Chapter 3


I had met Selena years ago through her father, her father was my father's Delta so he was basically the one who traveled to other packs as our representative.

I met her once when we were both 8 she seemed sad buy for some reason our wolves had taken a liking to each other after that we never really saw each other again I had forgotten about her over the years untill I earlier.

I didn't expect it to be her I was going to class when I saw some girls beating someone up "c'mon bitch don't just lay there get up" I heard a girl yell.

"Hey what's going on here" I said and the girls turned around "we were punishing her for bumping into us al.." the one girl said but I snapped back interrupting her "How dare you" I didn't know why but I was pissed, I then took a breath to calm my self "get to class I'll deal with you later" I said and the girls ran away,

After they left I ran over to her and realized it was Selena she slowly got up to her feet but fell down again in wincing in pain.

"Hey be careful" I said picking her up "let's get you to the infirmary" I continued "thanks for all your help but I can go myself" she said but at the same time griping my shirt.

My wolf felt hurt that this had happened to her she didn't deserve this and we both knew it.

as I was carrying her to the infirmary she fell asleep "she's cute when she sleeps" Storm said.

Storm is my inner wolf he's basically another part of my soul, he had said that and honestly I was surprised he had never taken a liking to another wolf before.

that was except for Selena and our mate but I figured after our mate died he wouldn't care about anyone even old friends.

after leaving the infirmary we bumped into Brian my Future beta, "What happened to her" he said and I turned around still hold Selena in my arms

"she was getting beat up and I saved her the nurse said that they don't have the supplies to heal her so I'm taking her to the hospital" I replied to him. "give her to me I'll take her so you don't miss class" he replied.

Selena clenched up and I could tell something happened between them so started to hold her a little tighter. "no it's fi..." i said until I was interrupted by Selena getting out of my arms

"I will go my self" she said limping slowly away, I ran behind her and scooped her up in my arms "hey what are you..." "I'm taking you your in no condition to drive" I interrupted "but what what about my truck?" she said trying to convince me.

"I'll have Brian bring it to the pack house or something." I replied, she didn't say anything after that so she probably knew that she wouldn't win against me.

after a minute we got to my blue Ford focus and i laid her in the passenger seat closed the door and got in on the driver side.

The car ride was filled with silence up untill I broke it. I found out that Selena and Brian were actually mates but he rejected her I had no clue how the hell she wasn't in so much pain but she didn't understand either.

we eventually got to the hospital and I took her in we sat in a room talking for a bit again and I for some reason told her about my mate being gone and she told me how she had no friends.

before I could tell her that I would be her friend the door came in and we started the exam which took over an hour.

when the doctor finally left and we we're alone again I told her that I would be her friend, she was so confused I couldn't help but chuckle, but she did to and she accepted me as her friend.

we spent the next few minutes waiting for the doctor talking and getting to know each other I found out a lot about her like her favorite colors were red and black and how her mother had hated her for no reason.

after a few minutes Dr. Johnson came back into the room. "ok so I think I've roughly rounded everything with you" she said "How bad" Selena asked sounding kinda nervous "Well Selena you have 4 broken ribs, a slight concussion, a sprained ankle and that's not even the jist of it" she said reading off her clip board.

"I'm gonna give you a shot before you leave to help with the heal it will make you pretty tired bit don't worry that's normal" Selena nodded and Dr. johnson gave her the shot and a little while later we she was discharged with a note that said to stay by her side till she is healed...

To Be Continued