Felicia, having just changed had a more animal nature than in her human form, combined with her pure hatred of Ryan left her with no hesitation.
The first thing Ryan saw after what felt like forever in a black abyss was what looked like a humanoid tiger lunging at him far faster than he could react.
Her claws sank deep into his flesh repeatedly, his screams having no impact on Felicia as she ripped into his neck with her fangs. As the blood ran out her mouth she threw her head back and roared, it did not sound like a roar of victory, but one of release.
I stood up and walked next to her, I had no concerns about her turning on me as even without the additional powers of the others, I was a male tiger to her, much more powerful than her and one who brought her a way to release many of the pent up emotions within her.
My hand gently caressed her head, allowing her to tilt slightly sideways against his leg as she sat in the large pool of Ryan's blood.
Although now she would be going through a vast new amount of emotions, she tilted her head upward and looked me in my eyes, "Thank you, I know you did this for your reasons and might be seeing me as a tool or toy to manipulate but I don't care. If I had found out he was 'Dead' I think I would have fallen apart." She gently rubs her head against my leg and then stands up, looking down at the mess she made.
"If you have done, I can clean it up now. Oh, I also started actions against his family who reported the so-called accident, they will be penniless soon."
Felicia nods, I am guessing there must be a lot going through her mind now. I wave my hand, more for effect than any real need, and watch the bloody body and mess vanish, cleaning Felicia as well.
As we head down a few people draw in their breaths as they see the changed Felicia, she giggles and explains "It's okay, I can change back anytime I want. At the moment I just prefer being like this."
I notice Beast lifting his head and sniffing the air lightly, seemingly confused. (LMAO after I finished the chapter I re-read this and my brain went to one place, guy and girl coming downstairs and he smells
I am surprised to note Felicia heads over to stand next to Jean and smiles at her, not sure if she realizes how that smile looks with fangs.
I sit down with the two of them standing behind me now.
"So, how about we free some friends?"
Charles glances around then sighs and speaks, "Joel, what are your abilities, while you were upstairs I asked Eric and even he has no idea, but unlike him, I feel it would help us work together."
Eric chuckles, "He is using them to help us if we were going into full-scale battle together I would agree. Right now he is helping us get stronger, and he does not need our help for the rescue."
I sigh and realize I will need to let them know at least something, but like hell am I telling them my weakness or the side effect of my powers. (I will only be brief here. If you want them all he has his own that was enhanced when Hope fused hers with him and then all hers are listed in the chap Possibilities. Please keep in mind he is lying at some points to not tell them his weakness and leave an ace for himself (Power Negation).)
"Okay, well let's assume you know what these do. I can gain the ability of any mutant I encounter but much improved, no limit and I can disable any disadvantageous abilities. So yeah, as you saw I can stabilise and help a mutant evolve. I can, for a short time enhance mutants to their absolute peak with a full understanding of their powers, I am not sure how many I enhance at once, only tried 5 so far." This last remark got a few murmurs as the idea of a fully powered group of Omega mutants ran through people's heads.
" Hey, not done yet. I can make all your powers synergize together to create something much more powerful, that either you can use or I can if I use it with all the powers I gained I could. I can pinpoint mutants all over the world. Okay, this is getting a bit long, sheesh, not even done yet well let's just add this one and leave it there. I can awaken a mutant's power, or in the case they do not have the X-gene, any other ability they might have, and also just give an ability to someone who has no hidden abilities. So yeah, there we go." (I am not going to count this toward the word count, lol)
The room is silent, I glance around shrug, and lean back waiting for them to process it all, there is a reason Hope is called the Savior of mutants, all her abilities are focused on making them more powerful it seems, also making her a leader with the ability to influence anyone she has used her power on.
Charles, big surprise, is the first to speak, "Joel, you could give mutants hope again. With your abilities, it is almost like you were born to help mutants find a place in this world."
Eric is the next to speak, although previously he had decided to live in peace, I have seen a change in him since I told him about his daughter's clone. "Joel's abilities are his own, not mutants, and he already seems to have considered mutants, did he not invite you over to help? He set no limits on those he was willing to help, but I notice you kept back your most trusted."
Rouge arches her brow, she had once been deceived into harming the X-men, but that was years ago, and has always thought the Professor trusted her now. The others I aided all seem to be having similar thoughts as I keep a straight face.
Eric knows what he is doing, the man is an excellent manipulator, waiting until they had all received a benefit from me before mentioning it. Of course, he is unaware of my ability as it makes me look more and more trustworthy in their eyes.
I cough once, gaining the attention of the room, "You need to be aware after the mutants are free, there will be organizations using it to hunt us."
"I think it might be best to move the school here."
Charles and his X-men seem confused.
"This island is a mutant, it is also a wealth for mutants, not only is it very rich in mutant energy it is also able to create the plant life we request, including portal flowers that allow instant translocation and plants capable of defending the island."
Charles looked shocked, the concept of anything other than humans being a 'mutant' was something he had never considered.
"How would you move it, unless those flower portals you mentioned are able to transport a building?"
"No, I could move it, we have enough abilities for me to move the building here, although the connections to the building would all have to be redone."
"We could then leave an island flower there since only mutant energy can activate it, it can provide limited security. Naturally, we would need to set aside one area where the flower portal arrives at and ensure it is safe."
"Think about it, if we doing it, we need to do it before I free the others." I stand up, "You guys chat about it, give me a call when you decide."
I get up and walk out, I can feel Felicia following me, Jean is staying there, although it seems to be because she is being nosey, no other reason.
Standing outside facing the beach I sigh deeply, Felicia stands close and leans her head on my arm, this seems to be a form of reassurance for her as she sees me as the pack leader at the moment.
I close my eyes, connect to the island, and start going through all the plants we need. With the additional energy of the X-men on the island, it is able to grow a few portal flowers within an hour.
I ask it to release a mist composed of mutant energy, this energy will still be able to be used, so there are no negative effects. It will help us though as mutant energy can interfere with many forms of detection, the downside is that someone with a mutant detector that comes close enough will easily detect us.
I call Lilly and explain the details of the projects I was able to solve with Beast and Toad close by. This includes a relay for her to be in more than one location, this is also important for when she gets her own body, I do not want to lose access to my A.I.
"Joel, I have managed to access the plan Transigen/Essex have in regards to mutants beyond the projects we located."
"It seems to involve contaminating ... well just about everything once they have managed to create the mutant suppression formula."
"Oh, well that is going to help convince some people. Thanks, and good timing." I reply