Chapter 608

This was a realm whose landscapes could be the source of nightmares for almost anyone. There were small comets shooting across the tiny space, ruptures in the space that spewed out lava of different colors as if they were volcanoes that came from space instead of land and earth, floating islands in the sky. The directions in which the mountains and vegetation on these floating islands pointed indicated that the direction of gravity force was as chaotic and random as the locations of the islands themselves. If one was to come into this realm, they would notice that there were shadows of creatures, pulled into long and thin ribbons, coursing through the space around the floating mountains as if they were serving as protective wrappings for them.

Amongst the many floating islands, there was one that was biggest in size, and one that was surrounded by several "space volcanoes", more "ribbons" made of pulled shadows of creatures, and had a thin glimmering aura around it. At the center of this floating island, there was a throne with ample sitting space on its highest mountain, one that seemed to be an amalgamation of sharp, dark and shiny scales instead of rocks and stones. The throne itself was made from hundreds of pieces of bones, seemingly from different creatures and processed using some kind of foul magic. One could find several skulls on this throne if they were to count, all of which had gems embedded inside. On the throne lay a humongous creature with a long centipede-like body with thousands and thousands of sections, several long arms that also had hundreds of sections, spikes and sharp long claws, and a long neck connected to a large flat head with several faces.

Hoztang, this was its name when it was still a god, and it was still its name after its unfortunate and regretful fall. Right now, it was playing around with a small piece of white crystal, given to him as a token of goodwill by a wretched human whom it had the misfortune of encountering twice. It could sense the power within this small grain of crystal, and it knew full well how to make use of the energy inside of this crystal - it would help a lot especially relieving it of the pain it always felt and the setbacks it constantly encountered when trying to recover from the wounds from the fall. But the issue was, there was too little of this white crystal, and Hoztang had many pain points it could use this crystal on.

Hoztang did not know how to get this crystal, but for an energy source this precious, it was surely not easy.

Just this moment, it sensed that the "seed" of his power that was in a dormant state due to its conduit being slain became activated for some reason. Hoztang hesitated once more, due to this particular seed being in the same realm as those wretched humans. After a short moment of deliberation, it decided to split a small portion of its spirit energy and sent it over to the realm to take a look.

When its spirit energy located the position of its seed, it found that its seed was now contained inside of a jar under the restraint of several layers of seals, carried by the human who slew its conduit. And at this moment, these humans seemed to have stumbled across a corpse - and one that once belonged to another god - one that had fallen as well, and one that did not survive the fall at all. The completely fallen god's actual name was forgotten by the world after the fall, and Hoztang just vaguely remembered it as the "Night Lord", and its godhood, was that of Night Terror and Sleeplessness, one that was quite similar to Hoztang's.

The sight of this corpse was no doubt an extremely pleasant surprise for Hoztang, and thus it immediately, without consideration that it might alert the others in the realm about its presence, sent a command to its seed, ordering it to break out of the containment at any cost and to parasitize and take over the body.

But just when the spirit energy of Hoztang witnessed its seed breaking out of the sealing spells and arrays and merging into the body of the former "Night Lord", a voice resounded in the very realm in which Hoztang's main body resided, in its own language as well.

"Hoztang … former Overlord of Despair and Purposelessness." The voice called to Hoztang in a whispering yet provocative voice: "You were supposed to fall. Yet to the remnants of your former glory and kingdom you are still clinging."

Hoztang's long centipede-like body immediately sprung up into attack mode, the many faces on its wide and flat head looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice - it was definitely somewhat familiar, but it was not able to tell where this sense of familiarity came from.

A small stream of dark energy seeped into the realm and slowly flowed to the space in front of Hoztang, like a droplet of dark ink into clean water. The stream of energy started taking shape the moment they reached its destination, but Hoztang just launched a full forced attack against it directly with a beam of dark red energy shot from its mouth, without even a moment of hesitation.

The beam of energy was struck nothing but air and empty space in its path, and the stream of dark energy just appeared at another place in front of Hoztang, this time in its full form - a creature of roughly two adult humans' heightl with a hairy crab with dark shells as its lower body, and a bobbit worm with tentacles as its upper body.

"Hoztang, former Overlord of Despair and Purposelessness, " The creature said in a calm but mocking voice: "Your clinging to godhood and imbalanced power ends now."