Chapter 358

"Do you know who those people are?" when the team that had been pursuing them since the safehouse left the battlefield unwillingly, Garret Peyton asked Caroline and Jason: "At least that woman wearing that very expensive looking armor and those two famous slash notorious swords."

"That's - that's Emilia Corin." Caroline said.

"Wait what?" Thomas and Aimee both gasped and stood up from where they were sitting: "Emilia Corin? THAT Emilia Corin?"

"Let's get back first." Blue took out a small piece of paper and conjured up a portal in front of them according to the notes written on it: "This would take you to the inn. Ms. Wong would be waiting for you there. And so would Mr. Yu."

"Are you not coming with us?" Garret Peyton stood beside the portal, waiting for the rest of the safehouse escapees to go in first: "What happened? Why are you rescuing us and not the other agents? I am not saying I am not grateful, but - "

"We're incredibly understaffed. Young Garret." Blue nodded and said: "You haven't officially joined the Division yet, so you might not know about all the details - but there is a war going on between two groups of very powerful players. We have plenty of reasons to believe this is some kind of infighting between high level members of the Exalted Bondsmen."

"... okay." Garret Peyton sighed and turned to the other four, who were still standing near the portal: "What are you waiting for? Go in!"

"I just want to say. Thank you very much, Master Blue, Ms. - Ms. Vivian" Jason held his fists and bowed towards Blue and Vivian.

"Thank you. There's no words that could explain how grateful I am." Caroline also held her fists and bowed. Thomas and Aimee were stunted for a short moment because they did not know how to properly express their gratitude, so they just bowed like Caroline and Jason.

"No worries. Say hi to your master for us." Vivian and waved them goodbye.

When all five of them stepped outside of the portal, they found themselves transported to the parking lot of Xianshi Inn. And with enthusiasm and hurry, Caroline and Jason headed first into the inn.

"Boss! You alright!?" Jason yelled when he got into the lounge: "Boss!?"

"Jason, Caroline, glad to see you back." a strange tall thin man stood up from behind the reception's desk: "I made some tea in the kitchen, you wanna have some?"

"Um - who are you?" Caroline stopped and frowned at the strange tall thin man: "And where's Dave? And where's Boss?"

"My name is Rashmumba D'Eclaire, but you can call me Rash." the tall thin man went into the kitchen and took out a teapot and five cups: "I believe you saw me before, but we've never been officially introduced."

"So - you're the jellyfish?" Jason took a look at the empty fish tank near the official entrance.

"Yep, I was in recovery mode until fairly recently, and helping Mr. Yu take care of this wonderful inn is the least I can do to pay him back." Rash laid down the cups and poured tea in all of them: "Here, have some tea."

"How's Boss?" Caroline asked.

"And how's Ms. Wong?" Garret Peyton picked up one of the tea cups out of respect and said: "Can you tell us? I am very worried about her."

"They are both okay. Not well, not good, but they'll live. Dammit I forgot to get my own cup..." Rash hesitated for a short moment then drank from the teapot directly: "Oh, ah ah ah - hot! Mr. Yu is resting in his own room. And Ms. Wong is taking a bath in the underground library."

"A bath in the library?" Garret Peyton was a bit weirded out.

"Yeah, it's uh - our master's library." Caroline shrugged and said: "Here, let me open the door for you."

"Nonononono!" Garret Peyton immediately shook his head: "I'll - I'll wait here!"

"Let me take a look then." Aimee finished her cup of tea and turned to Caroline: "Point me the way please."

"Here." Caroline led Aimee to the door to the diner, then she just closed the door and pushed it open again, the diner disappeared behind the door, and the interior of a spacious underground room with some book shelves in the background appeared, then she turned back at Jason: "Jason, can you go check on Boss?"

"On it." Jason finished his tea and ran upstairs.

Aimee followed Caroline through the teleporting door into the underground library. Aimee wanted to ask Caroline about the magical door, but then decided to ask later.

"Bath - bath - I don't remember there being a bathroom here." Caroline looked around at the library in which she spent quite some time before heading to the Grant Academy: "Ms. Wong!? Where are you?"

"I'm here." just this moment, a hidden door lit up from a wall to their left, and slowly swung open, Josephine Wong came out from behind, wearing a light purple silk bathrobe: "Sorry to have kept you waiting - I went into an unexpected healing coma while taking a medicinal bath and fell asleep for almost two straight days. I am very glad you are okay, I am right to put my trust into Agent Carolina that she would handle things properly."

"Ms. Wong, what happened?" Aimee walked up to Josephine Wong's side and asked: "We called earlier today and heard that you're injured - "

"I WAS injured." Josephine Wong smiled and patted Aimee's shoulder, then she held Caroline's hand and said: "Jianmen took my wound away from me and saved me from a horrible death. Now I'm just - tired."

The scenery around them shifted, like a movie on fast forward, and Caroline and Aimee found that they were teleported to the diner, with absolutely no sign of any spell being placed on them.

"Woah." Caroline looked around.

"Your boss granted me full access to all amenities here." Josephine Wong chuckled and showed Caroline and Aimee a simple looking bracelet: "Let's have dinner together, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I will be answering them - to the best of my and YOUR abilities."

"Oh, god." Caroline sighed, then shook her head with a wry smile: "It's weighted information and knowledge, isn't it?"

"You better get used to it." Josephine Wong opened a cupboard and took out a cookie jar: "Coffee cookie?"