Chapter 321

"Boom! Boom!" with a few spells that were powerful enough to damage the stone wall, but not too powerful to raise suspicion from other people in the library, the stone wall was torn down from the middle and the three men in robes of different colors squeezed through the hole in the middle. After entering the room, they did not forget to leave a soundproof spell at the door to prevent all sounds from going out.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." when the three men went into the interior of the room, they saw a young Chinese man in a beanie standing on top of a boulder saying to him: "You know this? That's some cartoon villain speak. If you're gonna say that, I swear I'm gonna kill myself right here."

"Okay, are you gonna do that?" the man in the front wearing a purple robe asked Jason: "That would save us the work."

"So you're here to murder us." Jason sat down on the boulder: "Does your master know that you are about to do something so incredibly stupid? I mean, c'mon, murder in the middle of a library, in the fucking Grant Academy?"

"But you are really scared. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking to us with an illusion while you hide." the man in a green robe said: "Why not just come out and make it easy for all of us? I promise you we'll be quick."

"Ayayayaaah!" a loud scream came from above, a young woman holding a giant two handed axe leapt down from the ceiling, and swung the giant axe at them.

The man in blue robe flailed his left hand in the air, tossing out a lightning bolt at the young woman. The bolt of lightning went straight through the young woman's body, leaving only a puff of smoke behind.

"Optical illusion with sound effect." the man in a purple robe looked around with his eyes glowing in purple: "You're good. I don't know who taught you that, but for a student, that's impressive enough."

"AUDIT student." Jason pointed at the three men and said: "Do you know? Audit students can be just as good and skilled as your normal students here. Just because a student is not from some big magical family, doesn't mean that they don't have anything to offer..."

The man in a green robe threw a green energy ball at the boulder and shattered it completely, and Jason was also turned into a puff of smoke.

"Wherever you are, young audit student, maybe it's time for you to witness what true illusion spells look like." the man in a purple robe conjured up a ball of purple energy between his two palms, then he tossed it towards the ceiling.

The ball of purple energy exploded when it got close to the center of the ceiling, and unleashed a purple shockwave that swept through every corner of the room.

Thomas, Aimee, Caroline and Jason were hiding under a piece of rock in the middle of the room while Jason was creating and maintaining his illusion spells remotely. Thomas got off the phone right when they smashed the boulder near the entrance of the room and dispersed the illusion of Jason.

"Professor Barnes said hang tight, they'll be on their way soon." Thomas said.

"Okay, let's hang tight until they get here. And remember, if the fight breaks out, you guys stay behind and help us." Caroline nodded and said: "We'll try to hold them off for as long as possible."

"Just be very careful." Aimee said.

Right this moment, a strange energy shockwave passed through their body.

Caroline and Jason immediately started hearing a strange voice in their heads.

"Where are you? Where are you hiding?"

The voice sounded just like the man in a purple robe, and Caroline and Jason were able to instantly shake it off. But Aimee and Thomas both went into some sort of hypnotized state, as their eyes lost focus and they started looking around aimlessly.

"Dad? What are you doing here? How did you come to the academy?" Aimee asked with a surprise voice.

"Mom? How is this possible?" Thomas also asked with a surprised tone: "I - I thought we lost you..."

"Shit!" Caroline realized what was going on, so she immediately slapped Aimee and Thomas on the back of their heads, and she did so with a bit of power of mind and will concentrated on her hands.

"Boom!" the rock they were hiding under exploded into thousands of little pieces, along with the protective layers created by Jason.

"Fuck! Already?" Jason grabbed Thomas, who was still in a state of confusion, and jumped out of the space with Caroline, who grabbed Aimee with her.

A bolt of lightning and a green energy arrow shot towards them, but Caroline's shield lit up in orange and red, creating a huge energy shield that stood in the way between them and the two attacks.

Another loud explosion, Caroline and Jason were almost sent to the back end of the room by the explosion, but they were mostly unharmed.

"You guys alright?!" Jason asked while holding his pen-spear and standing in front of Aimee and Thomas: "Wake up - shake it off. Just a mental illusion spell, nothing to be worried about."

"Oh hoho, nonono." the three men started forming an enclosing line while they moved towards Caroline and Jason: "It's an illusion spell and detection spell combined into one. If you answered to the illusion, you would also reveal your position to me. An invention of the great Josephine Wong, and one of my favorite tricks."

"Yeah, she's my master's wife. And we're practically her step sons and step daughters." Jason pointed his spear forward and readied his battle position: "If you dare touch us, she's gonna be pissed."

"Bullshit!" the three men were about to attack again, but Caroline and Jason attacked first.

Jason thrusted his pen-spear forward, shooting out a barrage of silver shadows of speartips like he fire off a shotgun at close range, while Caroline swung her axe horizontally and unleashed a crescent shaped orange and red energy blade.