
"Sigh. It's no use."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Just..., I don't think I'll be able to pass the exam with my fighting skills."

"... Listen, stop worrying. We've been looking forward to this all our life. No matter how much it will cost, we are going to leave this place."

"Also, I know that you have been stressed out about our finances, but isn't there a simple solution for this? One of us just needs to score himself a scholarship."

"Pffft, yeah, sure. Then I'll be depending on you, self-proclaimed Greatest Combat Genius in the World. "


Januar woke up with playful teasing and laughter still echoing in his ears. The joyful atmosphere was contagious, so much so that he wanted to join right in.

What a strange dream... He had never woken up from a dream because he wanted to laugh along.

Although he was unable to recall the appearances of the two people in his dream, their voices sounded very familiar, but no person came to mind.

Januar sat up on his bed, still lost in thought, but when he saw the person in front of him, any remaining sleepiness dissappeared. With a grumpy expression, he didn't even acknowledge the other's presence. He just stood up and walked to his wardrobe to pick out his track suit. But when he turned around, Constantine was still standing in his room and looking at him.

Januar frowned.

"Go back into your card, I don't want to see you."

But Constantine didn't leave, they stood in silence for a while, at some point Januar decided that he had enough of this. If the other didn't leave, he would.

Just when he was about to leave the room, the person behind him spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

Januar turned around, he was morbidly curious to see what scheme the other wanted to come up with now. Maybe to get further affirmation for his feelings of rejection towards the other.

But when he saw Constantine's expression, Januar hesitated for a second.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to hurt you. Please forgive me."

Constantine had a heartbroken look on his face.

Januar's expression softened a bit when he saw this, but hardened again shortly after.

The other stabbed him, why would he forgive him after only some apologizing? Rather, why should he?

But then why...

He quickly stopped this train of thought, he didn't want to find an excuse for the other. So, Januar finally concluded the conversation with a simple:

"I still don't want to see you, please go away."

The boy was visibly hurt after Januar's words, but vanished after a last sad glance.

Januar sighed, this confrontation had been much more exhausting than he expected.


The longer Januar kept up with his training the more he got used to it. He didn't feel as tired in the morning anymore, quite the opposite, he was very energized every day. But just looking at the threatening gazes from all around today, left him exhausted.

Yesterday he somehow escaped their clutches, but he didn't know if he would be as lucky today.

If only he hadn't fired that arrow!

But Januar knew that he didn't regret his actions yesterday one bit. He was infinitly proud of his dumb luck.

The gazes didn't stop even during the lesson and the way the teacher stared made him even more uncomfortable. So he just stopped paying attention to class and looked out the window.

As he did, he was reminded of the time the ravens appeared. It was really strange, since when did people hallucinate because of their Soul-Realm Cards? He never heard of something like that.

Suddenly a flash of red appeared in front of him, blocking his view of the window. Januar was startled by this sudden splash of red and heard Kay swear behind him.

"What the hell! Who did this, do you want to scare me to death!"

As soon as the last word left his mouth, the splash of red moved. Judging from its silhouette it was a small girl, only reaching Januar's chest. But when the supposedly cute little girl turned around, the red hood revealed a shocking appearance.

The girl, if you could even call it that, flashed Januar and Kay a toothy grin, the big yellow fangs in its maw twinkled. Snarling, with red blood still dripping from its lips, the little wolf girl laughed in a scratching voice and dived under Januar's desk.

Januar immediately jumped up, hitting the desk with his thighs while moving away as fast as possible.

"Mr. Stolz, what are you doing?!"

Januar flinched at his teacher's voice, why was this situation so familiar?

"No, nothing, I just thought something was underneath my desk..."

His voice became smaller and smaller with every word, until it was little more than a mumbling.

The teacher scrutinized him for a second, before announcing:

"There's nothing, so sit down!"

The teacher snorted in disapproval before continuing his lesson, no way that troublemaker improved his score on his own.

Januar sat down again, he felt embarrassed but he had no mind to think about the snickering around him.

There were so many people staring at him earlier, even the teacher, but they didn't see the wolf girl.

What did that mean?

Januar had a hunch, and groped in his card pouch as discreetly as possible.


There were indeed three cards inside.

Januar paled.

It had barely been a month since his second 'Realm'!

He nervously glanced at his ComWatch, and his face grew even paler. There was no way of him getting home before his 'Realm' if he wanted to complete this school day. It was only the first lesson!

Desperately trying to recall a place on school grounds that was quiet and unknown to many, Januar thought of the old fire escape that barely anyone visited, ever.

He spent the next 50 minutes sitting on pins and needles. As soon as the teacher announcent the end of class. Januar rushed out as fast as he possibly could.

He was only able to calm down a bit after reaching his destination. He pulled out his cards, two of them were familiar, but there was one additional card.

Red Riding Hood.

The name of the card, written in blood red, ready to drip from the surface at any given moment.

The little wolf girl stood underneath the letters, her red hood looked like it had been colored from top to bottom by the dripping blood. A wide grin adorned her wolfish face, as her yellow eyes glinted with a lively light in the gloomy world of the card.

She was surrounded by a dark forest that seemed to reach for her, wanting to drag her into its depths.

Januar shuddered just looking at it.

"What's he doing here?!"

Suddenly Kay's alarmed voice toned behind Januar.

Januar looked behind him and saw Frederic stepping down the stairs.

His hands turned ice cold but it was too late to run away now.

The world around him grew dark and the last thing he saw was Frederic's shocked expression.


Januar: It's only been a few months, why am I already at my third 'Realm'?!

Author: *laughs in advancing the plot*