Chapter 322

A green wall of energy was erected in front of the three men, this was the work of the man in a green robe, which was quite clearly made of wind magical energy. It was created in a hurry, and both Jason and Caroline's sharp energy attack were able to penetrate it.

"Shit!" "Fuck!" the tiny fragments of energy flew off through the holes on the energy wall, and almost hit the man in a green robe and the man in a blue robe.

Jason leapt sideways and thrusted his spear towards the three men once again, and this time, with two silver shadows of him making the same attack, and his target was the man in a purple robe this time.

Meanwhile, Caroline raised her axe in the air, and behind her, a vague shadow of a bird of fire started forming behind her.

The man in a purple robe was knocked back by Jason's spear attack and his robe was torn up. When he regained his composure and was about to attack again, he saw the fiery bird shadow and yelled in panic: "How the fuck - kill her! Kill her now!"

Just when the other two men started casting their own attack spells, Jason raised his pen-spear in the air, a beam of silver light shot up in the air and exploded. From the silver energy explosion, thousands of silver swords, spears, darks and shurikens rained down like some kind of meteor shower.

"Fuck!" the man in a green robe and the man in a blue robe had no choice but to discard their attack spells and conjured up protective ones to shield themselves from the shower of silver energy weapons while backing off from the range of the attack.

"You foolish fucks!" the man in a purple robe held two purple energy balls in both his palms and cursed: "That attack was mostly fake! You're fucking duped! "

The other two men found this out as well - among the thousands of silver energy weapons, only about thirty percent of them were actually real and possessed the power to actually do damage, the other seventy percent were just illusions and harmless shadows, like the "young man" who taunted them when the came into the room.

And they had to pay the price - the fiery bird shadow was already fully formed by the time they noticed that they were duped, and as Caroline slammed her axe down on the ground, the fiery bird shadow flapped its wings and thousands of feathers made of pure fire energy shot out at the three men.

"Boom boom boom boom!" the explosive power from the bird's feathers were comparable to that of artillery shells. Though the man in a green robe and the man in a blue robe technically had greater power than either Jason or Caroline, their lack of real battle experience made it so that they had to be constantly on the defense. And right now, they could only hide behind their energy shields and try to avoid being hit directly by the feather strikes.

The man in a purple robe was the only one with enough time and battle experience to protect himself, evade the attacks and launched his own counter attack - the two purple energy balls on his hands merged into one and turned into a purple snake with wings, and the moment it fully took shape, it coiled up and lunged right at Caroline.

Caroline expended a lot of Xuanli with this strike, and when faced with this energy snake she had no choice but to attempt to block it with her shield. But the snake did not crash into her shield, even given its straight and rapid trajectory. Instead, it curled up its long body around Caroline and immediately tightened the wrap, attempting to strangle her.

A translucent orange and red bubble appeared around Caroline, and prevented her from being wrapped around by the snake's body directly. But when the snake continued to squeeze, cracks immediately started appearing on the bubble shield.

"Bang!" Jason's feet stomped the ground so hard that the dirt and rocks exploded from the impact, and his body was launched towards the man in a purple robe leaving a string of afterimages behind him.

The man in a purple robe raised his arms and crossed them in front of himself, his long and drooping sleeves lit up in purple and turned into an energy shield. When the tip of Jason's pen-spear got into contact with it, Jason felt as if he jabbed his weapon into a clump of extremely thick clay, which absorbed almost all of the impact from his attack.

This did not sway Jason one bit, he immediately freed up his left hand and unleashed a palm attack on the ground.

The man in a purple robe immediately leapt backwards when he saw the brown energy from Jason's palm submerged into the ground. And the next moment, five stone spikes shot up from the ground where he stood and cut his ankles - if he didn't dodge in time, he would have been impaled.

"Jason!" Caroline called out for help.

Jason's body flickered in silver light and he left three silver shadows of him behind, which launched another round of attack on the man in a purple robe, while he rushed back in assistance to Caroline.

Caroline's bubble shield was now covered with cracks and looked like it would break at any time. The pressure the purple energy snake put on her shield was finally relieved when Jason came to her and swung his pen-spear at the energy snake's head.

"Ting! " the purple energy snake faced Jason's attack head on with its bite, and it was able to knock Jason back, at the cost of both its fangs. This clash gave Caroline a brief window of relief, which she took advantage of by detonating her bubble shield and pushed back at the energy snake's entanglement, and with a slash using her axe, she cut her way out of the position.

"You little shits!" the man in a green robe flew up in the air with his robe all torn up and a giant wind blade on his hands.

"Bang!" a gunshot came from the back end of the room, and a silver energy bullet hit the man in a green robe right on the shoulder - this was Thomas, who held a silver rifle in his hand.

"Motherfuckers! I'll fucking tear you up limb by limb!" the man in a blue robe saw what happened but still managed to get more agitated instead of cautious, but when he was about to conjure another spell, he sensed that some other people rushed into the room, and the next moment, he felt a cold blade on his neck.

"You'd better not." the voice of Professor Tony Barnes, Headmaster of Hellbruck House came from behind.