Chapter 357

A barrage of lightning bolts shot out from the wand wielded by the female mage in a blue robe. And Caroline had to block them instead of dodging them, because she just parried a few hits from Emilia Corin and had no chance.

The lightning bolts forced Caroline's back against a tree. And at the same time, Emilia Corin jumped towards her side and swung her longer sword against her shoulder. Caroline had to explode her Xuanli for the third time today and push Emilia Corin away, while still keeping an eye on the mage with a grudge against her.

"Jason! Help here!" Caroline stepped on the tree behind her and jumped to the side to give her some distance between her and her opponents. The next moment she banged her battle axe on her shield and released a sweeping fiery shockwave at Emilia Corin and the female mage in a blue robe to force them away.

"Busy!" Jason also had to pull away from his battle, the man with wolf-like fur on his arms and long sharp fingernails was joined by another man that had similar physical characteristics as him. And appearance was not the only similarity between them, they both had enhanced ability to heal and regenerate, almost unlimited stamina, thick and sturdy bones and superhuman strength. Jason was already having some trouble with one such opponent, for though he was able to create some grevious wounds on his opponent's body, he could never make them last.

Jason swung his pen-spear from left to right, and a long silver polearm with two curved hooks on its blade was shot out at one of his opponents and impaled him through his chest. The blade of the polearm then sunk into a tree behind him, temporarily locking him on the tree. Then he raised his pen-spear in front of him to block a claw attack from his other opponent, which made him back off a few steps.

"Use the card! And hide!" Thomas found that he was not able to get through the energy shield created by the fighter with a huge sword and stop the attack that was being pulled by the archer, Thomas yelled at Aimee.

"Fuck!" Aimee's rifle was empty already, and she had to toss the gun aside, took out a wooden card with a lady bug relief sculpture on it. And when she infused her magical powers into the card, a small lady bug made of ice appeared in front of her, and started circling her and Thomas: "This bug… this is just a small bug!"

"Then go! I'm out!" Thomas fired the last few rounds in his magazine, so he just hung his rifle to the side with the strap and pulled out a handgun to continue firing at their opponents to keep applying the pressure while he and Aimee were getting ready to leave the fight.

"Bang!" the archer's bow let out a loud sound from its string, and three arrows were sent into the air. The three arrows were shining in green, and their heads turned sideways midair right at the exact same height, forming into a simple array in the air.

Light green energy arrows started raining down from the array in the air, all aiming at the general direction of Aimee and Thomas.

When the rain of green energy arrows got close, the lady bug made of ice started making a high-pitched screeching sound. A wall of wind started forming around them, and embedded in the wind were hundreds of tiny ice shards, whose numbers were still growing by the second.

When the green energy arrows landed on the wall of wind with ice shards inside, they were pushed from the side by the wind while being cut and impacted by the ice shards. These factors were not strong enough to completely shield them from the arrows, but they still made the energy arrows deviate from their original trajectories.

Sharp pain started coming from almost all extremities of Aimee and Thomas, none of the energy arrows hit them on the crucial parts of their bodies, but this did not mean they wouldn't hurt as they left bleeding cuts and scratches on their bodies.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck..." Thomas grabbed Aimee's shoulder with his right arm, trying to shield Aimee from the energy arrows. And as the ice lady bug became weaker and weaker, the energy arrows started landing closer and closer. Lucky for them, they were able to find a piece of protruding rock and hid behind it, but not before an energy arrow impaled Thomas's left leg.

"Thomas! " Aimee pulled Thomas under the shade of the rock, and then placed her hand on the wound on Thomas' leg, trying to use her ice magic to slow the bleeding.

"These motherfuckers..." Thomas pulled out the wooden card given to him, which had the relief sculpture of an ant on it.

The magical power flow into the wooden card was quite quick and violent even, which almost completely drained Thomas in a few seconds' time.

A translucent ant the size of a human thumb appeared then disappeared, and before long they heard a painful cry from the archer: "Fuck! Son of a bitch! Something bit me!"

Things were not just bad for Aimee and Thomas. Though having landed no less than a few dozen attacks on his opponents, Jason still got hit by a few claw attacks from his opponents, and if not for him having cast Internal Fortification on himself, he would have probably bled out. Caroline was not bleeding as much, but her muscles were aching and her internal organs were burning up due to the many lightning bolts she had to take on without much defense. Garret Peyton was the best fighter among the five, but his opponent was also the best in his own team, and he was struck with several heavy attacks from the fight and was coughing blood.

"Stop!" two extremely powerful lightning bolts shot down from the sky, one of which landed on the back of one of Jason's opponents, blasting him away from where he was, the other missed the target, struck the ground and exploded, Emilia Corin evaded the attack at the very last minute, but she was blasted away by the shockwave as well. An old wizard wearing a luxurious blue robe descended from the sky and landed behind Jason and Caroline.

"Don't move a muscle, or you're gonna see your own head leaving your body." a red headed assassiness wearing a dark red leather suit appeared out of nowhere and had one of her daggers at the archer's neck, and the other's tip sunk into the fighter's back: "And you, big guy, if I pushed, your heart would be shredded."

"Master Blue." Garret Peyton leapt back and wiped the blood from his nose and the corner of his mouth: "Thank you."

"Cavalry is finally here." Jason limped backwards from his position - there were two very nasty scratch wounds on his shoulder and his right leg, but he was not bleeding to a dangerous degree: "And sir, can I just tell you, you look dashing and fabulous."

"Want me to take a look at your wound, Jason?" Caroline was also limping backwards with her shield and battle axe raised before her. Then she turned to Emilia Corin: "Looks like we've gotta meet another time. IF you are able to last that long."

"Blue." the tattooed man seemed angry and slightly fearful at the same time: "Didn't expect to see you here."

"I don't suppose I know you, young man." Blue nodded and said: "I am here with my colleague Vivian, and we would like to bring these young people home."

"Hold them!" the tattooed man yelled to all of his teammates: "Our reinforcements will be here any minute! "