orange asked him to write on another paper the next day with a bitter expression.

Januar felt very flattered at their attention and happily wrote paper after paper for them. Now everyone in their group of four had a paper with Januar's writing. The contents differet of course, for the others he wrote whatever came to mind, meanwhile he gathered information on his paper for his still unclear 'Quest'.

He didn't know much. He was injuried, probably in an accident, as there were bruises and abrasions all over his body, but the worst injury was his left leg which was twisted and sprained, luckily not broken as the nurse told him. Still, he had been unconscious for a week, before he woke up, probably because of shock.

The next noteable thing was the man who appeared with a document he should sign, he also clearly knew of his deafness, as he only communicated via writing with him after his introduction. He became rougher with Januar the longer he took to sign the document, so he was pretty desperate for his signature, right?

Furthermore, the man knew of his disability and identity, so Januar couldn't have gone deaf because of the accident, but then why were there not more people trying to talk via writing with him. Did they not know?

Why wouldn't the slick man inform them about it? What was going on?

This was what Januar came up with after thinking ceaslessly for many, many hours.

He had also concluded that Orange, Greenie and Ink had nothing to do with his identity, they didn't seem to have known him prior.

While Januar was deep in thought, an old doctor clad in white with grey hair entered his room. Behind him stood the nurse, Januar wanted to wave at him as greeting but held himself back after seeing the other's dark expression.

Januar looked at the doctor's expression, a friendly smile, quite the opposite of the nurse behind him.

Did something happen? Did he do something wrong?

He was immediately defensive towards the doctor when he saw the nurse's face. He trusted and liked the nurse a lot, for the other to look like this, something must be up.

Januar watched as the doctor grabbed the chair deposited in the corner of his room and sat down directly in front of his bed.

After sitting down comfortably he streched out one arm towards the nurse, the nurse took out a sketch book including various pens and another pile of papers.

Januar widened his eyes at that, another pile of papers. So it was really important, but he had a very bad feeling about this insistent behavior, his signature must be of great importantce...

The doctor started writing in the sketch book, it was one of the sketch books that always lay around in the hall, the coloring pencils were the same.

It was unknown to Januar what the document was about, but he would never sign it! This he decided without giving the doctor even one slight chance.

After another short glance at the doctor, Januar turned around in his bed, unwilling to listen any further. Whatever he wanted from him, he was firmly rejected!

He didn't know when the men would leave and he didn't care, he was adamant in his desicion. And honestly, it was quite refreshing to be able to refuse someone so firmly this once.

Although he was a bit sad that he wouldn't be able to meet Orange, Greenie and Ink in the hall today.

Especially Ink, he really liked that fanboy of his, everytime Ink looked at him with such a bright smile when he wrote something for them, Januar's heart jumped in glee.


Carl grinned in satisfaction as he watched Joseph turn his back on the chief physician.

In response, the doctor's movements halted, an annoyed expression appeared on his face. This was like a slap in the face for him. Everyone praised this patient for his good behavior and willing cooperation.

So the doctor had probably expected this be a piece of cake. But he had failed! The other party didn't even want to listen to him for a second! The doctor with most experience out of everyone in this hospital!

Carl had a sneer on his face, just thinking about the doctor's hurt pride made him want to laugh.

The doctor turned around and glared at Carl, so he quickly hid his expression. Then the doctor got up from his seat and left the room in a huff. Carl also followed him out, he wanted to see what he would do next.

But after only taking two steps outside of Joseph's room a tug held him in place. He looked around and found Constantine looking at him.

"What happened?"

Constantine looked really worried, this came as a bit of a surprise to Carl.

This patient was famous for his unfeeling personality and outrageous intelligence, which he had often used to torment other patients or even doctors and nurses. He usually had a cold expression on face as if he couldn't be bothered with anything, he only showed some emotion at the troubles he caused.

Most of the time mild amusement.

Weighing the pros and cons for a moment, Carl decided to tell him in the end.

"The Chief Physician wanted to convince him to sign a document, but Joseph refused him."

"The Chief Physician? Why would he ask an underage patient for a signature?" Constantine asked suspicion in his voice.

"I can only tell you so much: there seems to be a huge monetary reward for convincing Joseph," Carl answered, his tone frosty.

He couldn't imagine trying to force a child to sign some document, it was also clearly in bad intentions. No matter, how much money was in question, he would never be able to live with that knowledge and guilt.

And it was even worse that the head physician of a mental hospital even considered it.

At that moment Carl remembered something.

"As you said, there is indeed something wrong with Joseph's admission, I'm still not entirely sure of the situation, but I think it's linked to the monetary reward," saying that, Carl left, he still wanted to catch some potential clues from the enraged head physician.

Constantine remained standing where he was, watching the nurse's back disappear with a freezing gaze. He then looked at the door next to him.