Chapter 607

"Bang!" The battle axe attack from this Caroline exploded when it clashed with the bat creature, but it carried a relatively small amount of energy compared to her previous attacks, not to mention compared to how charged and forceful its delivery looked.

At almost the same time, a battle axe seemed to have come out of thin air and crashed through the energy wall erected around the bat creature without losing much momentum and struck it right on the left waist.

Fur, skin and muscles burned, bones cracked, the bat creature screeched in pain as it was thrown to the side from the impact. The fiery Xuanli gushing into its body through the grevious wound on its waist started burning and charing its internal organs and other parts of its body.

The next moment, a sturdy rock appeared right next to the bat creature's hind legs, tripping it and making it lose balance for an instant. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jason's pen-spear swung over from the other side and landed a full forced strike on its right shoulder.

"Crack!" The sharp blade on the silver pen-spear carved into the flesh and bones of this bat creature, spewing quite a few drops of thick dark liquid that gave off a foul, pungent scent and was releasing gray smoke when exposed to the air.

The flames inside the bat creature's eye socket exploded in size, and it opened its mouth wide to release an explosive shockwave of cold gray energy in fury.

The shadows of Jason and Caroline created by Jason cracked and some of them crumbled entirely under the effects of this shockwave, and the two of them were forced back by it and had to halt their attacks.

This shockwave also impacted the lycans and the other three from their team - even though they did not suffer the direct blow, the force from the dispersed airwaves from the shock still disrupted their movements.

This shockwave was not only meant to stop the attacks of Caroline and Jason, it also had some effects on the things buried underneath the floor of this hall. Jason pushed his True Sight spell harder and tried to look beyond the mere surface of the ground - there he saw it, tens of bodies buried underground, circulating energy as if they were batteries that had similar signatures to the bat creature. And right now, these bodies were activated and started to crawl up from their chambers.

"Crack!" "Crack!" Various hands popped out from the ground, and a lot of these bodies that were originally buried underneath this underground hall came into the hall as their zombified selves. These bodies were not just humans or lycans, they included vampires and even some humanoid creatures that were much bigger in size and therefore possessed much more physical strength when they became zombified. The group of lycans were able to hold off and even gain advantage over the zombified lycans before, but the turn of the situation instantly put them in greater danger than the humans.

"What the fuck!?" Caroline looked around and cursed: "More of these?"

"Let's kill this motherfucker as soon as possible." Jason raised his pen-spear again and readied for another wave of attack: "These zombies are clearly controlled by this bastard. And I've got this weird feeling that this fucker could be watching us and could come here anytime. Let's finish him off as fast as possible."

"It's growing in power, quick!" Laura said to Jason and Caroline while conjuring a volley of spells to attack the new reanimated bodies that appeared, aiding Aimee and Thomas in their attempts at fighting back against the forces of this bat creature.

"Laura, that lycan you controlled - could you poison him?" Jason took a deep breath, then asked Laura via a secret message: "This bat creature could be having some kind of energy circulation with these zombies - "

"Poison the stream, I understand." Laura nodded while making hand seals to conjure up more attack and control spells: "Hold on."

Jason and Caroline roared and charged at the bat creature once again. This time, just like before, Caroline led the charge attack with a crescent shaped energy blade, and this time, Jason followed up with a lower to upper swing of his pen-spear, shooting several silver shadows of silver energy spear.

"Bang!" "Bang!" The bat creature swung its front legs like humans would their arms trying to defend themselves. The attacks from Caroline and Jason, two humans, proved to be way more devastating than it previously imagined, and its two front legs were seriously shaken by these attacks, especially its right front leg, for its shoulder had already endured being severely injured by Jason previously.

The bat creature grunted and flapped its long bony tail at the two humans before it, after some time adapting to and adjusting this body, it managed to concentrate most of the energy inside this body and recreate one of its most powerful weapons: its long, agile, toxic and sharpened tail, which could even slice through the fabric of space and time when it was in full power.

"Ting!" The sharpened blade of the bat creature's tail smacked into the shaft of Jason's silver pen-spear. After a loud clash, Jason was thrown back into the air and tumbled on the ground, with a small chip and some minute cracks on the point of impact.

"Hoztang! You fucking coward!" Suppressing the sense of awe, distress and terror coming from the mere thought of saying this name out loud at the bat creature's presence, Jason yelled out the name of the fallen god with an enhanced voice, broadcasting the fallen god's name to everyone in the hall: "You sorry ass don't deserve shit! Let alone godhood!"

The bat creature was just in the middle of redirecting its tail at Caroline, and after hearing its name being uttered, it hesitated for a brief moment, which gave Caroline just the right window to lunge forward with her shield held in front of her and infused with her Xuanli.

"Boom!" The shield bash struck true without any hindrance, landing at none other spot than the chest area of the bat creature, where the marking of the True Word was.

And it was at this time, Laura finished a meticulous spell and cast it onto the zombified lycan contained by her, and forced it to kneel before the bat creature once again.

An energy explosion threw Caroline back, almost sending her tumbling on the ground just like Jason.