
"So you want to sacrifice one of our best hounds?" The man didn't remove the cigar from his mouth as he said this, glancing at the other men sitting around the table with a cold smile.

"But if we don't send him, they will take someone by force. Who knows which of us they will target!" A man answered nervously.

"Also," another added, "he's become rather disobedient. Losing such a talent is regrettable, I admit, but this is the perfect chance to get rid of him for free."

"Hmm," The man chewed on his cigar, contemplating. His sharp gaze resting on the man who spoke last.

Just as the other broke out in cold sweat, he withdrew his gaze. Instead grabbing a pile of papers and flipping through them.

"Alright, but you are naive to think that he will be caught just like that. We will need to handicap him, so they see our sincerity."

He stopped skipping through the pages, tapping on one peculiar paper with a sinister smile on his face.


Januar opened his eyes wide.

Frederic just saw him!

What was he supposed to do now?!

Frederic would surely realize that this wasn't Januar's first 'Realm' when he saw his card!

He wasn't ready yet...

He barely scraped the mark for average in his class. If Frederic spread this information and his classmates found out about his cards...

No, his classmates knowing wasn't actually the worst thing that could happen.

It was his family finding out.

All this talk about joining 'Court' together.

What if he, after getting his fifth card, was still useless? What if he dragged his family down? Or even worse caused harm to them because of his incompetence?

This was by far the most perilious situation he had gotten himself into, not even the kidnapping incident caused him so much worry. His mind continued to go round and round.

But he was soon awoken from his trance, finally returning to the present.

"Stop dillydalling, Jack! Or would you rather your father taking your place?"

Januar blinked and looked at his surroundings for the first time.

He was standing in a very shady looking alley, something that was more exception than the rule in his world where every nook and cranny was lit by Energy Orbs.

Not far away from him stood a man. He was clothed in a simple white shirt with a grey pair of pants and a matching grey cap on his head.

He was the one who called out to him earlier. There was an impatient look on his face as he waited for Januar or rather Jack, to follow him.

Apparently Jack was still a tad to slow for his liking, so he simply turned around walked away. Jack hastily ran after him.

Careful to always lag a few steps behind the other.

There was clearly an imbalance in their relationship, judging by the man's attitude.

"Walk next to me, with you trailing behind me, we just look more suspicious."

Jack followed his instructions and stepped next to the other. Only now did he realize how young the other person actually was.

"If anyone asks, we are friends and my name is Cast, understand?"

Cast looked at Jack with a slightly threatening aura, until Jack hastily nodded his head.

"Alright, I've no idea why the boss forced me to take you along. Your kind is usually left to do some small jobs, but now that you're here, I hope you will at least not drag me down."

This comment left an aching stinging in Jack, it felt like the comfirmation to his earlier worries. He didn't even dare pry for some more hints towards his and Cast's identity.

"Smile, we have to look friendly with each other," Cast sighed, adding, "That's why I usually work alone." in a hushed voice.

Jack forced a smile onto his face after he heard these words.

But as soon as they stepped out from the back alley, his smile vanished only amazement remained.

The road was bustling with life. People were everywhere and dozens of cars drove past them in a reckless manner.

The world before him was undeniably much messier than his own, but it looked so much more alive.

This was the first time he realized how small his world actually was.

His teachers always preached that over half of the population died when the 'Towers' first came to be, but he never understood the pure scope of this statement.

It only needed one glance from him and he had already seen more people than in his entire life prior.

An indescribable feeling.

"Quit staring, we have work to do."

Jack followed Cast, but he was still unable to breakout his strange mood. Pondering, what life must have been like before the catastrophe. Just thinking about it made his problems and worries seem miniscule.

They beelined through crowds of people, something that would never be possible in his world.

The weather was really hot and there were beads of sweat on the passerby's faces.

After passing all kinds of stores and buildings, and Jack being distracted by their merchandise, Cast resorted to dragging the other along with him. It had become rather obvious, that no matter what Cast said to Jack, he would still be distracted.

Suddenly Cast dragged Jack to enter another back alley.

At that moment, Jack broke out of his daze.

They walked deeper and deeper into the alley until they reached a hidden entrance.

But Cast didn't quietly open the door, he kicked it open with his leg. So essentially, stripping it of its function completely.

Inside sat a group of people. Shock was evident on their faces as they looked at Cast.

Jack had the same expression on his face.

"I heard you haven't yet passed your earnings to the collector... Tell me, what's that all about?"

It took a short second before one of the people in the room stepped forward. With a slightly trembling voice he answered Cast.

"W-we decided to keep them! The higher-ups have so much and we gain nothing for risking our lives!"

Cast raised his eyebrow.

"You got into debt on your own, now that you can't pay, you have to work," Cast coldheartedly shrugged his shoulders, "The question now is, will you hand over the money willingly or do I have to make you?"